4 cups water

1 t. salt

3 large potatoes, peeled

Bring salted water to the boil. Add potatoes; cook, uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes until potatoes are tender.

¼ to 1 cup buttermilk or milk

1 T. oil or butter

¼ cup fresh parsley, minced

salt, pepper to taste

Drain potatoes thoroughly. Return to the pot; add buttermilk and oil. With a potato masher or electric beater, mash until smooth. Stir in parsley, adjust seasoning. Serve piping hot.


4 cups water

½ t. salt

3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed

Bring salted water to the boil. Add potatoes, cook uncovered for 15 minutes, or until potatoes are tender.

¼ to 1 cup orange juice

1 T. butter or margarine

1 to 2 T. honey or molasses

salt, pepper to taste

sprinkle of nutmeg

½ cup toasted, chopped pecans

Drain sweet potatoes thoroughly. Return to the pot. Add juice, honey, seasonings, and butter. With a potato masher or electric beater, mash until smooth. Stir in pecans. Taste; adjust seasoning. Serve immediately. Minced fresh parsley makes an attractive garnish.