Chapter Five

Meg took a bite of her sandwich and stared off into the distance. Vivi was finally down for the night, and it had been a long one. Her mother had kept her until class was over, and then Meg had gone to pick her up. She went home, fed her dinner and waited for Christian to get back from work. When he finally did, it took them hours to get Vivi to sleep. She wasn't sure, but she had a feeling that her mother had given her chocolate ice cream because she had seen the empty carton in the kitchen. Either that, or her mother had a really big sweet tooth.

“You look exhausted,” Christian said as he walked into the kitchen. He sat down beside her, rubbing her arm.

“I am exhausted. Between school and being a mom, I'm starting to feel a little bit like a failure. Or a zombie. Or maybe a zombie failure.”

Christian chuckled. “You're doing fine. It's hard, and even harder for you. I get to be at work all day, and I know you're struggling with keeping up with your schoolwork and taking care of Vivi. But it's all going to pay off.”

“I know. And I love my daughter more than anything in this world. I wouldn't trade this life for any amount of money.”

Christian leaned over and kissed her. Lately, that was kind of rare, not because he wasn't romantic. He was French, after all. But their time together was limited, usually reserved for late nights when Vivi was either still awake or they were both too tired to even bother with hugs or kisses or anything else.

“I want to ask you something,” Christian said. He seemed a little nervous, and she couldn't imagine why.


“Have you thought anymore about what we talked about a few days ago?”

“You mean getting married?”

“Yes. It's all I've thought about all week.”

She smiled and rubbed her thumb across his cheek. “You're so romantic.”

“I try. I want us to get married, Meg. Make it official.”

“I know. And I want that too. But, right now I couldn't possibly enjoy planning a wedding and all of that.”

“Then we can go to the justice of the peace.”

She stared at him. “Christian, I'm only going to get married one time in my life, and I don't want it to be in front of the justice of the peace.”

“I know, my love. I'm sorry. I just want to be able to tell people that you're my wife.”

“And I want people to know that you're my husband. I realize we did this whole thing out of the traditional order, having a baby first. But I want a special wedding day. I want to do all of the planning with my sister and my mother. I want to pick a dress, a venue, taste test all of the wedding cakes I can get my hands on…”

Christian smiled. “You’re right. All of that is important.”

“Right now, I can't even keep my head on straight between math class and teething. I couldn't possibly enjoy the process of planning a wedding.”

“Then we will wait. When you feel ready, I am here. Always willing. You say the word.”

She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I promise that I will marry you. Just let me get through these next few months of school, and then we’ll start planning. And we will have the most magical day any two people could ever have.”

SuAnn rolled out the dough for the umpteenth time. No matter how many times she followed the recipe, she couldn’t seem to get it just perfect. Although the pie tasted divine, it had to look perfect, like something out of a magazine. She was determined to beat Henrietta Bankston if it was the last thing she did.

“How many more times are you going to bake this pie?” Darcy asked as she walked out of the back room with more cupcakes from the fridge.

“As many times as it takes, I suppose.” She continued staring down at the dough as she carved the thin slices of it to lay over the top in a lattice design.

“What’s the big deal about this contest anyway?” Darcy asked as she pulled herself up onto the counter.

“I told you to quit sitting up there. You’re not a child,” SuAnn scolded. Begrudgingly, Darcy jumped down and leaned against the counter, her arms crossed.

“Fine, Mom,” she said, sarcastically. SuAnn still wasn’t sure she liked Darcy all that much, but she gave as good as she got and was okay with the customers for the most part.

“If I was your mom, I’d teach you better manners,” SuAnn said, looking back down at the dough.

“Is there big prize money or something?”

SuAnn looked up. “You know, I have no idea.”

Darcy chuckled. “Then why all this fuss?”

“Have you ever had an arch nemesis?”

“An arch nemesis? Like in superhero movies?”

SuAnn shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know anything about superheroes. I mean someone who just gets under your skin like a piece of fiberglass insulation and makes you want to rip off your own flesh?”

Darcy shook her head. “You really have a vivid imagination.”

“Surely you have someone who just rubs you the wrong way?”

She nodded. “There was this girl in high school - Elaine Draper. Yuck. She was the senior class president, homecoming queen and every guy’s dream girl. I couldn’t stand her. She was so stuck up, and everything came so easy for her. She started a rumor about me that I stole money from a teacher’s purse, which I didn’t do. I ended up getting suspended from school for the rest of the semester.”

“Wow. Then you get it. Henrietta Bankston is my arch nemesis.”

“Bankston… why does that sound familiar?”

“She’s the mayor’s wife.”

“Oh, that's right. So your arch nemesis is the mayor's wife? Did you get into a fight with her or something?”

“Not exactly. She came in here and was very snotty. I didn't like it.” She looked back down at the dough and groaned under her breath, wadding it up into a ball again.

“So you just didn't like the way she talked to you? And now you want to rip your own skin off?”

“It might sound ridiculous to you, but I don't like being patronized. She thinks she can win this thing, and I'm going to prove her wrong.”

“Does the lady even really care about winning?”

SuAnn stared at her. “She's won the last twelve years in a row.”

Darcy's mouth dropped open. “Yikes. I don't like your chances.”

“You don't know me all that well yet. But, I always get what I want.”

Darcy laughed. “I can see that. Well, for what it's worth, I hope you beat old Henrietta Bankston. And I hope there's big prize money in it for you.”

“Thanks, dear.”

Darcy walked across the room to wipe down one of the tables. “And just so you know, I got my revenge on Elaine Draper.”

SuAnn looked up. “Oh yeah? What did you do?”

“She had this beautiful long hair. Everybody wanted her hair. I may or may not have hidden behind her in the movie theater with a big wad of gum. It was so bad, she had to cut a bunch off,” she said, scrunching her nose.

"You've got to be kidding! You made that poor girl cut her hair?"

Darcy couldn't help but chuckle. “Maybe. She had to cut it really short and looked like a boy at prom. It wasn't pretty. Here she was with her long, flowing pink gown and a super short haircut that looked like she was entering military service.”

“That's terrible!” SuAnn, waving her hand at Darcy as she tried not to laugh. “But I might need your advice on a few things if I can't get this pie to work. Keep that gum handy. Hen has a big bouffant hairdo.”

Darcy nodded and grinned. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve, for sure. You just say the word.”

SuAnn rolled her eyes, but secretly wondered if she might need Darcy’s help after all. It sounded like she was a much better friend than an enemy.

“Come on! Let me do this for you. We’re long overdue for a big party anyway!” Julie said. Dixie rolled her eyes.

“You just love planning shindigs, don’t you?”

Julie smiled. “If it’s for my best friend in the world, yes. We need to celebrate your new marriage!”

“Honey, you don’t have to go to all that trouble. I love you for offering…”

“It’s no trouble. We’ll do it at the inn two weeks from Sunday. That will give Dawson time to get things back in order after the foster kids’ camp. Sound good?”

Dixie shrugged her shoulders and laughed. “Works for me. I just don’t want to be a bother.”

Julie put her hands on Dixie’s shoulders. “You’ve done so much for everyone in this community. Let us be excited and celebrate your new adventure, okay?”

“Fine. Okay. But, please don’t spend a bunch of money. I’m not royalty or anything.”

“Well, you’re our royalty around here. How’s Harry?” Julie asked as she wiped down the counter where they served coffee. A customer had spilled more sugar than they’d used.

“He’s much better. The doc says his ankle is all healed up, and he’s currently down at the storage unit with William. They’re assessing what the boat needs. Harry has some experience in that area.”

“That’s great. Janine told me what William is planning. I never would’ve expected that.”

Dixie sat down at the bistro table with a cup of coffee. “Yeah, me neither. His daddy was big into fishing and boating, but William never seemed like the type to go into it as a career. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of him for trying something new. I sure hope it works out. He’s had a heck of a time finding his place in the world.”

Julie took the used coffee filter out of the machine and dropped it into the trash can before replacing it and starting the machine again. “Yeah, I understand that myself. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.”

Dixie laughed. “Life is all about endings and beginnings. As long as you don’t get stuck on an ending, you’ll do fine.”

Julie sat down. “Maybe I am stuck on an ending.”

“You mean Michael?”

Julie nodded. “Where do I go from here? I just work, play with my grandbaby and date Dawson?”

Dixie looked at her questioningly. “Do you want more?”

“Don’t we all?”

“Sugar, do you want to marry Dawson?”

Julie sighed. “I don’t know. I said I never wanted to get married again. But, I don’t know if I truly meant it. I meant it at the time I said it…”

Dixie reached over and squeezed her hand. “Julie, it’s okay to change your mind. Dawson loves you, and I know he wants a future with you.”

“We’re in a good place right now. There’s no need to rush things.”

“Are you saying that because you think it’s the right thing to say or because you actually feel that way?”

“I have no idea.”

“Do you want to date other people?”

Julie stared at Dixie. She had never even considered that idea, actually. It wasn’t like she got divorced so she could play the field. Her plan had been to stay married to Michael forever, although she was happy that those prayers hadn’t been answered favorably.

“Absolutely not. Dawson is perfect for me. If things don’t work out with him, I’ve lost all hope in love.” She wasn’t joking. Her relationship with Dawson was everything she’d ever dreamed of. All of those years with Michael, she’d thought she had a good marriage. Not perfect, but livable. Adequate. Looking back, she’d been settling for at least the last ten years of their marriage. There was no settling with Dawson. He was a good partner, a wonderful friend and a strong, steady presence in her life.

“Honey, I believe you’re overthinking this whole thing. Look, I said I’d never get married again and now I’m sitting here with a big old gold band on my finger. When love comes along and knocks you right over the head, you can’t help but believe in second chances.”

Julie smiled. “I’m so happy for you and Harry.”

“Don’t change the subject. The question remains - would you marry Dawson if he asked?”


The doorbell chimed just in time to stop Julie from having to answer that question. Miss Bessie, her favorite customer, was being wheeled in by her caregiver.

“Hey there, old lady,” Bessie joked when she saw Dixie. “Where’ve you been?”

Dixie stood up and walked over to hug her. “Oh, I’ve just been doing some traveling with my new husband.”

Bessie’s eyes widened. “You went and got married? You crazy old bat!”

The two women had been friends for ages, and Julie loved to hear them rib each other. “I know, I know. But, he’s a good man. You’ll like him.”

“Oh, you know I’m happy for you, old friend,” Bessie said, squeezing Dixie’s hand.

“Maybe your Prince Charming is out there?” Dixie teased.

“Yeah, well, he can stay out there. I’m too old to put up with any man’s crap!”

Julie couldn’t help but laugh at their conversation. She imagined that she and Janine might have a similar conversation when they aged a few more decades.

“Hey there, pretty lady,” she said as Julie walked over and rubbed her shoulder.

“Good afternoon, Miss Bessie.”

“Tell me something good.” She would always ask this when she saw Julie. It was her “thing”. She said hearing one good thing each day made for a beautiful, happy life. Julie believed her.

Julie sat back down at the table, as did Dixie. “Well, I’m throwing this wonderful woman a big wedding reception in a couple of weeks, and I think that’s pretty dang good! And you’re invited, Miss Bessie. You as well, Amelia,” she said to her caregiver. Amelia smiled.

“Oh, I don’t get out much to parties these days, but that sure is a good thing!”

“What about you, Miss Bessie? What’s your good thing today?”

She smiled slightly. “Well, darlin’, I found out this morning that my grandson is coming to get me.”

“I’m not sure I understand?”

“My grandson, Carl, lives in Tampa. He just retired from being a police officer, and he and his wife are coming to take me to live with them.”

Julie was stunned and a little heartsick. She knew what this meant. Once Bessie left Seagrove, the likelihood of ever seeing her again was minimal. She was in her nineties, after all.

“Oh, wow. Are you happy to be leaving? You grew up here, didn’t you?” Julie asked.

“I sure did. Man, I ran around on these beaches my whole life. Raised my kids here too. But, life takes funny twists and turns sometimes, doesn’t it?”

Dixie smiled. “I sure will miss you.”

Bessie reached out and held her hand. “Honey, I know where I’m going one day, and I know I’ll see you both there.”

“Let’s not talk about things like that,” Julie pleaded, her eyes welling with tears.

“Dying’s all a part of living, honey. Live while you’re young! Do all the things you want to do, especially the ones that scare you half to death!”

Something about what she said resonated deep in Julie’s heart. She literally felt it go through her, like someone had hit her in the chest with a heavy book.

“When do you leave?” Dixie asked.

“End of the week. He’s got a whole apartment set up for me. Amelia’s coming too!”

Julie looked at Amelia. She’d been taking care of Bessie for years, according to Dixie. “Are you excited?”

“I am. I couldn’t bear to leave Miss Bessie’s side. We’ve been together a long time,” she said. Amelia was getting up in age herself, but she was devoted to Bessie. It was heartwarming to see. Julie imagined Carl would end up caring for Amelia at some point too.

“So this is your last visit to our little bookstore?” Julie asked.

Bessie nodded sadly. “I’m afraid so, but I sure will think about y’all every time I get Amelia to read me a book.”

“Well, what kind of book are you looking for today then?” Dixie asked.

“I’d like to get some books about Florida. I need to know all about my new home state,” she said, smiling broadly.

“I think we can help you with that!” Dixie waved her hand, and Amelia followed, pushing Bessie in the wheelchair. As Julie watched them go to the back of the store, it occurred to her just how quickly life could change.

One minute, you think you’re happily married, and your husband comes home and destroys everything.

One minute, your daughter is a college student in France, and the next minute she’s a mother.

One minute, your favorite customer is sitting in front of you, and the next she’s moving to Tampa, and you’ll likely never see her again.

Julie sighed. Life sure could turn on a dime.