Preface to the seventh edition

It is four years since the sixth edition of Research Methods in Education was published and we are indebted to Routledge for the opportunity to produce a seventh edition. The book continues to be received very favourably worldwide and is the standard text for many courses in research methods.

The seventh edition contains much new material, including entirely new chapters on:

image   The search for causation

image   Choosing a research project

image   Critical educational research

image   Evaluation and the politics of educational research

image   Meta-analysis, research syntheses and systematic reviews

image   Virtual worlds in educational research

image   Visual media in educational research

image   Organizing and presenting qualitative data

image   Content analysis, coding and computer analysis

image   Themes, narratives, conversations and discourses

image   Grounded theory

image   Analysing visual media as data

image   The background to statistical tests

image   Descriptive statistics

image   Inferential statistics

image   Multidimensional measurement and factor analysis.

Whilst retaining the best features of the former edition, the reshaping, updating and new additions undertaken for this new volume now mean that the book covers a greater spread of issues than the previous editions, and in greater depth. In addition to updating the book throughout, new material has been added as follows:

Part 1:

image   ontology and epistemology in educational research

image   complexity theory and research

image   cross-cultural research

image   mixed methods research

image   participatory research.

Part 2:

image   choosing a research project

image   planning educational research

image   modelling the planning process

image   research questions

image   conducting, searching and reporting a literature review

image   ethics, managing ethical dilemmas, ethics committees and pro-formas

image   ownership of data

image   quality in educational research

image   sampling, particularly non-probability sampling

image   sampling in mixed methods research

image   cross-cultural validity

image   validity in mixed methods research.

Part 3:

image   historical and documentary research

image   autoethnography

image   internet ethnographies

image   generalizability in qualitative research

image   internet surveys

image   internet sources and online resources

image   surveys and online surveys

image   sampling in surveys and experiments

image   interview and telephone surveys

image   longitudinal studies

image   case studies and their data

image   databases and data sources for ex post facto research

image   experiments and design experiments

image   randomization in experiments

image   research syntheses, systematic reviews and meta-analysis: ‘what works’

image   action research and participatory action research

image   reporting action research

image   qualitative research and short-duration qualitative research

image   social networking

image   virtual worlds in educational research.

Part 4:

image   conducting research with children

image   personal constructs

image   planning and conducting questionnaires

image   internet questionnaires

image   software for questionnaire preparation

image   role-playing

image   telephone interviewing

image   interview control questions

image   interviewing minority and marginalized people

image   network analysis

image   timing and causality for observational data

image   software for test preparation

image   video recording in educational research

image   ethical issues in video research

image   visual media in educational research: artefacts, still and moving images.

Part 5:

image   computer analysis in qualitative data

image   thick descriptions and their interpretation

image   discourse analysis

image   analysing narratives, biographies and autobiographies

image   analysing and interpreting visual data: artefacts, still and moving images

image   coding and grounded theory

image   further statistics and how to calculate, use and report them in data analysis

image   curves of distribution, range and standardized scores

image   further analysis with the chi-square statistic

image   partial correlations and controls

image   structural equation modelling and multilevel modelling

image   signs and symbols in statistical analysis.

Additionally there are copious website references in nearly every chapter, most of which provide free online materials. A signal feature of this edition is the inclusion of very many extensively worked examples and more figures, diagrams and graphics to illustrate and summarize key points clearly. Several of the tables in Part 5 include SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software) output, so that readers can check their own SPSS analysis against the examples provided.

We have introduced a numbering system in each chapter, for ease of referencing and locating material.

To accompany this volume, a companion website provides a comprehensive range of materials to cover all aspects of research (including a full course on research methods on PowerPoint slides), exercises and examples, explanatory material and further notes, SPSS data files and SPSS manual for novice researchers, QSR (Qualitative Solutions and Research) data files and manual for qualitative data treatment, together with further statistics and statistical tables. These are indicated in the book. A wealth of supporting materials is available on the website

This book stands out for its practical advice that is securely rooted in theory and up-to-date discussion from a range of sources. We hope that it will continue to constitute the first ‘port of call’ for educational researchers and continue to be the definitive text in its field.