


After spending some time reconnecting with each other, we enjoyed a nice dinner in the hotel restaurant. "I feel so out of touch," I said as we ate. "Both our laptops and phones are gone. I hate that we lost all the plans for the museum."

"I have all my stuff backed up at home. We'll definitely need new phones and laptops though. There's no rush. I'm kind of enjoying not having to deal with anyone I can't see."

"Do you understand what was going on with the bigfoot in the jungle?" Now that we're away from there, I wonder if I just imagined it."

"You didn't. I have some ideas. No proof though. There have been bigfoot sightings in Argentina for decades. Dr. Braun and Katrin were of German descent. There's a long history of former-Nazi's living in South America and continuing some of the experiments from the past."

"Now, you're adding Nazi's to the mix. I'm not sure I can handle bigfoot, let alone Nazi bigfoot."

"Not where I was going," he grinned.

"Cassie said the journal at Dr. Belamy's said Dr. Wilhelm was trying to combine human and bigfoot DNA."

"It'll be good to read that journal. I have a feeling Dr. Braun may have been conducting similar experiments at the lodge."

We talked about the implications and ventured into wild speculations about the bigfoot we encountered in the jungle and those that Uncle Harry and Dutch observed in the Montana forests. I'm not sure how much of it I could actually believe, but there definitely seemed to be some links someone should investigate.

"Did they ever explain the reaction you and Jared had to the medication?"

"No. But remember, they kept us sedated most of the time so they didn't really share much information."

"Even if Meecham doesn't require it, I want you to have a thorough medical exam. I want to make sure there's no residual issues with whatever they doped you with."

He leaned his head over to whisper in my ear. "Let's go back to the room, and you can do your own thorough exam."

I stood up and reached for his hand. "What are you waiting for?"