Blimey, another book written! As always, it’s a huge team effort, and I’m so grateful for everyone’s help. From readers tweeting me with lovely praise that spurs me on, to my friends and family who act as my loyal fan club trying to peddle my book to anyone that will listen. There are almost too many people to thank, but a few that deserve a special mention.

Thank you firstly to Christie and Simon, for sharing their beautiful part of the world with me (and my readers). Your local knowledge and photos have been super helpful. I only wish we’d all been in better health during the research - but we will be back and we’ll make up for it, PIGO!

Thank you to my long suffering agent Hannah, and the rest of the team at Hardman and Swainson, for everything you do behind the scenes. The team at Bonnier Zaffre - Sophie, Bec and (much missed) Joel - as always your editing notes are spot on and my books are all the better for your collective input. Thank you to Alex Allden for my beautiful cover. Also, to my German editor Julia at Droemer - I really do hope we can meet one day in person to talk books, travel and babies.


To my wonderful family and friends: thanks for babysitting, cheerleading and your general enthusiasm and interest in my books. Especially Mum, Jane, Heather and Harold, Laura, Hannah, Kaf, Debs and Julie. Also, to old school and college friends, work colleagues, and friends of friends that read my books - I’m always humbled how many of you support me. And, not forgetting the other Agent Fergie authors, I am so lucky to be part of such a supportive bunch of writers.

A mahousive thank you to all the book bloggers and reviewers who not only take the time to read my book but write lovely reviews too. Thanks especially to Victoria (Victoria Loves Books), Ananda, Becky Gulc, Chloe Spooner, Agi, Simona Elena, Kaisha, Isabelle Broom, Amy Lysette, Natasha Harding, Natasha (The Books Geek wears Pajamas), Aimee and Rachel Gilby.

I definitely couldn’t have written this book without my husband feeding me, tidying the house and doing daddy daycare – thank you, Steve for everything you do for us! To Rex the dog, for letting me take him for a walk to iron out those plot holes, and to Evan and Jess for taking those all important strategic naps.

Lastly, thank you to you for reading my book! Do come say hello on Twitter – @annabell_writes, I do love to hear from readers, and do sign up to my reader’s club for news and exclusive content.