get ready for juicing

Welcome to feeling good, having more energy, looking slimmer and feeling healthier! Juicing can do all this for you—and more. So let us introduce you to the wonderful, healthy world of juicing—and you’ll never look back.

Freshly pressed juices, smoothies and boosted juices are just packed with life-enhancing nutrients, ready and waiting for your body to absorb in an instant. There’s no comparison even with the “freshly squeezed” juices in the supermarket, because your juices are only seconds old, so they haven’t lost any of those high-powered nutrients that are so vital to your health and well-being.

Plus there are no extra sweeteners, additives or preservatives to taint the purity of your juices. They are just the natural goodness and nothing else.



All the essential information you need to find out about these fabulous, life-enhancing foods-in-a-glass is included in this book—from the low-down on just how good they are, to the high-impact recipes themselves.

Full of flavor, packed with nutrients and bringing you all the colors of the rainbow, you’ll soon clue into the fruits and vegetables that give you the boost you are looking for—fitness, energy or simply all-round good health. So the sooner you start juicing, the quicker you’ll be looking good and feeling great!

