Chapter Twenty-Two


Drew was shocked to hear what happened at the boardinghouse. He insisted Kate stay at the cabin for the remainder of the time left. He snuck off Wednesday night to check that Sal and his companion got on the train. Drew had to see with his own eyes the threat was over. They wouldn’t enjoy Thanksgiving without that knowledge.

Kate paced the floor, talking to the cabin walls, until his return. “Why can’t we be left in peace to celebrate the holiday? If it isn’t Tyson, then it’s Nicolas. Problems in both lives. Just what we need.” She didn’t know which threat was worse. All she knew was she was tired. Tired of it all. She just wanted people to be happy for them. “I may not be able to fix Nicolas, but I can do something about Tyson. When I get back home, watch out, Tyson, here I come.”

Relief flowed through her when Drew returned from his mission. He went down to the wine cellar and brought up a bottle of his best red wine to celebrate. The celebration lasted well into the night, and Kate didn’t remember being carried to bed. She last recalled being in Drew’s arms on the large sofa in front of the fireplace where she must have dozed off.

Kate woke to the smell of turkey cooking the next day, again not knowing how Drew managed to get that done. The table was set when she strolled into the great room. Flowers and pumpkins were everywhere. “I swear you have a fairy godmother or father, Drew. How do you always manage to surprise me?”

“A good delivery service?” He smiled at her with those twinkling green eyes, and she melted.

After dinner, Kate helped Drew clean up, and they prepared the cabin for their departure. There was no need to stay and live out the events of the past two years. Drew wouldn’t die in the Colorado River tomorrow. Even though Carl tried to go in his place last year, everyone’s memories were of Drew being lost to the river. They could safely go home and not return until after the New Year.

Kate agreed to meet Drew in front of El Tovar after he finished up at the Studio. From there, they’d head to the boardinghouse and home to the present.

The call of the canyon was strong, and she couldn’t wait to get there. She made her way easily along the path from the cabin, planning to sit and watch the birds soar over the canyon and maybe feed a squirrel or two to help pass the time.

Waiting for dusk, a beautiful sunset and the quiet solitude of the canyon was just what she needed. It was the perfect place to give thanks. Thanksgiving with Drew, alone in the cabin, had been wonderful. Kate sighed with a twinge of sadness that it was over.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an odd scene as she came around the back of El Tovar. It looked like a boy was perched too close to the canyon’s rim. His arms were outstretched like he was about to fly. Kate began to run. As she grew closer she could tell it wasn’t a boy but a young man, one that looked very familiar even from behind. She recognized his sandy-colored blonde hair, slim but muscular build and the way he held his body.

“Tyson!” Kate screamed out, alarmed he would jump.

He spun around at the sound of her voice. “Look at me, Katie! I’m going to fly, fly across the Grand Canyon.”

Kate peered down into the mile deep gorge and shivered. She knew his real fate if he attempted the stunt. He believed this was a dream. She had to stop him at all costs. “That’s great. I’d love to see you do it, but first let’s talk.”

“Nothing to talk about...”

“Then how can I stop you from doing something so foolish?”

The only way is to tell me you love me.” He spread his arms out further and began flapping as he inched back toward the edge.

So many thoughts filled her head at once. She needed to go along with him since it was his dream. On the other hand, she had to stop him no matter what. Say whatever he wanted to hear. And finally, what would the man off in the distance, the dark-haired, emerald green-eyed man she loved with all her heart, think when he heard her profess her love for someone else?

With every step, Tyson grew closer to the edge. Kate knew she had to avoid confrontation between the two rivals. Tyson might try to fly just to show Drew he could. She took a deep breath, almost gagging on the words and whispered, “I love you.”

She was certain Drew wasn’t close enough to hear. Tyson didn’t see him coming along the walkway.

Tyson cupped his ear leaning forward. “I didn’t quite hear you.”

“I love you,” she called out, wincing as she said it, because she knew Drew heard that time.

Tyson ran to her and grabbed her by the arms. “I knew it. Some day you’d come to your senses and say you loved me.” He pulled her toward him into a deep kiss.

From the corner of her eye, Kate saw Drew stop in his tracks. When she was able to break free he was nowhere to be seen. Torn between finding Drew and keeping Tyson safe, Kate chose the latter. She grabbed Tyson’s hand and said, “Come with me.”

He tagged along willingly as she dragged him to the barn, hoping to find Drew and saddle up Flicka at the same time. Drew had to figure it out by now and was probably planning the next step of getting Tyson back to Ohio in one piece.

“Hey, great choice. We can be alone.” Tyson grabbed her around the waist from behind. He spun her around, lifting her off the ground, kissing her neck.

She felt light-headed, almost nauseated, but knew she had to keep up the charade. “Put me down.” She kicked her legs playfully. As he set her down, she turned and gave him a quick kiss.

Help me saddle up the horse.” She patted Flicka’s side.

Once the horse was ready, Kate swung into the saddle, helping Tyson up behind her.

“I like this. Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise.”

On the way to the boardinghouse, Kate tried to formulate a plan. Carl should still be there. He was having Thanksgiving dinner with his mother and father. No drama like last year, he promised. Wednesday’s showdown had been enough excitement.

Kate shivered as she remembered last year. Carl took Drew’s place in the boat on that Friday after Thanksgiving and headed down the river. His grief over losing Rachel caused him to make a bad choice. He felt someone needed to die that day and would make the sacrifice. Luckily he was saved, although one of the men died in the rescue attempt. Carl promised to go back to the present tonight and not return for that fateful day. Everyone made that promise. Thanksgiving would be the last day at the canyon. Now Tyson was here and could drastically change that plan.

As they arrived at the boardinghouse, Tyson let out a yell. “Hey, I know this place.”

“Shhh,” Kate held her finger to her mouth. “You don’t want anyone to know we’re in the barn, do you?”

“No, no I don’t.” Tyson slid off the horse and helped her down.

“Would you mind taking the horse and putting her in a stall? I’ll be right in.” Kate used the sweetest voice she could muster. She slammed the door behind him, sliding the board into its latch, locking him in, and started for the house as Maya came out the door.

“What’s all that yelling going on out here?” She wiped her hands on her apron, glancing around. “Haven’t we had enough excitement to last us awhile?

“Maya!” Kate ran toward her. “Tyson’s here. I have him locked in the barn. Tell Carl Jr. I need his help.”

Maya quickly disappeared into the house, and within moments, he was on the porch.

“Can you bring yourself to knock him out? Without him seeing you?”

“Sis, I’d be happy to. I’ve been waiting to punch his lights out for a long time.”

Kate giggled. “You’re terrible. I’ll go in first and distract him so you can come up from behind.”

She unlocked the door and slipped inside, finding Tyson in a pile of hay. “Come here.” She wiggled her finger at him. He popped up, and as he came toward her, crumbled to the ground.

“Wow, you waste no time.” Kate felt a little sorry for the young man who was now in a collapsed pile at her feet. “Let’s get him upstairs.”

Carl was shorter than Tyson but able to sling him over his shoulders and carry him into the house. “The sun will be setting soon. He’ll never know what hit him, pardon the pun,” he called over his shoulder as he climbed the stairs.

“Will you do me a big favor? Stay with him until he’s gone? I need to find Drew. We had a misunderstanding.”

“Sure. Go. I got this.”

Kate ran from the room and back out to the barn where Flicka was still saddled up and waiting. She hopped quickly into the saddle and raced back to the canyon. All of this would be straightened out as soon as she found him. Her heart raced as she tried the barn first. Canyon was in his stall, and she thought she saw someone with the horse.

“Go away, Kate,” Drew’s voice called out.

“Let me explain.” Kate stepped into the stall and saw he was crying.

“Nothing to explain. Just like the first time. Don’t you remember? We made plans to meet here for the holiday weekend. You ruined it by telling me about the boyfriend back home. Seems like you still have mixed feelings. I told you I’d set you free back then. The same goes for now. Maybe you’re just not ready as I am to settle down.”

Kate couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Do you really think I love Tyson? After all this time you should know me better than that. Didn’t you see him perched on the edge of the canyon ready to take flight?”

She could feel the anger rising inside her but tried to push those feelings deep inside to reason with him. “We said we’d do anything to keep Tyson safe at the canyon and make him believe he was dreaming.”

No response from Drew. He just continued brushing down his horse. Then suddenly, new emotions overtook her. Her body ached as it filled with hurt and pain. “What about our wedding, Drew? Our New York trips? The times at the cabin? Anna’s faith in us? How could you even think for a moment...?” She hesitated and made a choice. “Say good-bye to Freddie for me. Tell him I love him.” She started to turn and hesitated. “And since you’re already mad at me you might as well know. Tyson kissed me at senior prom.” She spun away in a huff and walked away. She needed to see Tyson made it safely back to Ohio.

Pushing Flicka to her limits, Kate wanted to return home as soon as she got to the boardinghouse. All of this felt too familiar. As tears streamed down her face, she recalled the day two years ago when she and Drew fought over Tyson. Eventually Drew came to understand Tyson was the aggressor, and Kate did her best to keep him at arm’s length. Why was it so different now? Was it the kiss? Drew saw her kissing another man. It was more than he could take.

Carl Sr. was waiting for Kate as she came into the drive. He waved her off and took the reins from her hands. Although he only lived in this world now, Kate had a suspicion he knew more than he was letting on, but was grateful for his silent assistance. Dashing into the house and up the stairs, Kate wanted to be sure Tyson was gone before she left. Maya was in her sitting room and nodded to her as she walked down the hallway to the room Carl deposited him in.

“Good. He’s gone.” Kate peeked into the room and saw an empty bed. “Once again you caused a major problem for me, Tyson. Thanks.”

She ran to Maya’s room and collapsed on the floor by her chair like she did when she was a child. Maya would stroke her hair until all the worries of the day seemed to be magically smoothed away. Kate wished for that now more than ever but knew it was just a little girl’s dream. “Maya, why does everything have to be so complicated?”

A low chuckle came from Maya as she stroked Kate’s hair. Kate really didn’t want an answer and knew Maya was aware of that fact.

“I’m going home now. Will I see you there? You’re coming for Thanksgiving. Right?” Kate gazed up at her.

Maya nodded, still not speaking. She wiped a tear from Kate’s cheek and finally said, “I love you like you were my own, child. I told you many a time, what will be, will be. That’s my advice to you now. You can try to turn everything inside out and back again but if...”

“If it’s not meant to be, I can’t make it happen.” Kate finished for her. “I love you, too. I’m so glad I have you in my life. If it all ends here at the canyon today, I have no regrets.”

Kate got up and quietly padded out of the room and down the stairs to her room. Glancing around her little boardinghouse bedroom she took it in for one last time. “I’m not coming back.” She told the room. “If Drew has that little faith in me, it ends here today.” And with that, she grabbed her magical book, crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep.