
Chapter 71 Danny


There he is right in front of me. Jimmy Straights. My adrenaline pumps as I kick in the doors to the back room. There had been a couple humans in the hallway, usin’ silver bullets. I caught one just against the side of my arm, and it burned like fuckin’ hell. I didn’t care. Violet was in here, Jimmy was in here, two birds one big fuckin’ stone. I turned the guys in the hall to chum with the big fuckin’ gun. J.D. kept his nose to the ground, having half turned to better find Violet. She’d trained him well and he took us right to ‘em.

Jimmy stands hunched down, blockin’ the view of a cage. But I can hear Violet barely behind him.

“I’m here!” She manages to scream. Jimmy tears open the cage and has her in front of him before I can pull the trigger. I stop, she is stripped. Bloody and bruised. Charlie is bleedin’ out on the floor. Jimmy kicks the cage closed again and I hear the lock slide into place as he snarls.

“Bitch is mine, I’ve marked her. Just like I marked your boy there.”

J.D. takes steps toward him and he puts his claws to Violet’s throat.

“I can finish what I started. If you like.” He smacks Violet’s ass hard, spreading her legs with his knee. I can’t get a clean shot, he uses her body too well as a shield, her head bobbed to one side. She isn’t doing so well. I have to get her out.

“Why don’t you come down here and show me what kind of man you are!” I hope provokin’ him will turn his attention from my girl. “Or do you only get it up for drugged up girls?”

“Put down your guns and I’ll think about not fuckin’ this round ass in front of me.”

Violet lets out a gasp of pain as he grabs her breasts, purging them of their milk. That’s when I see the claw marks on her chest. He or one of them is attemptin’ to turn her.

“Let her go and I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Guns, now or I kill her and the baby.”

Daniel. My attention has been so focused on Violet that I didn’t see the woman who was there go toward the cage.

J.D. is on her in an instant. Rollin’ her down the stairs. I run for Jimmy and he throws Violet to the ground catchin’ me before I can grab him. We tumble down to the hard cement ground. I snarl tryin’ to keep his mouth from my throat. His monstrous form makes him heavy and stronger than I thought he would be. He laughs pinnin’ my shoulders.

“Shaun turned you before you gutted him, which makes you my property!” He thunders pinnin’ my legs before I can wrap them up over his head. He head butts me and everything goes dark.