


Over breakfast, we got back to talking about the hunt. "I called Leif this morning while you were in the shower," Chance said. "I thought he might know of someone to take over the hunts. He asked me why you didn't do it."

I just looked at him in shock. "I have no idea why you two would think I could lead a hunt for anything. Did he have any useful suggestions?"

"No, but then I called Tom."

"How's he doing?"

"He said it’s quiet in Wilkins' Gap with us gone. I'm not sure if that was a subtle dig or not."

"Probably, but did he suggest anyone?"

"Yeah. There's a guy we've worked with on some searches. He's from eastern Oregon around the Eagle Cap Wilderness area. Tom's going to track down his contact info through search and rescue. He'll send it to me."

"Do you know him well enough to ask him to take the hunts for you?"

"Yeah. He's good and not too rough around the edges."

When we finished eating and refilled our drinks, Chance checked his phone. "Tom sent me Ben's contact info. I'm going to give him a call before this meeting gets started. I'll meet you in the conference room. Do you mind taking my coffee?"

"No problem." I reached out to take his cup. "Good luck. I'll see you in a few minutes."

I gathered up my notes and our drinks and headed for the conference room. On the way, I realized I couldn't see why we'd be asked to be involved in a meeting with the medical staff. I knew they were researching the poultice that had been applied to my wound when Chance found me after Gracie's kidnapping, but I didn't see how that warranted a meeting.

When I walked in, Dr. Wainwright was standing to one side of the table talking with an older man I didn't know. I sat down our cups and laid out my note pad and pen.

"Hello, Ms. Mason. I'm glad you're here."

The older man behind him asked, "Is this her?"

Dr. Wainwright nodded.

"It's wonderful to meet you Ms. Mason. I'm Dr. Willis. I feel as though I know you already."

That was a little creepy, but just then Chance walked up with a grin on his face. By the time he'd introduced himself, Mr. Meecham and the others arrived and everyone was taking their seats. There were two doctors in addition to Doctors Wainwright and Willis.

"I'm glad you all could join us today. As so often happens, an unlikely series of events has led us to an amazing discovery," Mr. Meecham explained. "I always thought BITES biggest contribution to science would be actual proof of the existence of some of the cryptids of legend. We've done that in large part thanks to some of the people in this room, but now it looks like the organization may have a much more far-reaching legacy. I've asked Dr. Wainwright to explain in terms we all can understand."

I don't know if Dr. Wainwright's explanation was over my head or just boring, but I wasn't really paying attention.

Chance had been holding my hand under the table. He squeezed it hard. I turned to him, but before he could respond to the look on my face, Dr. Wainwright said, "I hope you'll be willing to cooperate with us, Ms. Mason. For now, work on this project will continue to be done at the BITES lab. That should make it more convenient."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Wainwright. What is it you need me to do?"

This time I paid attention. It seems the gunshot wound in my arm healing without a scar is a big deal. The scientists analyzed the poultice they took off my arm and the salve that was on Cassie face. Both of them contained plant material and extracts that were identified and available in the forest surrounding the BITES lab. There was one ingredient that they still hadn't been able to identify. By the time we walked out of the meeting, I was feeling a little like a lab rat in addition to adding more line items to my list.

"How do you feel about all of this?" I asked Cassie as we stopped in the dining room to refill our drinks.

"It's a little weird," she said. "I'm not sure how I feel about being hypnotized. Part of me would like to know what happened to me in the woods, but there's another part that is happy just to put it behind me. Have you ever been hypnotized?"

"No, and I don't like the idea."

"Ladies, I understand your concerns about the hypnosis," Chance said, "but even if you two are ready to except my explanation, the powers that be will want more than that."

"If you're right, and the hypnosis proves that bigfoot is responsible for the medical care we got in the woods, the powers that be won't just accept that."

"You're probably right," Cassie said. "So, what's the point?"

"I guess it's just something they want to check off some list," Chance said, giving me the grin that shows his dimple.

I hadn't noticed that Dr. Wainwright was standing behind me until he spoke up. "Ms. Mason, could I speak to you privately for a moment?"

"Um. Sure. I guess," I said. "I'll meet you upstairs," I told Chance as I followed Dr. Wainwright into an empty office. He sat behind the desk and motioned for me to take the chair in front.

"Ms. Mason, I needed to speak to you in private about the results of your blood test."