Hoppin’ Mad!

Frank and Joe ran out from the behind the curtain to grab the frogs that had fallen onto the stage. Luckily, they had years of experience at catching frogs, and it only took them a few minutes to get them all.

“Please be calm and stay seated!” Principal Butler had taken one of the microphones and was trying to get everyone to quiet down. Some of the students were chasing the frogs that had fallen among the seats. Others were running away from them!

Finally, after fifteen minutes, all the frogs were rounded up. A teacher walked through the audience with a big plastic bag, and everyone put the frogs they had captured inside. There was a fish tank in one of the third-grade classrooms, and the frogs would be put there until someone figured out where they came from.

Melissa and Todd were still standing on the stage. Melissa looked angry and upset. Todd still looked shocked. But neither of them was going to leave until they’d had a chance to perform. Once everyone was seated, Melissa tried to wave to the sound people to get the music to start again. No one was paying attention to them. Instead, everyone was staring at Principal Butler, who was still holding the microphone. She didn’t look happy.


“I am giving the person or people responsible for this prank exactly two hours to come forward or I will be forced to cancel the talent show entirely,” she announced. Her face was so red it looked like a big tomato had been planted on her neck. Melissa and Todd gasped!

“Until that time, I am letting everyone out for an early recess. Anyone who has any information about this prank, please come talk to me in my office. You are dismissed.”

Some of the students in the crowd cheered. But most of the students were upset. The annual talent show was a big deal at Bayport Elementary, and everyone wanted a chance to perform or watch their friends.

Melissa ran off the stage and pushed past Frank and Joe again. This time, she was crying.

“My big number!” she yelled. “Ruined! Why would someone do this to me?”

Frank and Joe looked at each other. They might not get a chance to show off their sword-fighting skills, but the Hardy Boys did have one other special talent—solving mysteries. And it looked like today was the day to show off that talent too.

“Who would want to ruin Melissa and Todd’s big number?” said Joe.

“I don’t know,” said Frank. “Sure, they’re a little annoying with their constant bragging, but they’re both really good, and sweet, too—when they’re not superbusy trying to win.” Melissa and Todd just got too competitive about things like this to remember that they were supposed to be fun. Maybe that attitude had rubbed someone the wrong way. Or maybe someone wanted to win the talent show this year and figured ruining Melissa and Todd’s big number was the best way to do it. Either way, the boys had two hours to figure things out—before the talent show was canceled for good.

Frank pulled out his trusty notebook and pen. The notebook was brown and battered from being carried in Frank’s pocket all the time, but it had records of every crime they’d ever solved.


“All right, Joe. What do we know?”