
Abdel-Khalek, A. M., 8586

Abele, A. E., 180

Achievement motivation, 89

Adaptation, as instrument choice in research, 26063

Adaptive indigenization approach, 1078

Adjustment situation, 318

Administration bias, 255

Adoption, as instrument choice in research, 260

Aesthetics, 63

Africa: indigenous personality in, 14344; ubuntu, 144

Agence de coopération culturelle et technique (ACCT), 77

Aggregate-level personality traits, 23839

Agreeableness: as dimension of FFM, 48; and interpersonal circumplex, 51; and lexical studies, 17879; and state-level relationships, 237

Ahadi, S., 294

Ah Q mentality, 112

Akamine, T. X., 109

Alexandre, J., 91, 93

Allik, J., 86, 290, 294

Allport, G. W., 162, 171, 173

Almagor, M., 172

Alternative Five-Factor Model (AFFM), 73

Alternative hypotheses, 29596

Alvarez, J. M., 285

Amae, 106

Andersen, S. M., 316

Anderson-Harumi, C. A., 285

Angleitner, A., 174

Anxiety, 63

Asch, S. E., 16970

Ashton, M. C., 12, 109, 16365

Assembly, as instrument choice in research, 260

Assertiveness, 52

Attitudes, and trait validity, 29293

Attribute nouns, 174

Austin, J. L., 165

Axioms, 24

Ayçiçegi, A., 93

Aycock, W., 55

Baddeley, A., 262

Baird, B. M., 283

Bantu languages, 140

Barnouw, V., 7

Barrett, L. F., 317

Barrett, P. T., 48, 86

Baryla, W., 180

Basic Traits Inventory (BTI), 142

Baudin, N., 203

Behavioral attributions, 21

Behavioral signatures, 283

Behavior(s): daily, 29394; interpersonal, 21; social, 11315

Bel-Bahar, T. S., 14344

Beliefs, 2225; and trait validity, 29293

Benedict, R., 6, 76

Benet-Martínez, V., 18283

Berry, J. W., 9

Bias: construct, 25354; and cross-cultural personality research, 25356; dealing with, 25765; item, 25556; method, 25455

Biculturalism, 27

Big Five Inventory (BFI), 50, 54, 73, 87, 210

Biological perspectives, and human nature, 2830

Biswas, D., 107

Biswas-Diener, R., 283

Bleidorn, W., 240, 288, 293

Block, J., 58, 314

Bock, P. K., 7

Boer, D., 292

Boiger, M., 317

Bond, M. H., 48, 52, 113, 114, 290, 297, 313, 31718

Borg, I., 254

Borkenau, P., 48

Boucher, H. C., 284

Brokken, F. B., 173

Bunyard, B., 312

Cabrera, H. F., 293

Caldwell-Harris, C. L., 93

California Adult Q-Set, 58

California Psychological Inventory, 12

Campbell, D. T., 259

Canadian ethos, 64

Cardoso, G., 91, 93

Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale scores (CDSE-SF), 118

Career development, 11722

Cattell, R. B., 162, 171, 227

Chang, C., 116

Chang, F., 116

Characteristic adaptations, 75

Chattopadhyay, P. K., 107

Chen, E., 236

Chen, S., 28384

Chen, S. X., 114

Cheong, 106

Cheung, F. M., 54, 105, 114, 122, 124, 126, 165

Cheung, S. F., 122, 124, 126

Chi, S. S., 116

Chinese Personality Scale (QZPS), 109

Chinese Value Survey (CVS), 23

Ching, C. M., 285

Choi, S., 290

Christakis, N. A., 231

Christal, R. E., 48

Chua, A., 311

Church, A. T., 109, 28587, 293, 318

Claim of universality: etic and emic factors, 5456; FFM, 5056; issues of substance, 54; measurement issues, 5354; statistical issues, 5053

Cloninger, C. R., 199

Coan, R. W., 172

Cognitive-Affective Personality System (CAPS), 316

Coker, S., 286

Collectivistic culture, 80, 88

Colovic, P., 175

Combined emic-etic approach, 11012

Comrey Personality Scales, 12

Concept-driven adaptation, 26061

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), 5152, 26465; configural invariance model, 264; intercept invariance model, 264; measurement weights model, 264

Confucian cultures, 105

Confucian Work Dynamism, 23

Conscientiousness: aggregated, 237; conceptualization of, 239; as dimension of FFM, 48; and health-promoting behaviors, 236; and lexical studies, 17879

Consensual trait structure, 16465

Construct bias, 25354

Construct equivalence, 256

Convenience sampling, 25759

Convergent correlations, 203; culture-level and personality, 20911; profile agreement, 212

Coon, H. M., 310, 312

Costa, P. T., 49, 52, 73, 163, 172, 199

Criterion variables, 203; and culture-level correlations, 21214

Cross-cultural anxiety, 10

Cross-cultural differences, in personality, 197

Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2), 111, 139; and career development, 11718; and congruence coefficients, 12527; and mental health, 12425

Cross-Cultural (Chinese) Personality Inventory (CPAI), 16; and career development, 117; and congruence coefficients, 12527; emic scales, 11517; indigenously derived personality scales of, 11213; and mental health, 12225

Cross-cultural personality research, 19899, 25171; anthropological model, 198; and bias, 25356; data analysis, 26365; design stage, 25763; and equivalence, 25657; implementation, 263; missionary model, 198; multilevel models, 26568

Cross-observer agreement, 28991

Cross-situational consistency, 28283

Cui, H., 109

Cultural-contextual biases, 16970

Cultural looseness, 281

Cultural psychology studies, 22

Cultural syndromes, 10

Cultural tightness, 281

Culture-and-personality studies, 68

Culture-level correlations, and criterion variables, 21214

Culture(s): defined, 30; ecological contexts and dimensions of, 3034; limited focus on personality across, 812; as personality writ large, 6; and psychological autonomy, 22; situation assessments across, 31628; in South Africa, 13940; subjective, 10; trait consistency, 1920, 27991; trait validity, 1920, 29198

Dahourou, D., 81

Daily behavior, 29394

Darwin, Charles, 198

Data analysis, 26365

Data collection, 18485

del Prado, A. M., 293, 318

Democracy Index, 215

De Raad, B., 17879, 181, 31415

Descriptors, 18384

DeYoung, C. G., 180

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. DSM-5), 90

Dialectical Self Scale (DSS), 281

Dialecticism, 281

Diaz-Guerrero, R., 10

Diener, E., 283, 294

Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis, 265. See also Item bias

Digman, J. M., 48

Distal culture, 310

Distal perspective, in situation assessment, 311

Draguns, J. G., 10

Duckitt, J., 293

Dunkel, C. S., 284

Durkheim, Émil, 196

Dzokoto, V., 294

Ecological influence, 23132

Economic indicators, and regional personality differences, 23536

Elazar, D. J., 233

Emic factors, 5456; and cross-cultural personality research, 26870; and personality structure, 74; and psycholexical approach, 16263

Emic personality measures, 106; career development, 11722; contributions, 11325; mental health, 12225; organizational performance, 11517; social behaviors, 11315

Emotions, 21

Employment Equity Act 55, 142

Enduring-order societies, 32

English, T., 28384

Enriquez, V. G., 107

Equivalence: construct, 256; and cross-cultural personality research, 25657; metric, 256; scalar, 257

Esteves, F., 294

Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 166

Ethos: Canadian, 64; and mean assessed traits, 62; and national character stereotypes, 62; rating for cultures, 6061; structure and FFM, 5864

Ethos, 7

Etic factors, 5456; and cross-cultural personality research, 26870; and personality structure, 74; and psycholexical approach, 16364

Etic personality measures, 106

Evolutionary perspectives, and human nature, 2830

Evolving-order societies, 3233

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), 264

The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin), 198

Extraversion: conceptualization of, 23839; as dimension of FFM, 48; and individualism, 86; and interpersonal circumplex, 51; and lexical studies, 17879; and state-level relationships, 237

Extreme response bias, 320

Eysenck, H. J., 1112, 48, 254

Eysenck, S. B. G., 48, 8586, 254

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), 4849, 142, 199, 209

Face, 106, 112

Family orientation, 112, 123

Fennig, C. D., 166

Festinger, L., 201

Fifteen Factor Questionnaire Plus (15FQ+), 142

Filial piety, 106, 113

Fischer, R., 292

Fiske, D. W., 30, 48

Five-Factor Model (FFM), 4748, 73, 163; and Big Five Inventory, 50; claim of universality, 5056; defined, 48; dimensions of, 48; discovery of, 49; and structure of ethos, 5864; as a structure of stereotypes, 5758; universal properties of, 5657

Five Factor Personality Questionnaire (FFPQ), 107

Five-Factor Theory (FFT), 75

Florida, R., 235

Forsterling, F., 293

Fowler, J. H., 231

Francophonie, 77

French-speaking Africa, 7678; described, 76; mental illnesses, 80; personality assessment in, 9495; personality disorders in, 9094; personality models, 7880; personality structure in, 8185; personality trait research, 8090; schools of, 77

Fu, H., 114

Fukushima, O., 284

Fuller, R. C., 292

Funder, D. C., 58, 280, 294

Fung, H. H., 114, 165

Gage, E., 286

Galinha, I. C., 294

Galton, F., 170

Gebauer, J. E., 240, 293

Gelfand, M. J., 281, 31819

Gene-culture interactions, 22

General Factor of Personality (GFP), 179

Goldberg, L. R., 48, 51, 109, 162, 16566, 17273, 179, 254

Gosling, S. D., 228, 240

Gosling-Potter Internet Personality Project, 228

Graciousness, 112

Grob, A., 294

Guillaume, E., 323, 327

Gurven, M., 5354

Haddock, G., 293

Hall, E. T., 63

Hansenne, M., 203

Harmony, 106, 112

Harrington, J. R., 281

Health indicators, and regional personality differences, 23637

Heine, S. J., 201, 290, 322

Hero, R. F., 233

Heterostereotypes, 5758

HEXACO model, 54, 182

Ho, M. Y., 124

Hofstede, G., 86, 199

Hofstee, W. K. B., 17980

Honesty-Humility dimension (HEXACO model), 109, 17678, 182

Hosoe, T., 284

Howard, R., 126

Hrebíckova, M., 179

Hu, H., 116

Hui, E. K. P., 114

Human diversity, 56

Humboldt, Wilhelm, 5

Imposed etic, 55

Indigenous personality: in Africa, 14344; traits, 19495

Indigenous psychology: approaches, 10810; challenges for, 12728; measures, developing, 10612; movement in Asia, 1056; and personality assessment, 13839

Individual approach, in situation assessment, 31112

Individualism, and extraversion, 86

Individual modernity, 8

Influence situation, 318

Influence Tactics Profile (ITP), 11415

Inglehart, R., 215

Innovating personality, 8

Instrument bias, 254

Intercultural competence, 27

Interpersonal behavior, 21

Interpersonal circumplex, 51

Interpersonal harmony, 116

Interpersonal Relatedness (IR) model, 139

Item bias, 25556

Jackson, D. N., 173

Jahoda, G., 56, 8

Jobson, L., 286

John, Oliver P., 211

Jokela, M., 229

Judgements, of personality researchers, 19596

Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ), 81

Kam, C. C. S., 31718

Kaplan, H., 5354

Kapur, M., 107

Kapwa, 106

Kardiner, A., 6

Katigbak, M. S., 10910, 285, 293, 318

Keinonen, M., 293

Kemmelmeier, M., 310, 312

Kiers, H. A. L., 179

Kitayama, S., 13, 20, 280, 318

Klages, L., 170

Kluckhohn, C., 129, 269

Ko, Y. H., 107

Ködding, C., 288

Konstabel, K., 210

Ko’s Mental Health Questionnaire (KMHQ), 107

Krewer, B., 56

Krug, S. E., 227

Kulas, J. T., 256

Kulhavy, R. W., 227

Lachman, M. E., 227

Lamb, M. E., 229

Lang, F. R., 114

Language(s): and mentality, 5; and psycholexical studies, 16669; in South Africa, 13940

Lee, K., 109, 164

Leong, F. T. L., 105

Lero Vie, M., 5354

Les structures anthropologiques de la folie en Afrique Noire (Sow), 78

Leung, K., 113, 256, 293

LeVine, R. A., 143

Levine, R. V., 213

Lewin, K., 312

Lewis, M. P., 166

Lexical hypothesis, 16566

Lexical source, 183

Lexical studies, 54, 108; cross-cultural comparisons of, 17879

Leximancer, 270

Lim, Y.-H., 126

Linguistics-driven adaptations, 262

Linnamägi, K., 319

Linton, R., 76

Locus of control (LOC) structure, 8182

Lönnqvist, J.-E., 210

Lucas, R. E., 294

Lynn, R., 1112

Malda, M., 262

Malloy, T. E., 290

Markus, H. R., 13, 20, 227, 280

Martin, T., 11

Massenkoff, M., 5354

Matsumoto, D., 75

McCann, S. J. H., 234

McClelland, D. C., 89

McCrae, R. R., 49, 52, 5859, 62, 73, 81, 89, 163, 172, 199, 289

Meiring, D., 142

Mental health, 12225

Mesquita, B., 317

Method bias, 25455

Metric equivalence, 256

Migration, selective, 230

Miller, G. A., 165

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI/MMPI-2), 12, 107

Miramontes, L. G., 293

Mirowsky, J., 320

Mitrovic, D., 175

Miyamoto, Y., 318

Moral character, 196

Morizot, J., 203

Morling, B., 318

Motivation, achievement, 89

Mõttus, R., 290

Multidimensional Chinese Personality Inventory (MCPI), 109

Multilanguage Seven (ML7) model, of personality structure, 183

Multilevel models: CFA testing, 26768; cross-cultural personality research, 26568; and data aggregation, 267; mixed models/hierarchical linear models, 26667

Murray, H. A., 58, 129, 269

Muthén, B. O., 267

My Vocational Situation Scale (MVS), 119

Naïve dialecticism, 31

Narrative identities, 2526

National character of people, 7

National character stereotypes, 57; and ethos, 62. See also Stereotypes

National Character Survey (NCS), 57, 211

Nature, and personality, 76

Naumann, L. P., 211

Nave, C. S., 294

Negative Valence, 108, 172, 17577, 182

Nel, J.A., 270

Neuroticism: conceptualization of, 238; as dimension of FFM, 48; and lexical studies, 178; and masculinity, 86; and uncertainty avoidance, 86

Nezlek, J. B., 29394

Ng, S. K., 165

Nisbett, R. E., 281

Norenzayan, A., 213

Norman, W. T., 48, 171, 173

Norm-driven adaptations, 262

Objective biography, 89

Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32), 210

Odbert, H. S., 162, 171, 173

Oishi, S., 283, 294

Openness to Experience, as dimension of FFM, 48

Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), 77

Organizational performance, 11517

Osborne, D., 293

Ostendorf, F., 179

Oyserman, D., 310, 312

Panukat ng Mga Katangian ng Personalidad (PKP), 108

Paradoxes, personality traits, 21415

Paterson, L. Q., 236

Patterns of Culture (Benedict), 6

Paulhus, D. L., 290

Paunonen, S. V., 12, 52, 173, 293

Payne, D. L., 144

Peabody, D., 178

Peng, K., 281

Pereira, C., 294

Person, in Sow’s personality model: in collectivistic culture, 80; existential axis, 79; layers of, 7879; phylogeny of, 78; sociocultural axis, 7879

Personality: components, 75; and convergent culture-level correlations, 20911; cross-cultural differences in, 197; defined, 73; geographical differences in, 22932; indicators at national level, 19697; innovating, 8; inventories, 12; large-scale studies of, 2049; measurement issues, 200204; and nature, 76; trait research in French-speaking Africa, 8090; trait structure, 1517

Personality and National Character (Lynn), 11, 19697

Personality assessment: in French-speaking Africa, 9495; tools, 94

Personality disorders: classification of, 90; in French-speaking African culture, 9094; symptoms, 91

Personality Gene Flow hypothesis, 29

Personality Profiles of Cultures (PPOC) project, 4950; and NEO-PI-R factor structure study, 53

Personality signatures, 283

Personality structure: and emic factors, 74; and etic factors, 74; in French-speaking Africa, 8185; psycholexical studies of, 16186

Personality traits: and context variables, 86; and cultural values, 86; mean level of, 8590; and national prosperity, 86

Person-culture match hypothesis, 295

Person perception, 56

Perugini, M., 179

Pervin, L. A., 314

Piedmont, R. L., 5455

Plasticity, 180

Plaut, V. C., 227

Political indicators, and regional personality differences, 23335

Poseidonus, 5

Positive Valence, 108, 172, 17577, 182

Potter, J., 228, 240

Pragmatics-driven adaptations, 26263

Primary institutions, 6

Principal components analysis (PCA) index, 282, 28485

Procrustes rotation, 5253

Profile agreement, 212

Proximal approach, in situation assessment, 311

Psychiatrie dynamique africaine (Sow), 78

Psycholexical pioneers, 17071

Psycholexical studies: consensual trait structure, 16465; cross-cultural comparisons of, 17879; cultural-contextual biases, 16970; emic orientation, 16263; etic approach, 16364; in Europe, 17374; in Germanic languages, 17475; and hierarchies of factors, 17983; in Indo-European languages, 17677; issues, 18386; and languages, 16669; lexical hypothesis, 16566; in non-Indo-European languages, 17778; of personality structure, 16186; psycholexical pioneers, 17071; in Romance languages, 17576; in Slavic languages, 175; in the U.S., 17273

Psychological autonomy, and culture, 22

Psychological differentiation, 9

Psychoticism-Extraversion-Neuroticism (PEN) model, 1112, 73

Pullmann, H., 290

Putnam, R. D., 235

Radhakrishnan, P., 294

Rammstedt, B., 254

Random (or probability) sampling, 259

Rauthmann, J. F., 294

Realo, A., 319

Reference group effect, 32021

Regional differences, in personality, 22543; and Big Five framework, 22627; causes, 22932; and economic indicators, 23536; future directions, 24143; and health indicators, 23637; limitations, 24143; and micro-level outcomes, 23940; personality domains, 22728; and political indicators, 23335; and social indicators, 23536

Renqing, 106, 112

Renshaw, K., 290

Rentfrow, P. J., 214, 228, 234, 240

Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R), 4950, 115, 142; examining, 209; normative structure for, 51; personality trait scores, 197; psycholexical methodology, 172; in Shona, 80

Ribeiro, R., 91, 93

Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ), 323

Riverside Situational Q-sort (RSQ), 1920, 32128

Rolland, J.-P., 51, 95

Ross, C. E., 320

Rossier, J., 75, 81, 203

Rothmann, S., 142

Sample bias, 254

Sampling, 25759; convenience, 25759; random (or probability), 259; systematic, 259

Saroglou, V., 292

Saucier, G., 87, 14344, 173, 175, 18283

Scalar equivalence, 257

Scalar invariance, 2023

Schimmack, U., 294

Schmitt, David, 210, 294

Schmitt, D. P., 292

Schönbrodt, F., 240

Schroöder-Abé, M., 29394

Schutz, A., 29394

Scollon, C. N., 283

Secondary institutions, 6

Selective migration, 230

Self: cultural models of, 2021; independent model of, 20

Self-descriptions, 21

Shao, L., 294

Sherman, R. A., 294

Sibley, C. G., 293, 296

Simons, G. F., 166

Simpatía personality concept, 138

Sinha, D., 107

Situational descriptions, 314

Situation assessment: across cultures, 31628; and cross-cultural research, 32021; distal perspective, 311; and empirical approach, 314; individual approach, 31112; and lexical approach, 31314; and person characteristics, 31316; proximal approach, 311; Riverside Situational Q-sort, 32128

Situations of adversity, 315

Situations of amusement, 315

Sixteen Personality Factors (16PF): questionnaire, 12, 142, 227; structure, 81

Smederevac, S., 175

Smith, C. V., 29394

Social Axioms Survey (SAS), 11314

Social behaviors, 11315

Social capital, 23536

Social indicators, and regional personality differences, 23536

Social influence, 23031

Sociocultural motives perspective, 295

Socioeconomic status (SES), 236

Som, B., 107

Soto, C. J., 211

South Africa: cultures in, 13940; current assessment practices, 14243; historical and political background, 14142; languages in, 13940; legislature, 14243

South African Personality Inventory (SAPI), 82, 137, 139, 14453; ongoing research, 15253; qualitative stage, 14547; quantitative stage, 15052; transition stage, 14750

South African Personality Questionnaire, 141

Sow, I., 7880, 93

Spielberger, C. D., 10

Spirrison, C. L., 290

Stability, in Big Two higher-order model, 180

Stachowski, A. A., 256

Standard deviation (SD) index, 283

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 10

Stereotypes: FFM as a structure of, 5758; of personality traits, 56

Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model (SIFFM), 95

Subjective culture, 10

Subjective well-being (SWB), 29495

Suh, E. M., 284, 290, 294

Suicide (Durkheim), 196

Systematic sampling, 259

Szarota, P., 179

Tellegen, A., 172, 175, 182

Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), 199

Ten Berge, M. A., 31415

Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), 228

Terminological/factual-driven adaptations, 262

Terracciano, A., 62

Thalmayer, A. G., 87, 14344

Themerson, S., 165

Theory-driven adaptations, 26162

Thorpe, J. S., 316

Threat-constraint model, 296

Traditionalism, 112

Trait comparisons, 1719; vs. typological approach, 2627

Trait consistency, 1920, 27991; and adjustment, 282; and cross-cultural evidence, 28391; cultural psychology perspectives on, 28081; trait perspectives on, 280; types and indices of, 28283

Trait validity, 1920, 29198; cross-cultural evidence, 29296; future research, 29899; investigations with indigenous measures, 29698

Triandis, H. C., 10, 20

Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), 199

Triestean five-factor structure, 17576

Tsai, M., 116

Tsuji, H., 107

Tucker, L. R., 151

Tupes, E. C., 48

Ubuntu, 144

Uchida, Y., 317

Universal personality traits, 19495

Unpackaging culture, 267

Values, 2225; cultural, and mean personality traits, 86; and trait validity, 29293

van de Vijver, F. J. R., 105, 142, 256

van Heck, G. L., 314

van Mechelen, I., 315

Vansteelandt, K., 315

Verkasalo, M., 210

Vernon, P. A., 91

Vocational Exploration and Commitment Subscale (VEC) of the Commitment to Career Choices Scale, 119

Völkerpsychologie, 56

von Reudon, C., 5354

Wada, S., 122

Walkowitz, G., 210

Waller, N., 172, 175, 182

Wang, D., 109

Watkins, D., 114

Webster’s New International Dictionary, 171

Welzel, C., 215

White Fathers, 77

Wirtz, D., 294

Witkin, H. A., 9

Wojciszke, B., 180

World Value Survey and European Social Survey, 204

Wundt, Wilhelm, 6

Yeung, D. Y., 114

Yik, M. S. M., 290

Zeitschrift fur Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft (Lazarus and Steinthal), 6

Zhang, J., 113, 297

Zonderman, A. B., 52

Zuckerman, M., 203

Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ), 85

Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ), 88