Case of Coaxium Vials

Location: Savareen

Date: 10 BBY

In the early days of what would become the Rebel Alliance, a splinter cell of dissidents struggled to find the resources to mount an effective revolt against the menacing Empire. When the uprising was still in its infancy, it was literally fueled by tiny vials of coaxium such as these. They were easily hidden, yet capable of propelling a small fleet of Rebel starships into hyperspace and thus evading the Empire’s much more powerful fleet.

Hyperfuel such as coaxium is extremely volatile. Found on the ore-rich mining world of Kessel, this raw hypermatter was a constant danger to those both on the surface and beneath it, if the proper storage protocol was not followed to keep it cool and free from agitation. These coaxium vials are perfectly stable, thanks to the technology on the world of Savareen where, along with countless identical vials, they were produced.

In the underworld markets, the sale of just a few hundred milligrams of coaxium could make the seller a millionaire overnight. Those willing to pay such a fee were often dangerous and powerful criminals. While selling hypermatter could bring an individual immense wealth, entire civilizations might well pay a high price for the transaction.

For the Rebel cause, in the time before the Galactic Civil War fully broke out, coaxium was essential. To quote the Cloud-Rider gang leader and rebel Enfys Nest, the hyperfuel was “the blood that brings life to something new.”

Largely thanks to the wiles and courage of Han Solo and Chewbacca, a shipment originally intended for the brutal Crimson Dawn crime syndicate was hijacked and delivered to the fledgling Rebellion. The rest is history.