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Two Beta wolves. That's what they tell me have been makin' livin' in the wilds a nightmare for more than a year. All tries to capture them have been met with maimin' and failure. The subordinate wolves from Aiolos's group have continued to track ’em from a safe distance, but they're afraid to get near ’em. Seems they think I may be able to do somethin' useful. My being a female and an Alpha as they state, bein' a way to bring ’em under control. I don't get it, but Aiolos promises to explain when Kale and Orion get back. In the meantime I’m allowed to have a look 'round and introduce m'self to the group. Aiolos says he has to attend to some other things so I am on my own...
I am aware of my surroundin's like no time before. As I come on one of the tents, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. A warnin'.
Sitting outside is a monster of a man. He is sandin' down what looks like a cradle made from a big hallowed out log piece. He stands as soon as he sees me. Towering well over six foot three, and nearly as wide, his long dark curly hair and beard are adorned with little beads and ties to keep it in check. His skin is deeply tanned around the face and arms. He smiles easily, but has his guard up just like me.
“Silviu.” He points at himself.
“Danny.” I reply.
“My wife inside, name's Crina. She's the one who made that stew you liked so much.” He smiles proudly, openin' the flap to their tent.
“Thank you, it was a great meal.” Cautiously I look into the tent. The floor is covered in blankets and Crina lays on the floor. Her belly swollen to full girth. I am surprised to see a woman in such a state of pregnancy. It had never occurred to me that children were an option. But I guess it's not so farfetched. Everything breeds eventually, right?
“What are you?” It seems like the question to ask, though I could have had a bit more tact.
Crina laughs hard holding her great belly. “I like her, she says what she thinks.” She waves me inside the tent. The space is not very large, but I can’t help feelin' small in it.
“Bears, dear. That's why you feel nervous.”
She answers without my askin'. I'll never get used to that little trick. J.D. was good at readin' my thoughts too. I haven't mastered the knack yet.
“Come sit, I'll tell you how we came to be here, why we stayed. Seems you need convincing of sorts. If you like I have some fresh berries you can have.”
They all have one, I imagine. Stories of how each lived before coming here to the Wilds. I hafta admit I am curious. So I sit and listen to Crina spin her story.
“WE HAVE BEEN HERE ON and off for many years after the escape. You see, Silviu had been born in captivity, and spent many years in a cage. He was a performer for the Romani Circus. They knew what he was, but had broken him down as a child. He had come to California as their captive, just before the water borders closed fifteen years ago. By then he had been living as only his bear for so long there was little man left. I had been living here alone for some time, coming down from the Canada cold country with my mother and brother. But my brother had been killed by a hunter soon after we got here. So I was lonely. I knew what Silviu was as soon as he was driven past me.” Crina looks lovingly and a little sad at Silviu as he comes inside the tent to sit.
They clasp hands as she continues. “I knew I had to get him out, but when I snuck into the tents and found him I never expected him to still be in the cage! I thought it was perhaps a job for him, not his life. Not like that! When I went to him and talked to him, he seemed lost. He lashed out like any animal would. But I kept going back. The night of the New moon I had to stay hidden in the woods, but that was the one night they let him out. I took it as an opportunity. I scent marked a trail and he found me. We disappeared that night and headed for the mountains. At first he was only about trying to mount me, but when the morning came his human form came with it. He was so confused. He didn't know that others existed. He'd been told he was a freak. That only the Romani could take him. Others would kill him on sight. He believed that for so long. But I knew Aiolos, and together we helped Silviu to reconnect with the part of him he had been denied for so long. That is why we tell you this now. So you can remember what's human and what's not. So see, we can live as both. Not all of us stay in the wilds, we are only here for the birth, a Werechild birth to a Were can be difficult and bring the turn. So it's far safer to do the home birth than risk it.”
“So you two live as husband and wife here in California?”
They nod to me with a smile.
“It's a good life, city for days, bears for nights. We own a moderate piece of land next to the mountains. We share it with a couple of Mountain Cats.” Silviu answers standing and bidding me to do so as well. “She needs her rest; the babe comes any day now. Do go and see the others. I suspect that Orion and Kale are back by now. I'll walk you over.”
I follow him out and back into the center of the camp.
“It's easy here because it's small. We are over there, Kale and Orion are at the entrances. They lost their pack to hunters four years ago. They are young but strong. Unfortunately they need a firm hand at times as they tend to lose things and each other. Aiolos and Sybil are here nearer the fire, to protect the inner camp, they run the group for this section of the mountains. Although their leadership is linear. Not like usual wolves. Then there is the community tent where we have our meals. I'm sure you remember it?”
I smile with a nod. “There are just the six of you?”
“We have the Wickett brothers who keep just outside to further patrol. They are the five Coyotes that have been tracking you these past months.”
“I only ever saw three.”
“Yes, that's why they were the ones to do the task. They are crafty men.”
“Sybil and I are the only female wolves?”
“Yes. There have been a few over the years, but you are rare to find as lone. But I'll let Aiolos explain. He's there with Orion and Kale.”
“Thank you.” I smile as I walk away toward my newest excursion into this group of oddities, of which I am becomin' a fast part
“YOU'LL SEE WHAT I MEAN when you meet her.” Aiolos is whisperin', but I can hear him just as well.
“What will we be seein'? I'd like to be part of a talk about me.” I try to tease to break my nervousness around this group. I don’t usually spook so easy. The feeling is not one I want to keep. I am again reminded that they see me as a woman, and that puts me at a level of both advantage and disadvantage. If they see me as a man, little will be kept from me, but as a woman I expect they will constantly become quiet 'round me. Not letting me into the conversation.
“I've just been telling Kale and Orion of your arrival. Boys this is Danny Johnston.”
The two are twins, both about five feet ten inches, their skin and hair are bronze and their eyes a pale green that reflects the light from the sun. I wonder if my blue eyes look like that. They drop their heads toward me and put out their hands. I shake them which seems to startle them both.
“Easy, I don't usually bite.” I smirk.
“We are sorry, for not being here when you awoke.” Kale answers.
“May we inquire something from you?” Orion asks.
“Sure. Why not. Just try to stop askin' like that.” I stand with my arms folded across my chest. The clothes they had given me are a bit too big and I swim in them, making me feel more formless and exposed than usual. Their way of talking for each other is kinda creepy.
“Are you the Danny Johnston? From New Arizona?”
My smile broadens. I can feel the poise return to my stance. “I would be that Danny Johnston. You’ve heard of me all the way out here?”
Orion and Kale look at each other then at Aiolos.
“Forgive me, but we thought Danny Johnston was a man.” Aiolos intervenes as the boys begin to whisper to the same thought.
“Well that would be the general consensus, unless you have had the pleasure of my more intimate company. It's rather simple, I've been posing as a man for several years. It affords me liberties I would not get as a woman. Namely the Bounty Hunter position. Danielle Johnston wasn't going anywhere fast. You understand.”
“So that explains the Alpha Aura.” Aiolos nods. “You've adopted the rank through battle. Yet you do not want to help us as we wish to help you.”
Orion and Kale look at me. If I'd known ’em better I woulda read the look as disappointment. No matter. I am not lookin' to shack up with either of them. I am still technically involved with two people, if they have forgiven me that was.
“Look.” I take a step toward Aiolos, which the twins must take as aggressive, because the next thing I know they are between me and him. I put up my hands respectfully. “I ain't gonna hurt him. If I was I would have long before now and you two couldn't stop me if I was gonna now. So step aside or I break both yer asses.” I snarl. To my surprise they immediately drop their heads and back off out of my way. “Now, I said I wasn't gonna be goin' off to start some new pack with these knuckleheads, but I didn't say I wouldn't help with your other problem. Don't go and be puttin' words in my mouth. Explain this Alpha, Beta Aura shit to me. Cuz I can't fight what I don't understand. Then we need to get me some guns.”