The countdown has begun. Your date with the test is looming on the horizon. Anxiety is on the rise. You have butterflies in your stomach, and your thinking is getting cloudy. Maybe you think you won’t be ready. Maybe you already know your stuff, but you’re going into panic mode anyway. Don’t worry! It’s possible to tame that anxiety and stress—before and during the test.
Remember, some stress is normal and good. Anxiety is a motivation to study. The adrenaline that gets pumped into your bloodstream when you’re stressed helps you stay alert and think more clearly. But if you feel that the tension is so great that it’s preventing you from using your study time effectively, here are some things you can do to get it under control.
Lack of control is a prime cause of stress. Research shows that if you don’t have a sense of control over what’s happening in your life, you can easily end up feeling helpless and hopeless. Try to identify the sources of the stress you feel. Which ones can you do something about? Can you find ways to reduce the stress you’re feeling from any of these sources?
Often, the mere realization that you’re procrastinating on your GMAT study can cause stress. To help you gain control over your preparation process, make study appointments with yourself on your calendar—and then keep these appointments with yourself! Without setting aside time to study for the GMAT, it’s easy to keep putting it off due to looming work deadlines, business school applications, or other commitments on your calendar. The hardest part of studying is getting started, so get started soon and start small. Even committing to working on five problems a day will produce a pleasant feeling of accomplishment and momentum, leading you to be able to make longer and longer commitments to your Test Day success.
Make a list of areas of strength you have that will help you do well on the test. We all have strengths, and recognizing your own is like having reserves of solid gold in the bank. You’ll be able to draw on your reserves as you need them, helping you solve difficult questions, maintain confidence, and keep test stress and anxiety at a distance. And every time you recognize a new area of strength, solve a challenging problem, or score well on a practice test, congratulate yourself—you’ll only increase your reserves.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a relaxing situation. Breathe easily and naturally. Now think of a real-life situation in which you did well on an assignment. Focus on this success. Now turn your thoughts to the GMAT and keep your thoughts and feelings in line with that successful experience. Don’t make comparisons between them; just imagine yourself taking the upcoming test with the same feelings of confidence and relaxed control.
Facing your problem areas gives you some distinct advantages. What do you want to accomplish in the study time remaining? Make a list of realistic goals. You can’t help feeling more confident when you know you’re actively improving your chances of earning a higher GMAT score.
Whether it’s jogging, biking, push-ups, or a pickup basketball game, physical exercise will stimulate your mind and body and improve your ability to think and concentrate. A surprising number of test takers fall out of the habit of regular exercise, ironically because they’re spending so much time prepping for the exam. A little physical exertion will help you to keep your mind and body in sync and to sleep better at night.
Good nutrition will help you focus and think clearly. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; low-fat protein such as fish, skinless poultry, beans, and legumes; and whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and pastas. Don’t eat a lot of sugary and high-fat snacks or salty foods. Note that on Test Day, you can’t bring food or drink into the testing room. But you can keep a healthy snack in your locker to recharge you between sections.
Every GMAT problem requires careful critical thinking. Unfortunately, that’s the first mental skill to go away when you are sleep deprived. Get a full night’s sleep as often as you can during your preparation, especially as Test Day approaches.
Conscious attention to breathing is an excellent way to manage stress while you’re taking the test. Most of the people who get into trouble during the GMAT take shallow breaths; they breathe using only their upper chests and shoulder muscles and may even hold their breath for long periods of time. Conversely, test takers who breathe deeply in a slow, relaxed manner are likely to be in better control during the session.
If you find yourself getting spaced out or burned out as you’re studying or taking the test, stop for a brief moment and stretch. Even though you’ll be pausing for a moment, it’s a moment well spent. Stretching will help to refresh you and refocus your thoughts.