To Peggy Bjarno, dear friend and encourager extraordinaire. Without you, this novel would still be languishing in the dusty corners of my mind.
And to my husband, Steve, who gave me the wondrous gift of freedom to pursue my dreams. I love you not only for the many things you do to add joy to my life, but because of the awesome man you are.
A long list of acknowledgments can be a boring bit of text to read. But to the author, thanking the people who made this novel a reality is an extraordinary privilege. Transforming these imaginary characters vying for attention in my brain and turning them into people worth knowing was no easy task for this fledgling writer, and my appreciation to all who assisted truly knows no bounds.
So to begin, a huge thank you goes out to my first writers group, those dear women who congregate on Tuesday nights. Peggy Bjarno, Barb Degler, Penny March, Carla Heymsfeld, Cecily Nabors, and Justine Rowden showed me the basics of writing well and welcomed this brand new struggling writer with open arms.
My high esteem for my many editors also can’t adequately be expressed. Thank you, Brian Koppe, for turning my first bumbling words into grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. When I look back on some of my first attempts, I shudder. Thank you, Dr. Dennis Hensley, for taking those drafts and teaching me how to write something worth reading. You went way beyond fixing the flaws. You taught me how to write. And finally, thank you dear Paula Mowery, my Prism editor, for taking a chance on a newish author and polishing my humble words until they shone. You are a very special lady and working with you was a true joy!
I’d also like to give The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference a mention. They were instrumental in providing me with invaluable instruction in a beautiful, restful setting. A big thank you goes out to multi-published author and founder of BRMCWC, Yvonne Lehman, for providing early critiques that helped to shape my first several pages and ultimately, the direction of the novel. Agent Linda Glaz was also very gracious in giving of her time and gave valuable feedback on my first few chapters. Both of these wonderful ladies are true professionals with generous hearts.
My family, especially my sister, author of seven books, Rev. Dr. Diane Leclerc, has given me tangible assistance and support. You’re the best, sissy! In addition, I gratefully thank my brother-in-law, Fred Anderson, retired Lt. Colonel in the Frederick County Sherriff’s department, who supplied the information on police procedures. I’m hoping to someday help him with his own stellar idea for a book and any errors committed are entirely mine.
My beta readers were also supremely invaluable and since this book went through many incarnations, some of you were subject to reading it more than once. Janice Bittner, Melanie Goggin, Debbie Gerhart, Renee Crawford, and Darla Forbes—you are all very dear to me. Thank you especially, Elizabeth Maddrey, for being the best critique partner, ever! You truly made this a much better book!
I am also fortunate indeed to have so very many encouraging friends! Bless you friends at WAU, and all of those associated with the American Christian Fiction Writers association, especially Lynellen Perry, Kelly Goshorn, Connie Almony, Carrie Fancett Pagels, Carole Towriss, Cecelia Dowdy, Ronie Kendig, Erin Unger, Loree Lough, Jodie Wolf, Rita Gerlach, and Candice Prentice.
Thank you also fellow Prism Book Group authors. We are an exceptional group of a writers who truly support and encourage each other. I am blessed to write for a company who truly cares.
And finally, I would be extremely remiss if I failed to include my Saturday morning writers group in this long list. Bridget Snapp, Tawn Heritage, Rick Burke, and Steve Baer inspire, lift my spirits, and keep me motivated. You’re the best, gang.
Dear readers, Love, Lies, and Fireflies was started two months after I turned fifty. To all of you out there that are waiting for the “right” time to pursue your dream of writing, it’s never too late. Pray hard, open your ears and listen for God’s direction, and start NOW!
Love to all, Jan