Crone snapped his fingers and filled the room with boxes of various sizes. “I suggest you start packing.” His tone was a little terser than he’d meant. His cock had thickened with desire, and he was totally disgusted with himself. The girl had sought him out for help, and here his other head was trying to get in on the action.

Tessa looked around, her eyes wide. “Umm, I’m not planning on moving.”

He picked up one of the smaller boxes and tossed it at her. “You don’t have to use them all. You’ll be living at my beach house but expect this might take some time. I’m not exactly sure yet what you want me to do other than protect you, but we can discuss that later.” His gut told him killing the warlock wouldn’t solve her problems. She was hiding something, and the best way for him to find out her secret would be to get her on his own turf. Perhaps he could seduce it out of her. Her body silently screamed its arousal, so teasing her into sharing what he wanted to know would be a simple task. Besides, he didn’t have to follow through with sleeping with her. Right. You’re just looking for a way to drop her defenses.

“Beach house?” she inquired.

“Yes, I own a private island.”

She put the box on the coffee table and began setting some books inside. “How handy for you...having your own island.”

“It has its perks.” He watched as she placed the heavy leather-bound book on the top. “Interesting. So you think Zadicus will be unable to find me there?”

“Zadicus, I assume, is our warlock?”

She closed the box. “Got any tape? And yes, he would be the one coming after me.”

“Can’t you get your own tape? You're a witch, after all.” He waited for her response, but she simply shrugged her shoulders and folded the box closed before she grabbed another.

“I assume I only need personal things?”

“Of course. What the?” He looked down to discover a black cat weaving in and out of his legs. “You didn’t tell me you had a cat.”

“Oh, that’s Sebastian. He seems to like you.” She tried to hide a giggle. “Don’t you like cats?”

“That’s not a cat. It’s a creature pretending to be a cat.” He snapped his fingers and summoned his own pet. “This is Ares.”

She jumped back with a scream and scooped up the scraggly kitten, pulling it tight to her chest. “That’s your pet?”

“Yes. You don’t like Ares?”

“T-that’s a damn tiger!”

“Of course, a real cat. Get used to her since she’ll be roaming the island, helping to ensure your safety.”

“But she’ll eat Sebastian. Maybe even me!” She took another step back and bumped into the wall.

“Nonsense. She’s fed and obeys my every command. Now, finish packing or leave with only the clothes on your back. Of course, you are a witch so certainly you can produce your own clothes.” He patted Ares on the head.

Zadicus stared into a pool of azure, watching a Jinn move in on his territory. Not just any Jinn, but the one who had tortured then killed his grandfather. He spun and faced his demonling apprentice, Khrom. “A Jinn thinks he can best me?”

Khrom blinked, his ink-filled eyes stared at Zadicus. “Jinn are weak. You will go and take your female now?”

The warlock flipped the wool cape out of his way that warded off the chill and brushed past the demonling. Khrom, while young in demon years, was old compared to most. He held a vast knowledge of the world around him but apparently didn’t realize exactly who this particular Jinn was.

“Khrom. Your assignment is to find any and all information you can on a Jinn named Crone.” He passed his hands over the front of him, the demonling’s clothes changing to jeans and a black button down shirt. “I’ll be back.”

He spread his fingers and waved his palms over the ground in front of him. Dirt and rock cracked and spread apart, leaving a gaping hole that he stepped into. Seconds later, he materialized inside Tessa’s apartment, encased in invisible magic. Neither she nor her Jinn would be wise to the fact he stood in the corner and waited.

Zadicus was near. The marking on her shoulder burned in warning, but she couldn’t know exactly where. Not until Ares fur bristled, and the tiger curled its lips revealing thick, sharp fangs.

Crone stiffened.

“He’s near,” she whispered.

“Bullshit. He’s in the room with us,” Crone announced and whispered something to the tiger by his side, causing the cat to promptly leap in front of Tessa. With the wall to her back, and a large cat at her front, she had no place to run.

“Show yourself, or do you fear the ass kicking you’re going to receive?” Crone shouted.

Tessa clutched Sebastian tighter, and the kitten curled into her, not fighting. He likely sensed his best bet was right where he was.

Laughter. Sinister and dripping with danger, it filled the room, causing fear to twist her gut. Something told her this wouldn’t end well. What did she truly know about Crone anyway? Only the legends, and she knew well enough how rumors started. Suddenly Zadicus shimmered into the corner.

“So this is how you treat me, Tessa? You dare bring another man into your home?” He stepped forward. “Correction. A human man I might abide but a Jinn? The lowest of the magical realm.”

Hey, that Jinn happens to be my other half. Oh, where the hell did that come from? Being in close proximity to the man the ancestors had chosen for her did something to her head. Yeah, it makes me stupid.

Crone shoved out his chest and crossed his arms. Thick muscle rippled along his biceps, and for a moment, she melted at the sight of such strength. Zadicus, while handsome with long sliver-blond hair and dark grey eyes, was on the smaller side. Had she not known who he was and what he planned to do with her, he would have cut a seductive sight of his own.

The warlock tipped his head back in laughter while blue sparks flew from his fingertips. Never a good sign in the magic world, and she worried for all their safety. For a brief moment, she entertained the idea of giving herself over, but she had to trust Crone. She was far from ready to die.

A bright flash. A scream escaped her lips and everything went black. Heat encompassed her body and sweat beaded her forehead. A sudden jolt and she hit something hard. Blinking back tears, Tessa tried to regain her breath. A lead weight sat on her chest, crushing her. She was going to die. A blur of movement came into view as the light fought back the darkness.

She gasped.

This is how my life will end. A tiger, chewing my head off.

Ares straddled her. The big cat’s golden eyes stared into hers, and its hot breath fanned over her face. Time stood still. Ares finally moved off her and sauntered across the room. Tessa sat up and frantically searched for Sebastian. The cat meowed and crawled into her lap, purring.

“Oh, thank god.” She spied Ares again and watched, her jaw agape as the exquisite tiger transformed into an even more beautiful woman. “I... Oh my hell.”

The tiger...er, woman smiled. Her gold-jeweled eyes, as brilliant as before, now framed by a messy mane of sable. She had high cheekbones and full lips that would drive any man, and even some women, to their knees. Her bronzed skin, wrapped in a turquoise sari covered with silver beading, showed every curve.

“I’m a shifter,” Ares announced in a sultry voice.

“I had no idea shifters really existed.” Tessa stood, set down the kitty, and brushed herself off.

Ares moved with the grace of...well a tiger. “Our numbers have dwindled. I was rescued from my village where some humans had caged all the females and slaughtered the males. I’m unsure how many of the females escaped, but I know a few are hidden away. Crone has been my protector, and in return I help him where ever I can.”

“I’m so sorry. How horrible that must have been for you.” Tessa scanned the room. “Where is Crone? Did he not come with you?”

“He has yet to arrive. When the warlock presented himself I grabbed you and fled.” Ares pushed aside a panel of creamy beige curtains to reveal a wall of glass doors. The beach shimmered like millions of tiny diamonds, and the contrast with the blue water hurt her eyes.

“This must be the island he spoke of?” Tessa moved closer to the glass.

“Yes. It’s his favorite place, and I’m fortunate he allows me to live here. He visits often when he needs an escape from his home or the world in general.” Ares began sliding the glass panels until the entire room opened to the outside. A warm, salty breeze wafted through the air but did nothing to warm Tessa.

“I hope I’m not causing you any inconvenience by staying here.” Crone had assured her there was no female in his life she needed to worry about. However, she had to wonder how true that was. Ares was an exceptionally gorgeous woman, and if Crone hadn’t already slept with her it could only mean he preferred men. Tessa already felt insecure about trying to seduce the Jinn, and now the woman beside her increased her doubt.

“I welcome the company of another female. Crone may know his way around a woman’s body, but when it comes to other needs, he’s clueless. He couldn’t care less about what he refers to as idle chatter.” She flashed a smile.

“Oh, so you and he are—”

“Friends with benefits?” Ares interrupted. “Yes, you could say that.”

“Ahh, glad to see you two getting along,” Crone called out, and both ladies spun to face him. Relief swept over Tessa that he was still in one piece, until the desire to claw his eyes out replaced it. Why was she jealous of Ares? Maybe because she has more sex appeal in her little finger than I have in my entire body. And she can shift. I can’t even get a spell right.

Suddenly she noticed his burned shirt.

“Are you okay? What happened to Zadicus?” she asked, hoping the damn warlock was dead.

Crone strode across the wood floor. His boots made a heavy thud as he walked, all the while stripping off his scorched shirt and tossing it aside. Tessa folded her bottom lip through her teeth and bit down as she tried not to stare at the wall of muscle that stopped in front of her. Instead, she forced her focus upward and into a pair of blue eyes that danced with amusement.

“I’m fine.”

He’s not kidding.

“Your warlock is fine. Your apartment, however...” He lifted a shoulder and his pecs danced, beckoning her to touch. She smoothed her hands down her dress before she did something stupid. “I’m afraid it’s trashed.”

“What do you mean trashed?” she asked carefully.

He yanked the leather tie that bound his hair and shook it free. She nearly swallowed her tongue and again fought the urge to touch him, to slide her fingers through the shiny mass and comb it away from his face. Damn, she was in a shit load of trouble.

“I mean smashed furniture and holes in the walls. There may even be some singed carpet.” He snorted. “I must admit, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

Her jaw unhinged. “My apartment? You ruined all my stuff?” God she’d never be able to afford to replace everything. Not to mention what her landlord would do to her when she couldn’t pay for the damages. “I don’t look good in stripes and I hate orange!”

He tilted his head and furrowed his brows. “Excuse me?”

She pushed away from the glass and stomped across the room. “Prison stripes. Which is what I’ll be wearing when my landlord gets done with me.” She stopped and faced Crone and Ares. They both stared at her as if she were one card short of a deck. “What?”

Crone folded his arms, covering the view of his firm hard chest.


“You’re a witch, or have you forgotten?” he asked.

“No.” She rubbed her arms to ward off a chill that had nothing to do with the weather. “Don’t be silly. You just took me by surprise is all.” She was so screwed. If either Crone or Ares discovered her power, or lack thereof, who knew what they’d do.