Aldington, R., Portrait of a Herobut …, Heinemann 1950.

Allen, F. L., Only Yesterday.

Amory, C. and Bradlee, F., Cavalcade of the 1920s and 30s, Bodley Head.

Angell, Sir N., After All, Hamish Hamilton 1951.

Annual Register.

Auden, W. H., Collected Shorter Poems, Faber and Faber 1950.

Auden, W. H. and Isherwood, C., The Ascent of F6, Faber and Faber 1939; The Dog Beneath The Skin, Faber and Faber; Journey To War, Faber and Faber 1939; On The Frontier, Faber and Faber 1938.

Auden, W. H., and MacNeice, L., Letters From Iceland, Faber and Faber 1937.

Barker, G., Collected Poems, Faber and Faber, 1957

Bennett, J. W. Wheeler-, History of The Times.

Bennett, R., A Picture of the Twenties, Studio 1961.

Bolitho, H., King Edward VIII, Eyre and Spottiswoode 1937.

Borkenau, F., The Spanish Cockpit, Faber and Faber 1937.

Boveri, M., Treason in the 20th Century, Macdonald 1962.

Bowers, C. G., My Mission To Spain, Gollancz 1954.

Broad, L., The Abdication, Muller, 1961.

Brook, C., Devil’s Decade.

Broad, L., Winston Churchill, Hutchinson 1956.

Campbell, R., Lorca, Bowes 1952.

Cecil, Viscount, A Great Experiment.

Churchill, W. S., The Gathering Storm, Cassell 1948.

Cockburn, Claude, Crossing the Line, MacGibbon and Kee 1958; In Time of Trouble, Hart-Davis 1956.

Cole, G. D. H. and Postgate, R., The Common People, Methuen 1956.

Collier, B., Heavenly Adventurer, Seeker 1959.

Collis, M., Nancy Astor, 1949.

Cooper, D., Old Men Forget, Hart-Davis 1953.

Crewe, Q., The Frontiers of Privilege, Collins 1962.

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Cross, C., The Fascists in Britain, Barrie and Rockliff 1961.

Cruikshank, R. J., Roaring Century, Hamish Hamilton 1946.

Dalton, H., The Fateful Years, Muller 1957.

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Dorman, G., Fifty Years Fly Past, Forbes, R. 1951.

Eden, Sir T., Durham, Hale 1952.

Eliot, T. S., The Sacred Wood, Methuen 1953; The Waste Land, Faber 1940.

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Feiling, K., Life of Neville Chamberlain, Macmillan 1946.

Fitzgerald, M. F., Hubert Edward Ryle, Macmillan 1928.

Gardiner, A. G., Certain People of Importance, Cape 1926.

Garnett, D. (Ed.), Selected Letters of T. E. Lawrence, Cape 1952.

Gibbons, S., Cold Comfort Farm, 1932.

Gibbs, H., The Masks of Spain, Muller 1955.

Goldring, D., The Nineteen Twenties, Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1945; Odd Man Out, 1935; Roaring Twenties.

Graves, C., The Bad Old Days.

Graves, R. and Hodge, A., The Long Week-End, Faber and Faber 1950.

Greenwood, W., Love on the Dole, Cape 1933.

Guedalla, P., The Hundredth Year, 1940.

Haldane, C., Truth Will Out, 1949.

Halifax, Lord, Fulness of Days, Collins 1957.

Hamilton, C., Modern England, 1938.

Hamilton, M. A., Remembering My Good Friends, 1944.

Hamnett, N., Is She A Lady? Wingate 1955.

Hampson, J., Saturday Night At The Greyhound, Eyre and Spottiswoode 1950.


Harrisson, T. and Madge, C., Mass Observation.

Henson, H., Retrospect of an Unimportant Life.

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Johnson, A. C., The Making of the Auden Canon, 1957.

Jones, T., Diary With Letters, Oxford University Press 1954; Lloyd George, Oxford University Press 1951.

Kempe, P., Mine Were of Trouble, Cassell 1957.

Koestler, A., Spanish Testament, Gollancz 1937.

Lansbury, G., Looking Backwards and Forwards, Blackie 1935; My England, Selwyn and Blount 1934; My Life, Constable 1928; My Quest for Peace, M. Joseph 1938.

Laver, J., Between the Wars, Vista Books 1961.

Lawrence, T. E. and Brothers, Home Letters, Blackwell 1954; The Mint, Cape 1955; Revolt in the Desert, Cape. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Cape 1955.

Lehmann, J., The Whispering Gallery, Longmans 1961.

Lewis, C. Day, Collected Poems, Cape, and Hogarth Press 1954; The Buried Day, 1960.

Lewis, W., Doom of Youth 1932; Left Wings Over Europe, Cape 1936.

Lindsay, D. and Washington, E., Portrait of Britain, 1851–1951, Oxford University Press.

Livermore, H., A History of Spain, Allen and Unwin 1958.

MacColl, R., A Flying Start, 1939.

MacDiarmid, H., Lucky Poet, Methuen 1943.

Macdonald, A. G., England Their England, Macmillan 1949.

Mackenzie, C., The Windsor Tapestry, Rich and C. 1938.

Maine, B., Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, Hutchinson.

Marshall, S., An Experiment in Education, Cambridge University Press 1963.

Mollison, J. M., Death Cometh Sooner Or Late, Hutchinson 1932.

Montgomery, J., The Twenties, Allen and Unwin 1957.

Mosley, O., Mosley, right or wrong? Lion Books 1961.

Mowat, C. L., Britain Between the Wars, 1918–40, Methuen.

Moyes, A. G., Australian Cricket, Angus 1959.

Muggeridge, M., The Thirties, Hamish Hamilton, 1940.

Murry, D. Middleton, The Necessity of Communism, 1932.

Newsome, J., In the Depressed Areas, Blackwell 1936.

Nichols, B., Cry Havoc! 1933; The Sweet and Twenties, Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1958.

Nicolson, H., Curzon: the Last Phase, 1937.

Nicolson, H., Life of King George V, Constable 1952.

Nutting, A., Lawrence of Arabia, Hollis and Carter 1961.

Ogilvie, V., Our Times 1912–1952, Batsford 1953.

Orwell, G., Homage to Catalonia, Seeker 1951; The Road To Wigan Pier, Seeker 1959.

Oxford and Asquith, Countess of, Myself When Young, Muller 1938.

Parker, Eric, The History of Cricket, Seeley 1950.

Postgate, R., George Lansbury, Longmans 1951.

Priestley, J. B., English Journey, Heinemann 1934.

Quennell, P., The Sign of the Fish, Collins 1960.

Reith, Lord, Into the Wind, Hodder 1949.

Roberts, C. E. Bechofer, Trial of William Joyce, Jarrold 1946.

Roberts, P. E., A History of British India, Oxford University Press 1952.

Rolph, C. H., Does Pornography Matter? Routledge 1961.

Ronaldshay, Lord, Life of Curzon, 1928.

Rothstein, Andrew, The Munich Conspiracy, Lawrence and Wishart 1958.

Rowntree, B. S. and Lavers, G. R., Poverty and the Welfare State, 1951.

Rumbold, R., The Winged Life, Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Schieldrop, E., The Air, Hutchinson 1957.

Sewell, J. E., Mirror of Britain.

Sieveking, L., The Stuff of Radio.

Sitwell, Sir O., Left Hand! Right Hand! Macmillan 1945–50.

Spears, Sir E., Assignment to Catastrophe, Heinemann 1954; Prelude To Dunkirk, 1949.

Spender, S., Collected Poems, Faber and Faber 1954, World Within World, Hamish Hamilton 1951; (Ed.), Poems For Spain.

Strachey, J., The Menace of Fascism, 1933; The Theory and Practice of Socialism, 1936.

Taylor, H. A., Jix—Viscount Brentford.

Templewood, Lord, Nine Troubled Years, Collins 1954.

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Upward, E., The Mind in Chains, 1937.

Vansittart, Lord, The Mist Procession, Hutchinson 1958.

Waugh, E., Brideshead Revisited, Chapman and Hall 1960.

West, R., The Meaning Of Treason, Macmillan 1952.

Whitaker’s Almanack.

Who’s Who.

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Williamson, A., Theatre of Two Decades, 1951.

Wilson, E., Axel’s Castle, Scribner 1931.

Wilson, S., The Boy Friend, Penguin 1959.

Windsor, Duchess of, The Heart Has Its Reasons, M. Joseph 1956.

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Winterton, Lord, Fifty Tumultuous Years, Hutchinson 1955.

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