All recipes serve 4, unless otherwise noted.

I often list possible substitutions at the foot of the page. But just because I don’t mention any specific substitution you have in mind, doesn’t mean that you can’t use it: I invite you to be flexible and creative with these recipes, since that’s what makes the fun of cooking.

Remember to adjust the seasoning to suit your own taste, and the cooking time to suit the whims of your particular oven. (My own oven rules with an iron fist).

The ingredients are given in imperial measurements, since cups and tablespoons still seem to be most common for cooking. The chart below lists both metric and imperial equivalents; you’ll find it repeated throughout the book.


          1 teaspoon (t.) = 5 millilitres (ml)

        1 tablespoon (T.) = 15 millilitres (ml)

                                 1 cup = approximately 250 ml

                          1 ounce (oz.) = approximately 30 grams

2.2 pounds (lbs.) = 1 kilogram

                             1 inch (˝) = 2.54 centimetres (cm)