This is a story about those of us who have had to confront the ultimate moral quandary: doing what’s right when everything around us seems wrong. For some that’s a once-in-a-lifetime event. For others it’s an everyday occurrence.
In this ancient capital the prospect of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is a very real existential threat. Here the phrase “Never again!” isn’t a political slogan. It’s a way of life. That’s why the scenario at the heart of this story is so frightening—and why those who shared it with me must remain nameless. For their trust, I am grateful.
There are others who helped make this book possible who can be thanked and named. Foremost among them, my mate and muse—to whom this work is dedicated. Thank you, Betsy, for being my most fervent advocate and best friend.
My gratitude to FOX News chairman Roger Ailes, senior vice president Bill Shine, and general counsel Dianne Brandi for making it possible for me to travel the globe in the company of real heroes akin to those in this work of fiction.
Bob Hamer—true friend, fellow Marine, and real “UC”—has “been there, done that.” He and his lovely wife, Debbie, are the reason this story resonates with authenticity. Thankfully, Gary and Kim Terashita reminded us that they are Peter Newman’s best friends.
Robert Barnett and Michael O’Connor—the Williams & Connolly QRF (quick reaction force)—somehow managed to elicit the agreement of “all concerned parties” so we could tell this story without endangering other relationships or ourselves any more than usual. But it really took the help of Marsha Fishbaugh—my loyal assistant for more than a quarter of a century—and her husband, Dave, a fellow Vietnam War vet—to help us meet our deadline for this work.
Thankfully, Louise Burke, Mitchell Ivers, and their team at Simon & Schuster were ready, willing, and able to ensure we could “get it done.” Natasha Simons, Mary McCue, Kevin Smith, Al Madocs, George Turianski, and Aline Pace became “secret agents” to help get this book into your hands.
Duane Ward and his team at Premiere Centre and Sheena Tahilramani have once again stepped into the breach to introduce this story to the widest possible audience at just the right time—without interfering with Josh & Emily’s wedding plans.
And perhaps best of all, every person who buys this book helps support the work of Freedom Alliance, an organization devoted to serving real American Heroes and their family members. A brief description of how Freedom Alliance helps and honors those who have sacrificed so much for all of us is on pages 325–26.
Oliver North
Jerusalem, Israel
4 February 2014