Chapter 1
The Naked Warrior Rules of Engagement

“The Naked Warrior”, or why strength train with bodyweight?Strength. Pure strength…the definition of strength…strength classifications …examples of the three types of strength…the focus of The Naked Warrior…The Naked Warrior rules of engagement…the only way to build strength…high resistance and mental focus on contraction …tension generation skill…the importance of “practice” over “workout”…a powerful instant-strength mix…The Naked Warrior Principles…the six keys to greater strength…How do lifters really train?…“best practice” secrets of powerlifters and Olympic weight lifters…How do gymnasts get a good workout with the same weight?…five strategies for making 5-rep exercises harder…how gymnasts achieve super strength…how to customize the resistance without changing the weight.

Chapter 2
The Naked Warrior Workout

“Grease the groove,” or how to get superstrong without a routine…the secret success formula…Some GTG testimonials from the forum…how does the GTG system work?…turning your nerves into superconductors…avoiding muscle failure…strength as a skill—the magic formula... “The Pistol”: the Russian Spec Ops’ leg strengthener of choice…rate yourself against the Russian hard guys…how to do it—the basics…doing fewer exercises better…The one-arm/one-leg pushup: “an exercise in total body tension”…what gymnastics has to teach us…another advantage of the one-arm pushup…GTG, the ultimate specialization program.

Chapter 3
High-Tension Techniques for Instant Strength

Tension. What force is made of…the relationship between tension and force…high-tension techniques…“Raw strength” versus “technique”…the power of mental focus…Low gear for brute force…speed and tension …putting explosiveness in context…“Doesn’t dynamic tension act like a brake?”…a dirty little secret of bodybuilding…the dangers of mindless lifting…The power of a fist…the principle of irradiation…Accidental discharge of strength: a tip from firearms instructors … interlimb response and your muscle software…Power abs = a power body…the relationship between abs tension and body strength…why flat abs are strong abs and sucked in waists are weak…the “back-pressure crunch”…Put your “rear-wheel drive” in high gear…the source of real striking power…the handgrip test…A gymnast instantly gains 40 pounds of strength on his iron cross with the three techniques you have just learnedThe “static stomp”: using ground pressure to maximize powerTense your lats and keep your shoulders down: a secret of top karatekas and bench pressers…how the secret of armpit power translates into paydirt for one-arm pushups, punches, and bench presses…“The corkscrew”: Another secret of the karate punch…the power of rotation and spiral…the invisible force…Bracing: boost your strength up to 20% with an armwrestling tactic…when to brace…the advantage of dead-start exercises…“Body hardening”—tough love for teaching tension…the quick and hard way to greater tension control…Beyond bracing: “zipping up”…taking your pretensing skills to a new level…Wind up for power…the art of storing elastic energy for greater power…the reverse squat.

Chapter 4
Power Breathing: The Martial Arts Masters’ Secret for Superstrength

Bruce Lee called it “breath strength”…cranking up your breath strength…your body as a first-class sound system—how to make it happen…definition of true power breathing…Power inhalation…the mystery breathing muscle that’s vital to your strength…amping up the compression…when and why to hold your breath…Reverse power breathing: evolution of the Iron Shirt technique…the pelvic diaphragm lock…to crucial rules for maximal power breathing…Power up from the core, or the “pneumatics of Chi”…two important principles of power generation…how to avoid a power leakage…the “balloon” technique for greater power.

Chapter 5
Driving GTG Home

Driving GTG home: focused…skill-building—why “fewer is better” …the law of the jungle…Driving GTG home: flawless…how to achieve perfection—the real key…the five conditions for generating high tension…the significance of low rep work…Driving GTG home: frequent…the one great secret of press success…Driving GTG home: fresh…the many aspects of staying fresh for optimal strength gains…staying away from failure…the balancing act between frequency and freshness…Driving GTG home: fluctuating…how to avoid training plateaus…“same yet different” strategies…“waviness of load” …countering fatigue…training guidelines for a PR…backing off and overtraining…Summing up GTGSumming up GTG even morecompressing GTG in ten words or less.

Chapter 6
Field-Stripping the Pistol

Box Pistol…how to go from zero to hero…the box squat—a champions’ favorite for multi-muscle strength gains…making a quantum leap in your squats…various options from easier to eviler…the rocking pistol…how to recruit your hip flexors…how to avoid cramping…One-Legged Squat, Paul Anderson style…Airborne Lunge…Pistol Classic…mastering the real deal…Negative-Free Pistol…the three advantages of concentric-only training…Renegade PistolFire-in-the-Hole PistolCossack PistolDynamic Isometric Pistol…combining dynamic exercise with high-tension stops…multiple stops for greater pain…taking advantage of your sticking points…easier variations…three reasons why adding isos to dynamic lifting can increase effectiveness by up to 15%…protecting yourself against injury…Isometric Pistol…holding tension over time…the art of “powered-down” high-tension techniques…Weighted Pistol…working the spinal erectors.

Chapter 7
Field-Stripping the One-Arm Pushup

The One-Arm Pushup, floor and elevated…how to shine at high-intensity exertion…change-ups for easy and difficult…the authorized technique …developing a controlled descent…Isometric One-Arm PushupThe One-Arm Dive Bomber PushupThe One-Arm PumpThe One-Arm Half Bomber PushupFour more drills to work up to the One-Arm Dive BomberThe One-Arm/One-Leg Pushup…the Tsar of the one-arm pushups.

Chapter 8
Naked Warrior Q&A

Are bodyweight exercises superior to exercises with weights?…the advantage of cals…what cals enforce…the biggest disadvantage of bodyweight exercising…the advantage of barbells…the advantages and disadvantages of dumbbells…the advantages of kettlebells…Why is there such an intense argument in the martial arts community as to whether bodyweight exercises are superior to exercises with weights?…confusions explained…what a fighter needs…Can I get very strong using only bodyweight exercises?Should I mix different strength-training tools in my training?How can I incorporate bodyweight exercises with kettlebell and barbell training?Can the high-tension techniques and GTG system be applied to weights?Can the high-tension techniques and GTG system be applied to strength endurance training?I can’t help overtraining. What should I do?Can I follow the Naked Warrior program on an ongoing basis?Can I add more exercises to the Naked Warrior program?Will my development be unbalanced from doing only two exercises?Is there a way to work the lats with a pulling exercise when no weights or pullup bars are accessible?…door pullups door rows…Where can I learn more about bodyweight-only strength training?Low reps and no failure? This training is too easy!Will I forget all the strength techniques in some sort of emergency?Isn’t dedicating most of the book to technique too much?…why technique is crucial…moving from ordinary to extraordinary…Parting shot…there are no excuses!