I’m very grateful to my early readers for their insightful critiques throughout the drafting process: Jeff Miller, Phil O’Flaherty, Chuck Killorin, Melissa Corliss-DeLorenzo, Sue Little, Jen Salt, Glyn Forster, Stacia Decker, and Jill Sweeney-Bosa. Thanks also to Carol Kutz for making a lifelong reader out of me in the sixth grade, to my grandmother—to whom this book is dedicated—for typing up my first horror stories without batting an eye, to my parents for always supporting my creative endeavors, to Jeff for rocking the cover, to the gnomes who pluck weeds in the story garden at AQ Connect, to Christopher C. Payne and his team at JournalStone for being allies and angels just when I most needed them, to Brett J. Talley for helping me to see the forest for the trees, and most of all to my amazing wife Jen for believing.