Although she found the voyage unspeakably tedious, Alexandra inwardly cursed the favourable winds that sped them on to England and the Burnhams. They learned along the way that the defeated Buonaparte had preceded them and, even now, was being ogled by curious mobs at Tor Bay. Their own vessel's captain, however, had no interest in twice-vanquished Corsicans and, furthermore, was in a tremendous hurry. He made directly for Portsmouth. There they were amazed to find both Henry Latham and Lady Bertram waiting for them, and in very short order these two contrived to separate Alexandra from her father.
Papa, it is true, did not leave his daughter willingly, but Lady Bertram swept all his objections away as though they were so many odd bits of scrap in her path.
"To Yorkshire?" she repeated, in magnificently disdainful, disbelieving tones. "At this time of year and after so arduous a journey? Unthinkable, my dear boy. I fear you must be near collapse yourself to harbour such a notion." To his stunned protests she answered severely, "You have cheated me of her company for six long years—and after dear Juliet had promised me I might give the girl a Season." This, of course, was a monstrous fib, but Papa didn't know that.
When he attempted to explain about betrothals and impatient Burnhams, Lady Bertram only gazed coldly down her patrician nose at him and demanded what he was thinking of to subject his daughter to the scandal that must arise if she were married so soon upon her return and in such a havey-cavey way.
Sir Charles was not easily cowed, but he was operating under certain disadvantages. He did not like being cast as the villain of the piece, especially when his solution was so reasonable. At once it settled both his debt to the Burnhams and the matter of finding his troublesome daughter a steady husband. Furthermore, there was nothing wrong with Randolph. His character was blameless, he was comfortably well-off, and he was good-looking enough to please any number of romantic females. If Alexandra would only cooperate, her father would not have to waste time dawdling in England when there was so much to be done in Albania. Still, Sir Charles considered himself a just man, and there was this business of Mr. Trevelyan's six years' toil. The tale appeared to be a great piece of nonsense concocted by his scheming daughter and Clementina's nephew, and yet it might be true.
Therefore, though he resented Lady Bertram's high-handed ways and mistrusted his daughter, he was somewhat relieved to have the problem taken off his hands temporarily. He'd like to have the leisure to think things over without being influenced by either Alexandra's sophistries or Mr. Trevelyan's treacly blandishments. To save face, however, he goaded Lady Bertram into delivering a few more ominous predictions and biting comments before giving himself up to be led away by the affable Mr. Latham.
Basil was led away as well, along with Randolph. Alexandra had time only to bid a hasty farewell to her two fiancés and kiss her father's cheek before she was whirled off in the countess's luxurious carriage.
"Well," the great lady said, "that went a deal easier than I expected. Your father was rather more fuddled than usual—I expect that accounts for his not being so obstinate as usual. I was anticipating quite a battle. What, I wonder, accounts for his fuddlement?"
"I think you have your nephew to thank for that, my lady.''
"Aunt Clem, if you please. You never used to be so formal, Alexandra. Or is the wretched boy to blame for that, as well?"
The scrutiny of those sharp, brown eyes was a trifle disconcerting. Lady Bertram had such a way of ferreting out secrets—almost as if she read your mind—and Alexandra did not like to have her mind read. Still, she made herself meet that gaze directly and answered, "No, that's my own doing. You were so majestic back there that I'm in awe of you myself."
"Well, your father is not easily awed normally. But tell me, how did Basil unsettle him so?"
Alexandra gave her a slightly abbreviated account of their make-believe romance. Actually, it was only abbreviated in two particulars, for though it was very easy to confide in dear Aunt Clem, one must draw the line at discussing her nephew's embraces. Broadminded as the countess was, she might think Alexandra compromised, and that would never do.
Lady Bertram found the recitation highly amusing. "Leave it to Basil to find excuses for kissing a pretty girl."
"Oh, but he never—"
"Well, if he never then it most certainly cannot be my nephew we speak of. He is not in the habit of exerting himself on anyone else's account without making it as agreeable to himself as possible. I am disappointed, however, he could contrive no better scheme. It is not at all what I'd hoped for. Still, I daresay he found it immensely entertaining." Her tone, softened. "I hope he did not misbehave terribly, my dear."
Alexandra coloured slightly, though she replied calmly enough. "Oh no, of course not. It was all for show. He did have my father to convince and Dhimitri as well—at least until we were aboard ship. He was very successful. As you saw yourself, Papa was rather confused. The only push he made was to tell Randolph to stir himself."
"Nevertheless, in your father's eyes you're still betrothed to Randolph. It really makes me wonder at Basil."
"You speak as though he regularly accomplishes miracles, Aunt Clem."
"I know he's solved far more difficult and delicate matters for The Crown. It is usually a matter of pride with him to succeed completely at what he undertakes, particularly if it is something devious."
"Perhaps, then, the problem was beneath him."
"That would be a first," the countess muttered.
"Besides, Papa was suspicious of him. Add that to the problem of paying back Mr. Burnham. He did fund Papa's work generously and had those travel accounts published. He looks after all of Papa's business now—though there's little enough profit in it for him."
"Yes, a philanthropist, I'm sure," was the dry observation. "How warm you are in defence of your tormentors, Alexandra."
"I’ve been trying to see it through Papa's eyes, Aunt Clem. After all, I've made so many difficulties for him. And I honestly wish I could care more for Randolph."
The fervour with which she expressed that wish made Lady Bertram raise an eyebrow ever so slightly, but lost in her own thoughts, Alexandra continued, "Papa says I'm only being obstinate—and maybe he's right."
The eyebrow elevated another fraction.
"After all," the young woman went on hurriedly, "Randolph is a kind and honest man. One could do a great deal worse, I suppose."
"Once he began taking the trouble to talk with me, I found him, well, not disagreeable company. He was most considerate throughout the voyage, certainly, and he is sincere and straightforward. One never wonders what he means, really—" She caught herself up in time and went on more matter-of-factly, "At any rate, I think better of him now than when I wrote you. Yet, if I hadn't written and your nephew hadn't come and shaken Randolph out of his complacency, I might never have seen his—Randolph's—better qualities."
Though the words were rational enough, there was an edge of despair in the tone. Nonetheless, Lady Bertram only nodded and remarked, "Basil comes out of the adventure quite a prodigy of virtue. How very distressing that must be for him, after devoting so much time and imagination to wickedness."
"Has he?" Alexandra couldn't help asking. "I mean, has he always been wicked?"
"My dear child—you don't mean to tell me he's pulled the wool over your eyes?"
"Of course not. I was only wondering if he was always so."
The countess hesitated, but only for a moment. Then, without mincing matters—yet without dwelling on them either—she gave her goddaughter a concise history of Basil's career from the time he entered Oxford.
When she had done, Miss Ashmore nodded as though the account was only confirmation of what she'd known all along. She smiled, very winningly indeed, and asked for news of Family and Society—in short, all the sorts of things a young lady who'd been out of England for six years would want to know.
A week later, as Alexandra reclined upon a chaise longue trying to read a book, she found herself wondering where Basil was and what wickedness he could be up to now. Sense and Sensibility lay neglected on her lap while she debated whether his new ladybird was an actress or an opera dancer and whether her eyes were blue or brown or even green like Alexandra's own.
But what concern was that of hers? She hadn't really expected him to visit her, had she? Still, she'd thought he might at least call on his own aunt. The days had passed, and there was no sign of him. Doubtless he was too busy with his dissipations.
She was a fool to wait and brood like Miss Austen's painfully passionate Marianne, pining in vain for her faithless Willoughby. At any rate, there were far better things in store for Alexandra Ashmore. Tonight she would dine with the Deverells and meet a young gentleman who'd been invited especially on her account.
"Randolph is all well and good, my dear," Lady Bertram had told her. "If you come to have a care for him, so much the better as you'll please yourself and your father all at once. But I'd rather you looked around a bit first. Marriage is usually a permanent arrangement, you know."
Tonight it was proposed that Alexandra look at one William Farrington, Marquess of Arden, heir to the Duke of Thorne, and "as handsome a devil as you're like to meet," according to Aunt Clem.
"He's all on pins and needles to meet you, my dear. He caught a glimpse of you the other afternoon as you left Madame Vernisse's and pestered Maria day and night for an introduction."
Alexandra closed Miss Austen's book with a resigned thump. Well then, she'd look at him, and he'd look at her. It would be pleasant if he was handsome and even more pleasant if he was also relatively intelligent—though that might be too much to hope for. Her experience of idle, upper-class English gentlemen had led her to conclude that they were exemplars of the evils of inbreeding and, in short, not very bright.
Mr. Trevelyan was bright, however. He did listen, too, and his answers were never patronising even if he did tease dreadfully. She missed his teasing, missed looking for the reality in his theatrical effusions and the bit of truth in his charming lies, just as much as she missed for once being treated by a man as an intellectual equal.
There had even been those rare occasions when she'd startled him out of his formidable composure. She'd certainly surprised him that last night in Prevesa. Apparently, he'd taken her words to heart, for he'd been scrupulously well behaved through the whole voyage. She didn't like to admit it, but she wished he'd been a little less well behaved.
That was the problem. She might have reasonably pleasant thoughts about him, except that the memory of his embrace kept intruding. Perhaps it wasn't terrible to enjoy being kissed—not when one was kissed so beautifully by so experienced a gentleman. With all that experience to inform it, perhaps a kiss should be enjoyable. Practise does make perfect after all. Still, the heat and breathlessness and sudden, frightening urgency of it—well, that wasn't proper. No, that part could not be proper.
Which was, of course, why respectable young women did not go off alone with gentlemen and get themselves kissed.
What started as a lovely kiss was bound to turn into something else, something that led to ruination.
It was humiliating to admit even to herself that she'd been—at least at the moment—willing to risk such ruin. She flushed at the memory. Pride, not regard for her virtue, had stopped her. She was afraid they'd be caught and forced to wed. Yes, Mr. Trevelyan did make her think wicked thoughts, and yes, he was very attractive, and yes, his kisses were lovely. But as a husband—one who'd resent and hate her for entrapping him, who'd humiliate her with his mistresses—he was out of the question.
How careless of him to begin it in the first place, to think only of amusing himself, and leave her to worry about the consequences. But why not? Hadn't she behaved like a common lightskirt? What was wrong with her anyhow? Was she wicked? Was she infatuated with him? Or was it only that he was so skilled a seducer?
Yes, that must be it. She was the innocent victim of his wiles.
While the innocent victim of Basil Trevelyan's wiles was staring obliviously at Miss Austen's book, Mr. Trevelyan himself had been having a highly agreeable conversation with Mr. Weston of Bond Street. Basil was just finishing his business with the tailor when Lord Arden sauntered in.
The marquess's enthusiastic greeting caused Basil to look at him suspiciously. While their families were intimate, and the two young men had grown up together and caroused and gambled together, they were rather too much alike to trust each other overmuch. Thus, no real intimacy had evolved between them despite many opportunities.
In a very few minutes, the mystery was solved. "I say, Trev," Lord Arden drawled as they left the tailor's shop and made their way to Watier's, "who is that perfectly stunning creature your aunt's taken in?"
Only a week and she'd called herself to Arden's attention. Naturally. Every rogue remaining in London must have sensed her presence in their midst, just as experienced hounds would sniff out a fox. Basil pretended to think very hard.
"Stunning creature?" he asked ingenuously.
"Why, you sly devil. Of course you know who I mean, is this some sort of family secret? Your aunt refuses to be at home to me, and Maria won't say a word, only tells me I might come to dinner tonight and perhaps the young lady will be there. You must tell me who the mysterious beauty is."
"If Lady Deverell is determined to tease you, then I certainly won't spoil her fun." What the deuce did the woman mean by inviting one of London's most notorious rakeshames to dinner with Miss Ashmore? Arden's reputation was worse even than Basil's. The marquess had both enormous wealth and exalted rank and took full advantage of the privileges attached thereunto.
Not, certainly, that Basil could have expected an invitation. Lord Deverell, Isabella's father, was hardly likely to welcome into his home the young man who'd threatened his wife's reputation and his daughter's future.
"Then you do know," Lord Arden said, calling Basil back to the present. "Well, I must be content to look upon it as a delicious mystery. Obviously, I dare not describe her to anyone and invite rivals. Not, of course, that there's anyone in town at this time of year. Still, I expect she will be there tonight. Maria can't be as conscienceless as all that. Come now, you must give me a clue. Is she a relation? Part French, maybe? Lived abroad most of her life?"
"Possibly," was the unhelpful reply.
"What a close-mouthed fellow you've got to be, Trev." There was a speculative gleam in Lord Arden's grey eyes. "But then I daresay you've got your eye on her yourself. Our tastes have always been remarkably like. Still, you must know she's not your type—not at all."
"And what, precisely, do you think is not my type?"
"Why, the price is too high, Trev. Marriage. Your aunt's standing guard, after all. No slip of the shoulder in this case, I'm afraid."
"Then why are you so eager to meet her?"
"Because I’ve taken it into my mind to marry. Actually, she's put it into my mind. You know that my Respected Parent has been growling at me the last decade at least to be married and get heirs. He's been throwing that insufferable Honoria Crofton-Ash at me this age. Fortunately, my mother believes that a young man must sow his wild oats."
"And so you have, Will. You've sown them with a ven—”
"And here," Lord Arden rhapsodised, quite deaf to his companion, "is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Though she was across the street, stepping out of the dressmaker's, your aunt hurried her into the carriage as though all the demons of Hell were after them."
"She only saw you coming, Will—"
"I could tell she was no schoolroom miss, and I had nearly resigned myself to one day being leg-shackled to some green girl fresh out of the nursery—and they're all so much alike, one Season after another, that you'd think Almack's baked them from a single mold. Well, I can only thank my lucky stars I obliged my sister by taking her into town. It's the greatest piece of good luck.''
The man was insufferable. He'd only glimpsed Miss Ashmore from across the street and promptly decided to take possession, as if she were a handsome stickpin he'd taken a fancy to at Rundell and Bridge's. What a coxcomb he was! Still, Basil only looked amused as he answered, "But you don't even know her yet, Will. I wouldn't count it good luck so soon. Suppose you find she's ill-natured?"
"She couldn't look like that and be ill-natured. It's completely impossible. And even if she is—why, I fancy I might find ways to put her in better temper."
The smirk on Will's conceited face might have goaded a lesser man to violence. Basil, however, only answered amiably, "Pray, my lord, do not enlighten me on your methods. You must consider my delicate sensibilities."
The smile broadened. "Delicate sensibilities, indeed. Oh, you are droll, Trev. Not changed a bit after all this time. And what have you been doing with yourself—what is it?—three years now? How time flies. But come. Though I can't take you to dinner—being so agreeably engaged elsewhere—I will have a glass or two with you and you must tell me about these heroics of yours."