
Charleston, South Carolina is a real place. Some of the landmarks and a few of the historical figures in this book do exist, and some (but not all) of the historical events were real. But the characters and their shops are all a work of fiction. So for example, if you go to Charleston (and I hope you do, because it’s a lovely place to visit), you can see the real Charleston City Market and walk down King Street, but you won’t find any of the businesses or restaurants I’ve mentioned by name. Any resemblance to real people or actual businesses is completely coincidental.

Many people in Charleston will tell you that the ghosts, however, are real. My ghosts are fictional, but that’s because Charleston has enough of its own already. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself.

I hope you enjoyed the adventures with Cassidy, Teag, and Sorren. If you want more, check out more Deadly Curiosities Adventures collected in Trifles and Folly, Trifles and Folly 2, as well as the full-length novels, Deadly Curiosities and Vendetta, available in paperback and e-book. Cassidy has more short stories and novellas coming!

Visit the website: for the latest news.

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