A lovely vegetarian entreé at holiday gatherings. Sage, apples, and pecans are reminiscent of Thanksgiving.


2½ cups water

1 t. salt

¾ cup brown rice

½ cup wild rice

3 T. oil

PREHEAT OVEN TO 350° F. Bring salted water to the boil; add rice and return to the boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes until rice is tender and water has evaporated. Set aside.

2 medium acorn squash

While the rice is cooking, prepare the squash. Trim the ends and cut each squash in half. Scrape out and discard the seeds; lightly salt and pepper the cavities. Invert the squash onto an oiled baking sheet, cut side down, tucking a slice of apple and green onion into each cavity. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until barely tender throughout. Remove from oven and set aside; leave oven on.

3 T. oil

½ cup sliced mushrooms

½ cup chopped pecans

1 carrot, finely diced

1 apple, finely diced

4 green onions, diced

¼ cup white wine

½ cup fresh parsley, minced

1 T. sage

1 T. lemon juice

½ t. nutmeg

salt, pepper to taste

Heat oil in a wok or skillet. Sauté vegetables and seasonings together until just barely tender. Mix with cooked rice until thoroughly integrated. Turn baked squash halves upright on baking sheet; stuff with rice mixture, heaping to form a neat mound. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Garnish with pecan halves or parsley sprigs, and serve hot.