This is the updated version of book 2 in the Crystal Cove Series.

*Please note that Crystal’s name has been changed to Evelyn and The Crystal Thief is now The Cove Thief. I apologize for any confusion this may cause.*

There are storylines that started in book 1 and will follow through to book 2. If this is the first book you’ve picked up in the series, and you want to enjoy this series to the fullest, please begin with book 1 Secrets of the Heart.

Chapter 1

Michael raised his head off the top of his desk and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The last thing he remembered was dreaming about the peaceful look on Heather’s face as she lay in bed before he drifted off to sleep. He relaxed his grip around the small picture frame still clutched in the palm of his hand and set it back on the corner of his desk. If only Carla knew how much he still missed her and the countless hours he had spent staring at her picture. It was enough to etch her face permanently into the back of his mind. God only knew how much he had mourned her loss.

But a part of him couldn’t help feeling guilty, not because he hadn’t shed enough tears, but because there was another woman slowly taking her place in his heart. Michael heaved a heavy sigh. After the loss of Carla, he never thought it would be possible for another woman to capture his heart. But Heather had done the impossible, and now he couldn’t stop the tidal wave of desire he began to feel for her. Didn’t he memorialize Carla enough? Didn’t he punish himself enough by carrying a heavy load of guilt all these years? Surely he should be free to move on with his life?

Michael struggled to find an answer to the questions that nagged at his consciousness. He stretched out his arms and glanced at the nickel dial of the grandfather clock on the wall next to his desk. The American antique had been given to his father by a business client and featured nine tubular bells that played several English tunes. The dials pointed at two twenty-five in the morning, and he had stayed up longer than he intended to. He combed his hand through his hair and walked out from behind his desk before flipping off the switch to the crystal chandelier above his desk. The house was eerily silent as he navigated his way down the hall and trudged up the stairs to his room. It was when he reached the top of the stairs that his eyes grew wider as he studied the body of a woman collapsed into the chair as she lay fast asleep.

Indignation flashed through Michael as he stared at the barefoot woman who slumbered in her nightgown in an uncomfortable position.

What was she thinking trying to navigate the house alone after suffering a concussion? The woman could have easily injured herself.

Michael shook his head in disapproval and stuck out a hand to wake the silly woman and scold her for not using better judgment. But as he stared at the angelic face in front of him, his hand stopped short. How could he jar Heather from a peaceful sleep after all that she had been through? The woman needed as much rest as she could get so she could recover from her injuries.

Michael leaned over her and gently carried her small frame down the hallway to her room. Heather’s skin felt silky smooth against his firm hands, and her skin smelled of jasmine mixed with cedar wood. The woman remained fast asleep as he tucked her into bed. As Michael turned to exit the room, he heard the whisper of her voice.

“God sent me to you, Michael.” Heather’s eyes remained closed as the words left her lips.

Michael stole a glance over his shoulder just in time to see Heather’s eyes flutter for a brief second before settling back to their restful state. With one last sigh, he turned and walked out of her room.

Over the next few weeks, Heather slowly regained her ability to focus and walk without feeling dizzy. While she still experienced migraine-like headaches, they were happening with less frequency, and she hoped to be back to normal after another week. Evelyn had been worried sick about her and was relieved to know that she would be OK.

“I’ll be glad when I’m better, and I don’t have to take that stuff anymore,” Evelyn said as she took the evening pills from the palm of Heather’s hand and chased them down with a glass of water from her nightstand.

“I know you will, Evelyn, and then you can go shopping with Miss Wilson,” she teased with a smile.

“That woman is so stuffy. In fact, I don’t believe she cares about me. That woman is a witch. She just wants Daddy for his money,” Evelyn’s voice pitched louder as she rolled her eyes. Over the last few weeks, Evelyn had seen enough of Cynthia Wilson to last more than a lifetime. She could see the greedy woman only wanted to marry her father for money and that objective included winning Evelyn’s heart with fancy little trinkets and designer clothing. But she determined it wasn’t going to work.

“Be nice, Evelyn; she’s trying to be nice.” Heather gave her a wry smile. Even though she agreed with the girl’s conclusions, she refused to share her feelings. Heather didn’t want Michael to accuse her of sabotaging his wedding by poisoning Evelyn’s mind. But having the woman show up unannounced in the afternoons was problematic for their schedule. Michael had tried to encourage Miss Wilson to respect Evelyn’s schedule, but the stubborn woman seemed to live by her own set of rules. Heather wondered if that’s what showbiz did to a person. She was surprised to find out Cynthia was an aspiring actress in Hollywood, and Heather could tell the woman was good at it.

It seemed Michael had accommodated his schedule to fit hers, and they were always attending some premier or exclusive party from one week to the next. To her surprise, Heather had even seen Michael on the red carpet at an award ceremony last week on television. While Miss Wilson basked in the attention, she could see Michael was uncomfortable being in the limelight.

It was hard for her not to feel sympathy for him. But even though everything seemed fine between them, she couldn’t’ help noticing that Michael kept his distance as she recovered from her injury. He had been attentive the night of her injury, but with the passing of time, he became more distant and reserved, and she couldn’t figure out why. Aside from checking on her from time to time, he was seldom at home. Even though a part of Heather’s heart still yearned to see him, she knew it was better this way.

“Don’t forget about your trip this weekend, Evelyn.” Heather tucked the comforter around Evelyn and gave her a big hug. The trip to Thrill Mountain was finally about to happen, and Michael had been kind enough to postpone the trip until Heather felt better.

“I don’t know if I can sleep tonight. I’m so excited.” Evelyn’s body shook as a smile flashed across her face.

Heather stroked the side of Evelyn’s head and smiled back. “I know. You’ve been looking forward to this for a long time, and I can’t believe it’s finally here.”

“Neither can I. The first thing I want to go on is the Colossal Scream Machine.”

The corner of Heather’s lips turned down into a frown. “Alright young lady, not so fast. I think you need to start out on the easy rides and gradually build up to the crazy ones. I don’t want you getting sick and throwing up.”

“I guess you’re right. But I want you to go with me on the first ride, okay?”

“Don’t worry, I will. We’re going to have a great time tomorrow.”

“We sure are,” Evelyn said as she closed her eyes and dreamed about the big day.

Heather prayed with Evelyn before making her way down to the outside patio. It had been almost a month since her attack, and she had been vigilant not to explore the gardens alone, especially at nighttime. But today had been an extremely hot day, and the warm nighttime breeze seemed the perfect opportunity to relax outside on the patio and enjoy the peaceful moonlit coast. Heather believed no harm would come to her so long as she stayed close to the house.

While she secretly wished Michael was at home to enjoy the evening with her, she knew he was busy with his fiancée planning the final details of their wedding. Heather’s heart sank lower at the thought. It seemed the only man that could make her heart race was about to tie the knot with a woman who knew nothing about how to make him happy.

His lost appreciation for art, his sensitive personality, and the indescribable pain he carried inside from dealing with Carla’s disaster and Evelyn’s sickness. All of these issues needed nurturing to help Michael become the complete man God designed him to be. And Heather believed she had the sensitivity and love to nurture the little boy inside the man’s body.

She feared Michael was about to commit himself to a lifetime of misery by marrying the wrong woman. Even though she loved staying at the Robbins household, it seemed her life was becoming more complicated the closer it got to Michael’s wedding, and she didn’t know how long she could continue to act like it didn’t bother her.

Heather sighed as she watched the waves come rolling in. She had grown fond of Evelyn, and if the girl’s health had healed faster, she would have moved on with her life. But it seemed Evelyn’s health was slow to respond to chemotherapy, and she worried about the girl’s future.

The sound of heavy footsteps from the garden interrupted her from her musings, and her heart began to race wildly as epinephrine coursed through her body.

Who would be in the gardens at night? Was it the same attacker from the other night?

Heather knew one thing for sure, she wasn’t about to wait and find out. She jumped to her feet, ready to bolt for the kitchen side door. Her legs tensed like a sprinter ready to win a gold medal, but before she could make a run for the house, a shadowy figure of a tall man stepped onto the patio.