WE’RE # 1!

Canada is first in the world in bad things, too.

Garbage: In 2009 each Canadian created 777 kilograms of trash—about the same as a large bull moose.

Wasting freshwater: When you have more freshwater than anyone else, you can waste it. In 2006 Canadians used an average of 327 litres of freshwater per day.

Government-approved narwhal killing: In 2008 Ottawa decided to let Inuit hunters kill 500 stranded (and endangered) narwhals rather than use ice-breakers to free them from Pond Inlet. Why? Because the noise from the ice-breakers might be too stressful for the animals.

Low spending on childhood education: In 2007 Canada spent less money on early childhood education than any of the 25 most developed countries.

Freedom from information: Of the world’s five Parliamentary democracies, Canada’s information laws are the most restrictive.

Time spent online: Canadians averaged 45.3 hours per month online in 2012. What were they doing…

Online video viewing: The average Canadian adult watches 304 videos per month. (The U.S. is second at 286.)

Smoking marijuana: About a third of Canadian teenagers have tried marijuana, the most of any country.

Deaths from fire: 85% of Canadian fire deaths happen in the home. 25% of fatalities are children. Spruce Grove, Alberta, Fire Chief Tim Vandenbrink points the finger at a lack of interest in formulating fire-safety plans.

Opioids usage: Canadians use more prescription opioids (e.g., OxyContin) than anyone else. Ontarians use more than twice as much as the rest of the country.

Unattractive people: According to the French fashion magazine Maquillage et Motocyclette. It cited Canadian’s tendency to “over-wear warm clothes like sweatpants.”


You may not establish a pigsty within 50 feet of a public place in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.