No book is written by one person. It just seems that way when you’re alone at the keyboard. But then help arrives from multitudes.


My original editor Marjorie Braman saved me from despair and drowning and taught me how to put a novel together. Victoria Sanders led her to me. My amazing friends and readers taught me patience and cleared up the confusing parts. I owe more than I can say to the late Phil Rose, Merle Rose, Nancy Bostdorff, Cece Pearce, Diane Seevers, Leah Wilds, Cindie Geddes, Kristin Felten and Joanne O’Hare. I learned from all of you.


Thank you Otto Penzler for recommending my agent, Kimberley Cameron, who gave me support, encouragement and a better title for the book. She also led me to wonderful editors, Kendel Lynn and Anna Davis, plus an eagle-eyed staff at Henery Press who made me see more clearly.


Art Molinares taught me how to begin using social media and Todd Felts, at the University of Nevada, and his brilliant student, Ryan Kelly, pushed me farther. Jeff Ross and Brent Boynton envisioned wonderfully. So did Bob Felten, good friend and great teacher, who assigned four students the task of advising me on marketing. What a job they did. My gratitude to Shaun Burgess, Josh MacEachern, Garett Rosenquist and Erica Williams.


Thanks also to many University of Nevada friends who taught me about the academy, especially Joe Crowley, Donica Mensing, Rosemary McCarthy, John Fredericks, Jannet Vreeland, the late Travis Linn and numerous faculty members.


My fellow writers, all more skilled than I, deserve praise and gratitude and many bottles of good wine. Christopher Coake, Alan Deutschman, Kate Manning, Lori Rader-Day, Ben Rogers and Heather Hardy, thank you forever.


I owe much to the writers of The Chronicle of Higher Education, especially Academe Today, and to the ever-reliable New York Times for keeping me current with events in higher education, especially the violent and scandalous. And, of course, my gratitude to the amazing Lewis Carroll.


And finally, my family has been putting up with my obsessions and me for years. I love you deeply daughters and readers, Miranda and Temple, and amazing stepson, Scott, for my website. And, sweet husband, you deserve much more than a dedication for all your love and understanding. You make my world.