AMONG all those who have assisted me so generously in writing this book I would like particularly to acknowledge the great help given me by Mr. A. T. Austing and his staff at Colchester Public Library, Mrs. Denis Burroughs, Mr. Robert Collison and the Staff of the B.B.C. Library, Miss Livia Gollancz, Mr. Thomas Frankland, Mr. John Nash, R.A., Mr. John Penn, Sir Osbert Sitwell, Bt., Mr. Lawrence Tanner and the Staff of Westminster Abbey Library, The Librarian and Staff of the Westminster City Library, and Miss Dorothy White and the Staff of Ipswich Public Library.
My publishers and I would also like to thank the following for generously granting permission to quote copyright material in this book:
W. H. Auden and Louis MacNeice for lines from Letters from Iceland (1937).
Basil Blackwell Ltd. for extracts from The Home Letters of T. E. Lawrence and His Brothers.
Jonathan Cape Ltd. and the Executors of the T. E. Lawrence Estate for extracts from The Mint by T. E. Lawrence and The Letters of T. E. Lawrence edited by David Garnett and for the Dedication Poem to Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence.
Chatto & Windus Ltd. and Harcourt, Brace & World Inc. for ‘Just a Smack at Auden’ by William Empson (1940).
Faber & Faber Ltd. and Random House Inc. for the Dedication Poem to Poems (1930) by W. H. Auden, an extract from ‘Spain’ in Collected Poems by the same author, and for an extract from ‘From all these events’ from Collected Poems by Stephen Spender (1945).
William Heinemann Ltd. for extracts from I Believed by Douglas Hyde.
Sir Alan Herbert, the Proprietors of Punch, and Ernest Benn Ltd. for ‘Come to Britain and lead the gay life’ from A Book of Ballads.
James Laver for three verses from The Woman of 1926.
Punch for two verses ‘Where all the waking birds sing Heil!’ from The Way of a Dove by ‘Evoe’ (E. V. Knox) (21 September 1938).
The Times Publishing Company for an extract from their fourth leader of 19 January 1933.
R. B.