This Method is the essential systematic approach to mastering Data Sufficiency. Use this approach for every Data Sufficiency question. It will allow you to answer questions quickly and will guarantee that you avoid the common Data Sufficiency mistake of subconsciously combining the statements instead of considering them separately at first.
There are three things you should accomplish in this step:
Don’t rush through this step, even for seemingly simple questions. The more you glean from the question stem, the easier it will be to find the right answer.
Since the answer choices depend on considering each statement alone, don’t let the information you learn from one statement carry over into your analysis of the other. Consider each statement separately, in conjunction with the question stem. Remember that each statement is always true. Don’t waste time verifying the statements; just evaluate whether this information lets you answer the question.
On Test Day, you don’t want to spend even a second reading the answer choices or thinking about which answer choice is which. They will never change, so you will save yourself much time and confusion by memorizing what the answer choices mean and working with them until you’ve fully internalized them.
A helpful way to remember how the answer choices are structured is to use the acronym 1-2-TEN.
1 |
Only Statement (1) is sufficient. |
2 |
Only Statement (2) is sufficient. |
T |
You must put the statements together for them to be sufficient. |
E |
Either statement alone is sufficient. |
N |
Neither separately nor together are the statements sufficient. |
In fact, it’s so important to memorize the answer choices that after this initial sample question, we will no longer print the choices along with the questions. For each practice question, you should follow the routine you will use on Test Day: write 12TEN in your scratchwork for each question and cross out the incorrect answer choices as you eliminate them. We’ll teach you patterns for eliminating answer choices later in this chapter.
Now, let’s apply the Kaplan Method for Data Sufficiency to the question you saw at the beginning of this chapter:
This is a Yes/No question. If xyz = 1, then the answer is yes. If xyz ≠ 1, then the answer is no. Either answer—yes or no—would be sufficient. There’s nothing that needs to be simplified in this step; all variables are in their simplest terms, and there are no common variables to combine. It’s often worth thinking about how you could get the yes or no that you’re looking for. For instance, if x, y, and z all equal 1, you would get an answer of yes. But is this the only way? This question is short but definitely not simple, since there may be many other possibilities to consider.
Picking numbers for Statement (1), you can readily see how to get a yes: x = 1, y = 1, and z = 1. Can you pick numbers in such a way that the sum is 3 but the product is not 1? Not if you only consider positive integers. But if you consider different kinds of numbers, you can easily find some. Zero doesn’t alter a sum, but it forces a product to be 0. So x = 3, y = 0, and z = 0, while they follow the restrictions given in Statement (1), will give you an answer of no to the original question. Since you can get both a yes and a no, Statement (1) is insufficient. Eliminate (A) and (D)—or choices “1” and “E,” if you’ve written 12TEN in your scratchwork.
Now that you’ve reached a verdict on Statement (1) on its own, completely put Statement (1) out of your mind as you evaluate Statement (2) independently. Statement (2) rules out the possibility of using 0 but not the possibility of using fractions or decimals. So x = 1, y = 1, and z = 1 is also permissible here, but so is something like x = 100, y = 100, and z = 100. So xyz could equal 1, but it could also equal 1,000,000. So you can get both a yes and a no here, as well. Statement (2) is also insufficient, so you can eliminate (B)—which is the “2” of 12TEN.
Since each statement is insufficient on its own, you need to consider them together. Can you pick numbers that add to 3 and are all positive? Again, x = 1, y = 1, and z = 1 makes the cut and answers the question with a yes. Can you think of numbers that don’t multiply to 1 that also are consistent with both statements? Once again, you have to expand your thinking to include other types of numbers besides positive integers. Fractions and decimals make things bigger when added but smaller when multiplied. For example, x = 2.8, y = 0.1, and z = 0.1 fit the bill. They are all positive and sum to 3. Their product is 2.8(0.1)(0.1) = 0.028; this answers the question with a no. Since you can get both a yes and a no answer, the statements are insufficient to answer the question even when combined. The answer is (E)—which corresponds to the “N” of 12TEN.
Now take a few minutes and answer the questions in the following practice set. Don’t worry if they’re challenging at first; you’re only getting started working with this unique question type. For now, do not concentrate on speed—or even on getting the correct answer in the end—but rather on building your technique for approaching Data Sufficiency questions systematically using the Method. You’ll get much more practice with these questions throughout the chapter.