May the wishes of he who has a heart of gems,

Who benefits all with great waves of perfected karma,

Carrying on his courageous shoulders

The burden of the work of countless buddhas,

Be spontaneously fulfilled just so.

And by that power may the heavenly door

Of the auspicious aeon’s fulfillment phase

Open onto a springtime revival for beings;

And may there spread to the peaks of the world

Auspicious signs of the enlightenment lore

Flourishing in all times and place.

O Holder of the White Lotus,

May a nectar stream of your transforming powers

Ever mature the might of my heart.

And by my delighting you with the offering

Of living in accordance with the spiritual teachings,

May the seas of bodhisattva deeds reach their goal.

By the power of the blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas,

The power of unfailing cause and effect,

And the power of my pure aspirations,

May each and every aim of this prayer

Be easily and quickly fulfilled.

— from Song Producing Immortality,

the traditional long-life prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, written by Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche, translated by Glenn Mullin

It is on behalf of the future of Du Khor Choe Ling, the Land of Kālacakra Study and Practice, the new temple complex of Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies—that it may offer refuge for practitioners and prosper under the ongoing care of His Holiness the Dalai Lama—that this volume is offered to the Great Fourteenth on October 9, 2007, in Ithaca, New York.