“A month,” Kelly said.
“With a partner,” she added as clarification since Durant wasn’t answering her. Not if that disinterested look he’d just sent her way was any indication. “Is that the life expectancy of a partnership with you?”
Kane shrugged, apparently totally uninterested in her choice of topics to verbally pursue. “Give or take,” he finally replied vaguely, aware of the way she was looking at him, waiting for an answer. “I don’t keep track.”
Or so he thought.
Kelly nodded. “Fair enough,” she told him. “I just wanted to know what I was up against, that’s all.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kane asked.
“I’m going to look at this partnership as a challenge. If I can hang on beyond a certain point, say longer than your longest lasting partner, then it’s okay. I made it. You know, kind of like staying on a bucking horse for eight seconds.”
He looked at her as if she were a few cards short of a complete deck. If the woman wanted a challenge, he had one for her.
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Be sure to check out the next books in Cavanaugh Justice—Where Aurora’s finest are always in action.
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