• Apropos of Dolores | H.G Wells |
• At Home in the Universe | Stuart Kauffman |
• Basic Writings | Chuang Tzu |
• Care of the Soul | Thomas Moore |
• Commentaries on Living | Jiddu Krishnamurti |
• Desert Solitaire | Edward Abbey |
• Dream Work | Mary Oliver |
• Ecopsychology | Allen D. Kanner et al. |
• Entre el Cielo y el Silencio | Nicolas Mihovilovic |
• Essential Rumi | Coleman Barks |
• Family Moskat | Isaac Singer |
• Flow | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi |
• Gaia | William Thompson |
• Hermits | Peter France |
• How Right You Are, Jeeves | P.G. Wodehouse |
• I Ching | Richard Wilhelm (trans.) |
• Johnson Service Manual | OMC |
• Nature, Man and Woman | Alan Watts |
• A New Science of Life | Rupert Sheldrake |
• No Boundary | Ken Wilber |
• Pedagogy of the Oppressed | Pablo Freire |
• The Perfect Storm | Sebastian Junger |
• Right Ho, Jeeves | P.G. Wodehouse |
• Seeking the Heart of Wisdom | Goldstein and Kornfield |
• Sex, Ecology, Spirituality | Ken Wilber |
• Solitude: A Philosophical Encounter | Philip Koch |
• Solitude: A Return to the Self | Anthony Storr |
• St. John Ambulance Official |
• Teaching a Stone to Talk | Annie Dillard |
• The Experience of Insight | Joseph Goldstein |
• The Eye of Spirit | Ken Wilber |
• Thoughts Without a Thinker | Mark Epstein |
• Where There Is No Doctor | David Werner |
• | Hammer, saw, chisels, large square, combination square, pencils, X-Acto knives, snap line, plumb bob, Surform pocket plane, brace and bits, hand drill, socket set, Crescent wrenches, box-end wrenches, Vise-Grips, pliers, sheet-metal shears, side-cutters, tape measure, hacksaw and spare blades, screwdrivers, swede saws and spare blade, machete, ax and spare handle, hatchet, level, Wonder Bar, pry bar, knife, staple gun, flat file, putty knives, sandpaper, come-along and pulleys, chain saw, extra chain, 2 chain files, spare plugs, chain oil, gas and 2-cycle oil, pick, shovel, trowel, slingshot and ball bearings |
• | 5 rolls duct tape, 1 roll Teflon tape, 1 roll masking tape, 6 tubes caulking, 4 tubes Shoe Goo/Marine Goop, Krazy Glue, rubber cement, carpenter’s glue, 5 Minute Epoxy, paint thinner, acetone, WD-40 |
• | Reinforcing rod: 20´ 1/2˝ and 20´ 1/4˝ |
• | White heavy-duty woven polyethylene tarps for roof and walls |
• | Clear plastic: 6 mm × 10´ × 100´ (for extra layer on roof, on outhouse, over woodpiles, over tent, etc.), 4 mm × 10´ × 50´ (to line inside of cabin), plenty of nails of all sizes: 1˝ to 4˝, 2000 staples: 1/4˝ and 3/8˝ length, hard plastic strips for backing nails, various gauges of steel wire, snare wire, 4´ × 4´ clear Plexiglas for window, 3´ × 3´ fine mesh screen, 5´ heavy canvas to make reclining chair |
• | 4 sheets 5´ × 8´ × 5/8˝ plywood (floor), 4 sheets 5´ × 8´ × 1/4˝ pressboard (roof, door), 1 sheet 5´ × 8´ × 3/8˝ plywood (shelves, table, bed; use shipping crates for more shelf material) |
• | Lumber: 12 1˝ × 2˝ × 8´ (shelf and table framing, etc.), 16 1˝ × 3˝ × 8´ (general use), 50 2˝ × 2˝ × 12´ (rafters, studs, framing), 62˝ × 4˝ × 8´ (corner posts), 20 2˝ × 4˝ × 10´ (stringers and floor joists), 62˝ × 4˝ × 12´ (misc.) |
• | Tent, compass, 2 GPS units, marine charts and topographical maps, map tube |
• | Boat, patch material, glue, transom wheels, rollers for under boat |
• | 2 outboard motors, gas can with hose, mounting bracket, extension handle |
• | Replacement parts (plugs, starter rope, prop, shear pins, electronic brain, coil, fuel pump), gear puller, starter rope, siphon hose, funnel |
• | 2 foot pumps with adapters |
• | 2 55-gallon drums, 65-gallon containers, 140 gallons gasoline |
• | 3 gallons 2-cycle oil |
• | 2 anchors, chain, lots of rope, pulleys |
• | Kayak, 2 paddles, seat, patch material, 3 life vests, chest waders |
• | Diving mask, fins, snorkel, wetsuit and extra material, gloves, spear gun, goody bag, fishing gear (2 heavy rods and reels, 1 lightweight trout rod and reel, lots of hooks and weights of all sizes, lures and jigs, extra 20-lb test line, net, gaff, fillet knife, needle-nose pliers, hand scale, reel oil, tools, spare rod guides), waterproof gear bags, materials for making crab traps, fishing license |
• | Airtight wood stove, 12´ chimney, 2 elbows, damper, chimney cap, stove cement |
• | Propane cookstove, propane light, hose and fittings, 3100-pound tanks of propane |
• | Regulator, spare mantles, grill, 6 cigarette lighters, candles, newspaper, 2 fry pans, 2 small pots, 1 large pot, lids, dishpan, tub for bathing and washing clothes |
• | 2 plastic buckets, 40-gallon plastic drum for rainwater, plastic tubing, collapsible water containers, Tupperware for storing food |
• | 2 forks, knives, table- and teaspoons, spatula, large spoon, can opener, sharp knife |
• | 2 plates, bowls, cups (thermal), Thermos |
• | Soap for dishes and clothes, 4 green scrubbies, metal scrubby, dishrag, towels and rags |
• | Lots of: plastic food bags, Ziploc baggies, garbage bags, woven plastic produce sacks, aluminum foil |
• | 40 rolls toilet paper, 6 rolls paper towels |
• | Water filter and water purification additive |
• | Chair, broom |
• | Toilet kit: razors, lather, soap and shampoo, toothpaste, mirror, nail clippers, toothbrushes, dental floss |
• | Writing paper, 6 notebooks, 12 pens, write-in-the-rain notebooks, ruler, Magic Markers, playing cards, scissors |
• | Alarm clock, extra watch, Velcro band, thermometer, barometer, rain gauge |
• | Sewing kit: needles, thread, nylon thread, buttons, zippers, elastic, patch material, leather, rubber |
• | Lots of nylon cord, plastic twine, string |
• | 6 pairs sturdy pants, 5 long-sleeve flannel shirts, 6 T-shirts |
• | 6 pairs wool socks, 6 pairs cotton socks |
• | 2 pairs felt liners, 1 down bootie |
• | 1 good shirt and pair of pants for polite company |
• | 2 sweaters, 2 warm shirts, sweatshirt with hood |
• | 2 pairs long underwear |
• | Hollofil coat, down parka, thermal snowsuit, Hollofil vest |
• | 2 neck scarves, neck warmer |
• | 3 pairs mittens, 2 pairs rubber gloves, 2 pairs cotton work gloves |
• | 1 broad-brimmed hat, 2 baseball caps, 2 wool toques, rain hood |
• | Cheap tennis shoes, 2 pairs lightweight hiking boots, 1 pair lightweight rubber boots, 1 pair jungle boots |
• | Heavy duty rain gear, Gor-tex light rain gear, waterproof spray |
• | 6 wool stump socks, 6 cotton stump socks, 4 gel liners |
• | 2 Therm-a-Rest pads, down sleeping bag |
• | 2 sheets, 2 blankets, 2 pillows, towels |
• | First-aid books |
• | Prosthetic leg repair kit: fiberglass cloth and resin, spare foot, spare socket liner, leather, contact cement, spare straps, rivets, Allen wrench |
• | Topical remedies: alcohol, iodine, antibiotic cream, cortisone cream, hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride eyewash, anti-fungal cream, anti-fungal mouthwash, Zovirax cream, artificial tears, Vaseline, Vicks VapoRub, sun cream, insect repellent, almond oil, oil-drillers hand cream, bag balm, liniment, capsaicin cream, arthritis cream |
• | Pain medicine: 1,200 ibuprofen, 400 Tylenol, 100 Tylenol 3, injectable local anesthetic, injectable morphine, Orajel |
• | Supplements: multivitamins, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium |
• | Other pills: antacids, laxative, Imodium, Benadryl, Claritin, motion sickness pills, Synthroid, oral antibiotics: for cuts, for intestinal tract, for ears and throat |
• | Wound care: Second Skin, butterfly strips, sterile pads of various sizes, cotton balls, tensor bandages, premade splint Band-Aids, adhesive tape, sterile eye pads |
• | Tools: scalpel and blades, suture kit, tweezers, magnifying glass, surgeon’s gloves |
• | Miscellaneous: rubber balls for massaging back, pulleys for exercising, hot water bottle, homeopathic remedies |
• | Satellite telephone with antenna wire (with prepaid air time) |
• | 2 laptops (one for sending email, one for journaling) |
• | Wind generator, 20´ × 2˝ steel pipe for antenna, guy wire, turnbuckles |
• | 2 solar panels (approximately 50 W each), voltage regulator, 2 12V–110V inverters |
• | 2 12V deep cycle batteries, 12 AA rechargeable batteries, charger |
• | Insulated multistrand electric wire: 12 gauge, 14 gauge, 16 gauge |
• | Fuses, alligator clips, battery-lead connectors, wire connectors, etc. |
• | Small 12V fluorescent light and 2 extra tubes, 2 12V incandescent lights and extra bulbs |
• | 2 headlamps and spare bulbs |
• | Electric hair clippers, flashing bicycle lights (to mark camp for nighttime on the water) |
• | Tape recorder and tapes |
• | Camera, various lenses, lens cleaning solution and tissue, lens hood, cable release |
• | Strobes, spare light meter, tripod, spare batteries |
• | 40 or so rolls of color slide and print film (100 and 200 ISO) |
• | 2 pairs binoculars (1 waterproof 10×, 1 compact 8×), spare glasses |
Rice | 100 kg | Cocoa powder | 1.5 kg |
Oatmeal | 30 | Chocolate pudding mix | 2 |
Lentils | 10 | Potatoes | 20 |
Peas | 10 | Onions | 20 |
Pinto beans | 10 | Bacon | 7 |
Black beans | 28 | Smoked meat | 5 |
Pasta | 20 | Cheese | 8 |
Flour | 20 | Garlic | 2 |
Baking powder | 1 | Instant coffee | 1 |
Sugar | 20 | Ground coffee | 4 |
Salt | 7 | Olives | 1 |
Pepper (and other spices) | 1 | Pickles | 1 |
Popcorn | 5 | Sauerkraut | 1 |
Dried fruit: raisins, apricots, | Cooking oil | II liters | |
figs, apples, peaches, prunes | 20 | Vinegar | 3 |
Honey | 6 | Lemon juice | 5 |
Lard | 7 | Soya sauce | 4 |
Peanut butter | 7 | Hot sauce | 2 |
Powdered whole milk | 13 | Liquor | 3 |
Jam | 2 | Tea | 100 bags |
Ketchup | 1 | Herbal tea | 120 bags |
Tomato paste | 5 | Dehydrated soup | 30 pkgs |
Semisweet chocolate | 14 | Bouillon cubes | 12 boxes |
(Fairly Close Estimate Rounded Off from Receipts) = $22,720
All amounts in U.S. dollars. | |
FUEL | |
Home Depot: general stuff | $95 |
Canadian Tire: general stuff | $80 |
Other hardware | $85 |
Subtotal | $260 |
General hardware and | |
electrical odds and ends | $425 |
Batteries | $105 |
Anchor | $15 |
Lumber | $260 |
Gasoline | $300 |
Oil | $25 |
Propane | $90 |
Subtotal | $1,220 |
Total | $1,480 |
Punta Arenas (P.A.) | |
Puerto Natales (P.N.) | |
Boat and pans | $2,110 |
Outboards and parts | $1,275 |
Outboard repair (Chile) | $270 |
Kayak | $85 |
Chain saw | $85 |
Binoculars | $260 |
Glasses | $230 |
Dive mask | $85 |
Compass | $45 |
GPS | $160 |
Satellite telephone | $2,320 |
Satphone air time | $200 |
Solar panels | $550 |
Wind generator | $535 |
Electrical | $195 |
Swede saw | $20 |
Ax, etc. | $20 |
Wood stove and chimney | $125 |
Tarps | $60 |
Used camping gear | |
(rain gear, tent, parka, | |
Therm-a-Rest, sleeping bag, | |
waterproof bags) | $520 |
Pants, shirts, etc. | $115 |
Rain boots | $30 |
Chest waders | $60 |
Cookstoves | $30 |
Total | $9,385 |
Cheese | $30 |
Flour | $5 |
Sugar | $10 |
Rice | $40 |
Oil | $5 |
Dried fruit | $75 |
Cat food | $5 |
Peanut butter and chocolate | $60 |
Oatmeal | $30 |
Beans and lentils | $50 |
Honey | $15 |
Cocoa | $5 |
Cocoa | $5 |
Lemon juice | $5 |
Ketchup | $2 |
Spices, etc. | $15 |
Dried soup | $20 |
Lard | $10 |
Coffee | $30 |
Powdered milk | $50 |
Toilet paper | $15 |
Toilet paper | $15 |
Chocolate pudding | $10 |
Pasta | $20 |
Oil and vinegar | $15 |
Liquor | $55 |
Smoked meat | $120 |
Potatoes, onions, garlic | $20 |
Other | $105 |
Total | $82 |
route/destination | |
Vancouver?Santiago | $1,200 |
Santiago?P.A. and return | $110 |
P.A.?P.N., 3 round trips | $35 |
Navy ship | $60 |
NAVIMAG ferry | $25 |
Santiago?Miami | $435 |
Miami?Vancouver | $470 |
Chile visa and entry tax | $415 |
Dominican Republic visit | $270 |
Vancouver–P.A. | $875 |
P.A.–Vancouver | $1,220 |
P.A.–P.N. | $145 |
Total | $5,260 |
Accident insurance | $245 |
Shots | $70 |
First-aid book | $25 |
Water treatment | $15 |
Pharmacy/vitamins | $375 |
Subtotal | $730 |
Pharmacy/vitamins | $23 |
Toiletries | $24 |
Physiotherapy | $25 |
Dentist | $176 |
Cat | $13 |
Subtotal | $261 |
Total | $991 |
Room and board: | |
P.A. | $10.50/day×0=$420 |
Room: | |
P.N. | $4.50/day×0=$180 |
Room: | |
Santiago | $10.50/day×0=$525 |
Food/Meals | |
P.N. | $4/day×0=$160 |
Santiago | $7/day×0=$350 |
10% for error | $165 |
Total | $1,800 |
Email: P.A. | $220 |
Telephone calls: P.A. | $270 |
Total | $490 |
Travel gift to Patti | $670 |
Gift for Alenjandra | $35 |
Notary | $5 |
2 fishing licenses | $15 |
4 haircuts | $25 |
Fishing gear | $10 |
Marine charts | $65 |
Total | $825 |
Camera repair | $55 |
Tripod | $25 |
Video camera | $300 |
Videotape | $85 |
Television | $120 |
Tape recorder | $55 |
Audiotapes | $20 |
Photographic film | $470 |
Photo processing | $535 |
Total | $1,665 |