Thank you to the readers who write to tell me my work brings you joy. Knowing my books bring others pleasure at a time when we are bombarded with so much negativity is a light in my day.
Other people who bring light to my day are my author friends who are always there for me when I’m struggling with a scene, character, plot point, or real life. Gwen Hernandez, Darcy Burke, Jenn Stark, Elisabeth Naughton, Serena Bell, Toni Anderson, Bria Quinlan, and Gwen Hayes. Thank you ladies, for always being there for me. I’m pretty sure Ivy and Dimitri would still be stuck on that island if not for you.
Thank you to my children for being exactly who you are. I am so proud to be your mom.
This book would not have been possible without input from my husband, who recorded archaeological sites in Palau for four months and shared with me the wonder and beauty of the islands. Thank you so much, Dave, for the story ideas and for sharing this life adventure with me.