Horoscopes are calculated with the assumption of birth or initialization on TRAPPIST-1 e. For those born or activated on c, f, or g, please see the Outer Stations supplement.
Today’s Birthday: 7th orbit 3 104 AL (October 10th, 2382).
Good fortune will come to you in the next orbit! The heavens look favorably upon your future ventures, and you will have the opportunity to achieve your most cherished dreams. While it may seem like uncertainty is everywhere, from sightings of Coleoptoid scout ships to unexpected solar flares, know that your success is all but guaranteed. Just make sure not to let it all go to your head!
Vehiculum, the Re-Entry Vehicle (Hours 0-12)
As TRAPPIST-1 h leaves your sign, expect a change of fortune, this time for the better. Financial stability will improve as long as you keep a clear and cool head, though h’s lingering influence cautions against nanofoundry investments. Be open to new possibilities from places that might surprise you. A Salix in particular may be the bearer of good news, so be on the lookout.
Falx, the Scythe (Hours 12-24)
This is a time of abundance! Expect a flourishing in your creative abilities whether it’s designing new AI cores or arranging the gossenberry plants in your garden. If you’d thought about taking up a new hobby, now is the ideal time. It is said that great art emerges from periods of crisis and upheaval. Rather than just fret about possible approaching war fleets, let your muse sing to you, and see what you can contribute. You may find yourself going down in the (surviving) history archives!
Serpenscaelo, the Sky-snake (Hours 24-48)
TRAPPIST-1 and g are currently warring for dominance in your sign, so prepare yourself for more strife than a Coleoptoid at a human diplomatic banquet; be sure to refrain from following their example and metaphorically eating the human envoys as an appetizer! You will receive conflicting commands and requests from the higher-ups—trust your intuition to make the right choice of which to heed. Relationships may suffer, so be sure to up your communications with any and all partner(s). It’s going to be a rough ride, but kindness to yourself and others will see you through.
Gloria, the Butterfly (Hours 48-60)
Fortunately, the conjunction of b and c will shield you from the turmoil occurring in neighboring Serpenscaelo. This power duo will lend you a boost in confidence, be sure not to waste it! Ask for that promotion you deserve. Ask that gorgeous synthetic across the hall on a date. Get that phenotype modification that you’ve been longing for. A strong sense of self will get you noticed by all the right people, and you’ll find friends and family never fail to be supportive of your decisions. This orbit, the only limit you have is yourself.
Saltator, the Dancer (Hours 60-72)
You’ve been running yourself ragged as of late, but with d entering your sign, it’s time for you to take a well-deserved rest. Sleep late if you have to, and feel free to stop and smell the pseudoroses. Avoid any intra-system travel—it will just stress you out more than it’s worth. It’s fine to worry about a Coleoptoid invasion, but don’t worry too much. Just remember, no matter how chaotic life may seem, you’ve got things under control.
Falsoryx, the Fantalope (Hours 72-84)
Just as the fantalopes follow their endless, circum-planetary migration along the Dawn Rim, you, too, shall feel a deep sense of wanderlust. Expect invitations from old friends, and plenty of excuses to travel, physically or mentally. A change in surroundings, no matter how temporary, will be of great benefit to you, especially given the stress we’ve all been living under lately. Be ready to broaden your horizons. A Tenebra would make an excellent traveling companion.
Salix, the Willow (Hours 84-96)
The bottom isn’t going to fall out this orbit, but it will still feel like it has. Trouble may come in the form of a sputtering fusion reactor, a neglected lover, or a rampant AI. This orbit is a test of your character under pressure. Avoid any impulse shopping sprees or phenotype alterations—you’ll thank yourself later. On the bright side, look for things to improve in the coming orbits, as TRAPPIST-1 always shines most brightly after the solar storm, Coleoptoid invasion or no Coleoptoid invasion.
Astronaut, the Spacer (Hours 96-108)
Family is key this orbit as challenges approach. Whether it’s your parents, your children, your partners, or your genetic derivatives, all hands will need to be on deck. It’s not all bad news, as this will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen your bonds. Remember where you came from, and what that means to you, and you’ll make it through unscathed.
Helicis, the DNA Molecule (Hours 108-120)
When did things get so complicated? Relationships, job responsibilities, and personal commitments threaten to overwhelm you, and a personal assistant AI can only help so much. There has never been a better time to simplify, and doing so will be heartily rewarded. Avoid any political entanglements, whether intra-system or out-system: if you want a seat at the table, wait until next month. Right now, you’ll just be served as the main course.
Clamator, the Forest Howler (Hours 120-132)
This is your orbit for love! If you’re looking to start a new relationship, or deepen your current one(s), be open to inspiration from surprising sources. However, as hard as it might be for Clamators, be sure to take things slowly—this one is definitely for keeps. Your heart or other primary circulatory pump will let you know when you’ve found the right one. You have particularly good chances with Astronauts since they’ll need a helping hand this orbit.
Terebra, the Drill (Hours 132-144)
As f rises in your sign this orbit, you’ll relish being in good health. Athletic accomplishments are easy for you, so plan accordingly. You may be tempted to overdo it, however, and must fight against this tendency—you can only push yourself so hard before it starts to wear you down. Know your limits, and you should expect a long and prosperous life. Unless you’re the one the Coleoptoids end up eating for dinner, of course.