How to Use These Practice Sets

Use these question sets to hone your critical thinking skills if you are aiming for a very high GMAT score. If you are not yet comfortable with the practice questions in the preceding chapters of this book, then continue to review the arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and other topics presented there until you are able to find the correct answers to most of those practice questions. Then you’ll be ready to tackle the tougher questions here.

If you are ready to do so, set a timer, giving yourself 2 minutes for each question. If you decided to do five Problem Solving questions and five Data Sufficiency questions in one sitting, for example, you would put 20 minutes on the timer. 

As always, be sure to review the explanation to every problem you do in this chapter. Noting a different way to work through a problem, even if you got that problem right, is a powerful way to enhance your critical thinking skills—and it’s ultimately those skills that you will be relying on in order to achieve a very high score on Test Day.

Ready to take your Quantitative score to the next level? Then turn the page and begin work!