It took one daydream to come up with the characters and general plot of this book and less than two weeks to write the first 100 pages of the first draft. (I wish I could say the same about anything else I’ve ever written. This book remains my only case of lightning-struck inspiration.) That was in 2008. I’ve been writing and re-writing the book ever since. The manuscript got me my graduate degree, my first agent, and a date with my now-wife. What it didn’t get was published. After years of close calls and near misses, I had to deal with the reality that my favorite thing I’ve ever written might never become an actual book.

The fact that you’re holding this copy means I have a lot of people to thank and not enough space to do it. 

To the mentors and students at the University of Minnesota’s Master of Fine Arts Program: Thank you for helping me shape and then re-shape the original manuscript, and for giving me three paid years to do so. To my brother, Andy Hueller: As identical twins and YA authors, we’re like the Coco and Kelly Miller of Minnesota publishing. To everyone with whom I grew up talking stats and trading cards and playing sports: Hopefully you recognize us in this book. To my wife, Mari, also a writer and the kickassiest of editors: Words ain’t enough. Almost a decade later and we’re still playing for keeps, Kesselring. And lastly, endless gratitude to INtense Publications: Like I said, this is my favorite thing I’ve ever written. Hopefully, our readers love it too.