Famous Last Meals

Last Meals


Richard Cumyn

Copyright ©2015 Richard Cumyn

Enfield & Wizenty

(an imprint of Great Plains Publications)

233 Garfield Street

Winnipeg, MB R3G 2M1


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for its publishing program by the Government of Canada through the Canada
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the Book Publishing Tax Credit and the Book Publisher Marketing Assistance Program; and the Manitoba Arts Council.

Pages 215 to 223 of “Famous Last Meals” first appeared as “Perennial”
in I Am Not Most Places, copyright Richard Cumyn 1996. Published with
permission of Dundurn Press Limited

Design & Typography by Relish New Brand Experience

Printed in Canada by Friesens

Ebook conversion by Human Powered Design

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Cumyn, Richard, 1957-, author
Famous last meals / Richard Cumyn.

3 novellas.

Issued in print and electronic formats.

ISBN 978-1-927855-17-1 (pbk.).--ISBN 978-1-927855-18-8 (epub).--
ISBN 978-1-927855-19-5 (mobi)

I. Title.

PS8555.U4894F34 2015 C813'.54 C2014-907245-7


ghostly father

“He had always been an actor, the call had never come.”
—James Salter, Solo Faces

“She was by nature an actress of parts that entered into
her physique: she even acted her own character, and so well, that she did not know it to be precisely her own.”
—George Eliot, Middlemarch

“In a mad world it always seems simpler to obey.”
—Graham Greene, Our Man in Havana



Famous Last Meals

The Woman in the Vineyard