When Isabella found out she might have a superpower, she was excited to beat up bad guys. But even more than that, she hoped she’d become a horse. Or maybe a centaur, which is a half-person, half-horse. I mean, she really loved horses—so much that she was sure she would have some kind of horse-power.

As she raced to the girls’ bathroom to look for a mirror, she couldn’t stop thinking about how awesome she would be as a horse: Her mane would be flowing and pretty. Her horseshoes would be shiny and new. And she would be the most feared crime-fighting horse out there. She’d kick crime in the butt—with her hooves!

Of course, when she saw herself in a mirror, she flippered out.

“A dolphin?!” she screamed. Isabella had no horse-power of any kind. Instead, she’d changed into an aquatic mammal. She was not happy. But she only had herself to blame. When the lightning struck, she obviously hadn’t been thinking about horses.

She would’ve been happier as a sea horse. But a dolphin? It was just a big dumb smart fish dolphin.

At least she could stand up straight, breathe normal air, and talk. That meant she could still go to class, birthday parties, and… well, maybe not aquatic shows.

As for superhero battles and crime-fighting? Dolphin-ately not.