Chapter 2



The Word of God has to be the foundation of our relationship with God. If we don’t trust the Bible, then we cannot really have any assurance in our relationship with the Lord. Personally, I believe God’s Word is trustworthy, and we can be absolutely assured. I’ve verified this in my life millions of times by experience. But for people who don’t believe in the Word of God, this is the reason that they don’t ever come to a place of declaring, “This is true.”

Our society today has moved away from absolute belief in the Word of God. What’s the result? What has taken its place? Relativism, which is an idea that what is true for you is not necessarily true for me. There are no absolutes. Therefore, it’s politically incorrect in our society for someone to be absolutely sure about anything. To have that attitude today—that there is absolute truth—is looked down upon and considered arrogant.

But the truth is that there are absolutes. God’s Word is Him absolutely speaking to us. That’s why it can give you a confidence and an assurance that is necessary for spiritual maturity. If you’re going to be someone whose interpretation of what is right and wrong changes based on circumstances or what kind of situation you’re in, then you’re like a ship without an anchor. You’re going to float and be driven about and tossed!

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 1:6-8

When you waver in your faith, you’re double-minded. You’re hindered in receiving from God. You must have the Word of God as an anchor in your life!


I’m not going to mention names, but a recent former president of the United States of America—who claimed to be a Christian—was notorious for his sexual immorality. If you’re familiar with the situation, I’m sure you know who I’m talking about. As some of his liberal beliefs were made public, the news media asked him how he could justify his liberal position but claim to be a Bible-believing Christian.

His answer reflected the attitude of many people today. He said that the Bible is God’s Word, but men wrote it based on the circumstances and society they lived in at the time. And all of the values, commandments, and rules about how to conduct oneself are relative to the time. So, because we live in a different time, we have to interpret everything. In other words, he didn’t believe in the infallibility of the Word. Like so many today, this man believed it was outdated, it had to be updated, and it had to relate to our times. That is absolutely wrong!

You may disagree, but before you toss this book aside, let me ask you a question: How does your life and experience compare with mine? I know I’m not the perfect standard, but compare the results you’re getting to mine. At one time in my life I was an absolute introvert. I couldn’t look at a person in the face and talk to them. But now I speak to millions and millions of people over the television, radio, and internet. Also, I used to be terribly fearful and insecure, but that has changed. Now I am a secure person, and I’m not afraid of anything. God changed my life! God has blessed me, and love dominates my life.

A number of years ago, my wife and I were evacuated from our house because of raging wildfires nearby. We live up in the mountains of Colorado, and there was a good chance of me losing my house. But I would tell people, “We got the pictures that can’t be replaced, but all the rest of it is just stuff. It doesn’t matter.” I believed my house would be spared, and during the trial, I refused to be discouraged, beaten down, or worried.


As we were driving away from our house, my wife commented, “We’ve enjoyed these things. And I know we’re blessed and believing for the house to be protected. But if we lost everything, it’s just stuff. It would be fun to start all over and do it again.” I agreed. Where did our stability come from in the midst of this fiery trial? The Word of God. It’s our belief in the Word of God that gives us stability in life.

Would you have had that same attitude?

I’m not trying to brag on myself. I pray you understand what I’m saying. I’m bragging on Jesus and what He’s done in my life. And I’m saying this because I believe His promises and have lived them out multiple times. My life has been changed. I’m secure. I am one happy person. And I’m blessed. Not only have I seen these emotional and mental changes in my life, but I’ve seen people raised from the dead and healed. My own son rose from the dead after being gone for five hours. I’ve seen blind eyes and deaf ears open. I’ve seen people come out of wheelchairs and marriages put back together. I’ve seen people harmonized who were at variance with each other. And it’s all because of the faith that comes through God’s Word!

Now, take what I’m experiencing and put that up against what you’re experiencing. Are you a sick, bitter, poor, afraid, insecure person and yet proclaiming, “I don’t believe in the Word of God; that stuff is foolishness”? Maybe you ought to look at the fruit that your kind of mindset is producing versus somebody who is living a victorious life. Again, I’m not perfect. I’m still growing. I haven’t arrived, but I’ve left. I’m not claiming that everything in my life is the way it should be, but I’m saying it is infinitely better than it used to be. And I’m telling you, the difference is the Word of God!

God’s Word has become more real to me than the word of my father, my mother, my friends, a doctor, a lawyer, politicians, etc. Of course, nearly anybody could say that God’s Word is more secure than a politician’s, but I’m saying that God’s Word has become foundational in my life. Look at the fruit it’s producing!


Some people say, “You just have your head in the sand.” Well then, why don’t you stick your head in the sand too if it’s going to set you free, raise your children from the dead, and bless and prosper you? Get a life! Wise up. Recognize that if what you’re doing isn’t working, then maybe you ought to change. And if what I’m doing is working, then maybe you ought to stop criticizing and come over to my side.

I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just trying to tell you that our society today has become so intellectual and sophisticated that we think someone is absolutely stupid to just believe in the Word of God, use it as their foundation, and base their life on promises that were written thousands of years ago. Well, I’m telling you that I’m one person who has done that. I haven’t done it perfectly, so I may not have perfect results. But to the degree that I have based my life on the Word of God, it’s working. It’s changing me, and it’s setting me free.

You can sit there and argue doctrine. You can show me something you read. You can come at me any way you want to, but you can’t change what has happened in my life. You’re going to have to come out and call me a liar if you contend that what I’m saying about my son being raised from the dead, multiple people being raised from the dead, blind eyes and deaf ears being opened, people coming out of wheelchairs, and my own radical deliverance from fear, shame, embarrassment, hurt, and pain isn’t true. You can sit there and argue with my doctrine all you want, but I’m telling you from personal experience that this is my testimony. My faith and my absolute assurance in God’s Word as being true have revolutionized my life. I credit everything good in my life—my salvation, my deliverance, joy, peace, security, miracles—to God’s Word.

A person with an argument will never win against a person with an experience. You can sit there with your argument, but I’ve experienced God’s Word. It works. It’s real. You’re too late to tell me that God’s Word is wrong, was mistranslated, and doesn’t mean what it says. I’ve lived it. I’ve lived those verses, and now I’m encouraging you!


Your attitude toward the Word of God determines whether you succeed or fail. It really does.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17

If Satan can attack your mind and get you to doubt the accuracy and infallibility of God’s Word, then he can get you to doubt God.