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Collected by: Dryden Vos
Date: 10 BBY
This mummified hand belonged to the mysterious Lost King of Duro. The macabre artifact was one of the rare antiquities in the extensive collection of the underworld kingpin Dryden Vos. The wealthy leader of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate was extremely proud of his museum-grade collection of strange treasures from across the galaxy. Among his most prized possessions was a near-complete set of Mandalorian armor dating back to the age of the Old Republic; rare animals preserved in suspended animation; and an ark allegedly containing the ashes of Chancellor Contispex I. Yet none of these are as bizarre as this single, shriveled hand.
The Duros are one of the oldest spacefaring species in the galaxy and their exploration efforts were essential to the foundation of the Galactic Republic. The Duros’ royal line is as storied and important as the houses of Alderaan and Corellia in this long-lost era. Members of this humanoid species have a striking appearance: large red eyes, downturned mouths (often mistaken as indicative of disapproval), bulbous heads, and blue-green skin.
The coloration of the hand in Vos’s collection has faded to a sickly brown owing to the preservation process, and the fingernails—now more like claws—are a sickly yellow hue. Yet, the status of the Lost King remains clear from the jewels that decorate each finger—clear evidence of the monarch’s considerable wealth.
On the smallest digit is a locket holding the preserved biological material of the royal bloodline. This cell sample was a valuable means of proving the authenticity of the strange name given to this withered limb.