Question Type Identification Exercise

Answers follow this exercise.

Identifying the question type during step 2 of the Kaplan Method for Reading Comprehension is a chance for you to put yourself in control of the entire process that follows: how to research, what to predict, and, thus, how to evaluate answer choices. 

In this exercise, analyze key words in the question stem to determine what the question is asking you to do. Then choose the correct question type from the list of choices.

  1. The passage implies which of the following about XXXXXXX?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  2. According to the passage, each of the following is true of XXXXXXX EXCEPT
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  3. The author mentions XXXXXXX in order to
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  4. The author’s primary objective in the passage is to
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  5. The author makes which of the following statements concerning XXXXXXX?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  6. An appropriate title for the passage would be
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  7. Which of the following statements about XXXXXXX can be inferred from the passage?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  8. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the theory proposed by XXXXXXX?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  9. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  10. Which of the following situations is most comparable to XXXXXXX as it is presented in the passage?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  11. The passage provides support for which of the following assertions about XXXXXXX?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  12. The author indicates explicitly that which of the following has been XXXXXXX?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  13. The author would most likely agree with which of the following?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  14. The author refers to XXXXXXX most probably in order to
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  15. Which of the following represents the clearest application of XXXXXXX’s theory as described in the passage?
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other
  16. The passage is primarily concerned with
    1. Global
    2. Detail
    3. Inference
    4. Logic
    5. Other

Question Type Identification Exercise: Answers

  1. C

    When you see “implies” or “suggests,” know that you’re facing an Inference question.

  2. B

    When you see direct, categorical language like “according to the passage,” know that you’re facing a Detail question.

  3. D

    The phrase “in order to” means that this is a Logic question. Logic questions deal with the author’s motivations. If a question asks you why the author includes a paragraph, brings up a detail, or cites a source, know that you are facing a Logic question.

  4. A

    The phrase “primary objective” means that this is a Global question.

  5. B

    The phrase “makes which of the following statements” signals that this is a Detail question.

  6. A

    The phrase “title for the passage” means that you must base your answer on the whole passage, so this is a Global question.

  7. C

    The word “inferred” means that this is an Inference question.

  8. E (Weaken)

    The word “weaken” means that this is a Weaken question, common in Critical Reasoning but one of the rarer question types in Reading Comp.

  9. A

    The phrase “central idea of the passage” means that this is a Global question.

  10. E (Parallelism)

    The phrase “most comparable to” means that this is a Parallelism question.

  11. C

    The phrase “passage provides support for” means that this is an Inference question.

  12. B

    The phrase “indicates explicitly” means that this is a Detail question.

  13. C

    The phrase “most likely agree” signals an Inference question.

  14. D

    The phrase “in order to” means that this is a Logic question.

  15. E (Application)

    The phrase “represents the clearest application of” means that this is an Application question. Application questions ask you to find the answer choice that is most consistent with a description, theory, or process described in the passage.

  16. A

    The phrase “passage is primarily concerned with” means that this is a Global question.