I’m going to guess that you consider yourself bright, motivated, and articulate. You might be just out of school and at the beginning of a job search. Maybe you’re going for an internal promotion, or for a first or second interview. You could even be a seasoned executive or worker. No matter where you are in your career, one universal concept is absolutely critical if you’re going to get to the next step: the interview is the key to success at all levels.
In the course of this book, I’ll reveal a science that, when learned and practiced aggressively, will allow you to go on the offensive, controlling and creating the interview the way you want it while answering all of the hiring manager’s questions, often before he or she asks them. Think this sounds unreasonable? The science in this book teaches you to speak directly to a specific set of unconscious “questions behind the questions” that every hiring manager needs to be addressed and answered correctly. One of the secrets I’ll reveal in this book is that the hiring manager often doesn’t even know that he or she needs these questions answered. But I do!
I’ve witnessed these questions being answered—or not—during tens of thousands of hours of debriefing with hiring managers, some of the top executives in the country. I’ve heard these hiring managers tell me what they really want out of candidates but will never verbalize to you, the interviewee. These managers confided in me because I was a top performer, had built a deep trust with them, and earned their respect, giving me an inside view of their minds and how they think.
A master’s degree in industrial psychology and counseling is another reason I was able to pull out secrets that no one ever had before (and probably never will again). Because I’ve put my experiences and knowledge into this book, you can gain these tens of thousands of hours of access, my eight-step science, and not-so-commonsense tips that will enable you to thrive and become an A-plus player in the business and game of interviewing.
In my nineteen-year career, I’ve had the privilege to recruit and consult for top companies all over the world. I’ve worked with many of the most accomplished CEOs, hiring managers, vice presidents, executive vice presidents, and scientists on the planet—people who are in the game of driving their companies or teams to achieve maximum results. During this time, I’ve hired in every discipline, including sales, technology, engineering, accounting, insurance, healthcare, and life sciences, among others.
After receiving many best-recruiter awards and plaques, I realized that someone needed my help even more than the companies for whom I’d worked. It was the candidate.
One of the tragedies of our time—and I’ve witnessed this again and again—is that qualified people aren’t getting the jobs they should because they don’t know how to interview. These candidates end up on the defensive, with no proactive, set strategy to win. It makes me so sad to see people memorizing over fifteen hundred possible interview questions and their coined “proper” responses when the solution is so much simpler.
So I’ve made it a personal mission to use my expertise to make sure that if someone has the experience, the skills and the temperament for a job—if they’re supposed to get it—they will never fail due to simple inexperience at interviewing. My life is focused on helping candidates crack the code that’s at work during the interview process, a code which many (including the hiring managers who are run by it) don’t even know exists.
I’ve distilled these concepts into an eight-step process that allows interview candidates to take charge of the interview, be proactive instead of reactive, and win interviews based on their merits. Chapters 1 and 2 cover some critical, foundational basics you’ll need to have mastered before moving on. Chapters 3 through 8 cover the eight-step REAPRICH practices in detail. The remainder of the book is devoted to in-depth examinations of some of the other factors that affect business success and personal well-being in today’s world.
These concepts can’t be found in normal job guides or traditional career sources. They stem from hard-earned experience and countless hours of interviewing. This system is an organized, effective way to make sure you accomplish everything you set out to do when you interview for that new job. If you spend time studying them, not only will you be prepared to represent your own skills and experience in the best possible light during an interview, but to stand out amongst your competition. Outside of marriage, life partnerships, and your choice of where to live, the decisions you make about your career are the most critical. Your job is your foundation—the driving force for your life. Even if you choose to work for yourself or start a business, representing yourself or your company in a way that differentiates you from everyone else out there is critical.
If you’ve spent years on an education or on learning your trade, even if you’re an established executive, it’s worth spending these few hours making a deep investment in yourself and your mastery of interview skills. Remember, I’m going to teach you top-level power skills that will dramatically differentiate you from every other candidate. I’m going to bring out your best so that you can put that front and center. I’m not here to just make you better, I’m here to make you phenomenal. Ongoing practice of the skills you learn here may help you outperform even those who are more educated or intelligent than you. In my experience, success is often more a matter of grit and hard work than skill.
I hope you’ll take the challenge of finishing this book, applying the things you’ve learned daily, and making yourself into an expert interview candidate, the first, crucial step to a fulfilling career.
Warm regards,
Evan G. Pellett