Heartfelt thanks to my editor Alex Logan, who not only makes each book so much better, but also works tirelessly on behalf of the series. Many thanks to Amy Pierpont, whose insightful suggestions greatly improved Sawyer and Jill’s story. To the dedicated sales, marketing, production, and art departments at Grand Central / Forever, thank you so much for all your efforts on behalf of my books. They’re greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to my agent Pamela Harty for her support and guidance.
To my wonderful husband, amazing children, and adorable granddaughters, I couldn’t do what I do without your love and support. Thank you. I love you all so very much.
Additional thanks and love to my daughter Jess for reading my first drafts and her willingness to answer my endless questions. No matter how many times I’ve asked them.
And to the readers who take time out of their busy lives to spend a few hours with me in Christmas, Colorado, you have my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for the lovely e-mails, tweets, and Facebook posts. You guys are the best.