Don’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid.
HOW SHOULD FDA regulate stem-cell therapies? Genetic testing? How can it discourage off-label promotion without violating the First Amendment? How should the interface between patent law and market exclusivity differ for biologics rather than small molecules? These are but a smattering of the new and enduring challenges facing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the agency endeavors to successfully regulate drugs and new technologies in today’s world, and a quick sample of the issues tackled in this book. The book’s contributing authors grapple with a wide range of challenges, from globalization to corporate integrity to personalized medicine to mobile health and beyond. Often they offer competing visions of what success for the agency would look like and the best ways to achieve it.
The basic metrics of success are clear from FDA’s authorizing statute, which focuses on ensuring that drugs and devices are both safe and effective. However, a truly successful agency must balance getting promising products to market quickly against rigorously protecting patients across a product’s entire life cycle, as well as encouraging innovation, ensuring patients have adequate information to make their own decisions, and remaining nimble enough to confront a world that could not even be imagined at the time the agency first ventured down the path of drug regulation.
To understand the magnitude of the challenge before today’s FDA, consider what the world looked like in 1906, the year that Congress passed the original Federal Food and Drugs Act. The Wright Brothers had just invented the first successful airplane, and the globalization of medical technologies was so far off as to be even beyond a pipe dream, although interstate commerce posed many important challenges on its own. Snake oil flourished, and the most fundamental problem was simply making sure that drugs were neither misbranded nor adulterated.
By 1938, when the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was passed requiring that new drug products be demonstrated safe before marketing, the world had already changed dramatically. The United States had been through one world war and stood on the precipice of its second, and the country was reeling from almost a decade of Great Depression. A range of medical advances, particularly the development of new vaccines and contraceptive drugs, had occurred, but we were still fifteen years from Watson and Crick’s description of the structure of the DNA molecule. Patient autonomy was nonexistent, and the concept of patient advocates likely alien. Acute diseases were beginning to be replaced with chronic diseases, and Blue Cross–Blue Shield private, voluntary health insurance plans had just been born. Perhaps most importantly, the idea of blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trials did not really take hold until World War II.
When the next major development in FDA legislation occurred with the Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments in 1962, requiring drug manufacturers to prove effectiveness before marketing, we were still more than a decade away from the launch of Microsoft and Apple, and even further away from the popular uptake of personal computers. The HIV epidemic, which in many ways shaped the modern FDA, was two decades away. When the Hatch-Waxman Act paved the way for generic drugs in 1984, there was still no World Wide Web, no WebMD, and no social media, although patient activism and advocacy had begun to take root. Even by the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act, we were still six years from publication of the complete human genome, seven years from Facebook, and ten years from the iPhone, all massive recent changes that have fundamentally reshaped the landscape for how drugs are developed, marketed, and used—enter personalized medicine; patient-to-patient dialogue and a plethora of inexpert information available about drugs and their benefits, uses, and side effects; viral campaigns for compassionate use; and more.
Today’s FDA is, of course, still concerned with ensuring that our drug supply is not adulterated or misbranded (among its many other portfolios we do not touch on in this book, including food regulation), but its mission is now far more complex, as is the world in which it regulates. We now inhabit a world in which genetic information is available with increasing ease, globalization is a fact of life, and clinical trials have become an industry unto themselves. Mountains of health information are available through electronic health records and other data sources, and patients are active partners in the health care endeavor, with reams of resources available at the swipe of a finger over their smartphones.
Over the past eleven decades, FDA has done a tremendous job of keeping up with the times. Indeed, in a 2010 survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 93 percent of respondents were confident about the safety and effectiveness of drugs and devices approved for use in the United States, and two-thirds agreed that the United States has the highest standards in the world for drug safety and effectiveness (PharmaList 2010). FDA and Congress have consistently worked to ensure that the agency does not stagnate, with progressive movement to regulate biological products, avoid drug abuse, offer information directly to patients, respond to the HIV epidemic, encourage the development of data and products for pediatric and orphan populations, promote clinical trial transparency, prepare for bioterrorism, encourage both innovation and competition, and generally offer flexible paths to approval. On the other hand, the same Pricewaterhouse­Coopers survey found that only 8 percent of drug and device makers believe that FDA is doing enough to advance personalized medicine (PharmaList 2010). And more than half of American consumers would be willing to use drugs and devices approved outside the United States before they were approved by FDA (PharmaList 2010), suggesting that the agency’s standards may be—or at least are perceived to be—overprotective. In many ways, FDA is (understandably) reactionary and cautious, walking the tightrope between speed and safety, with its hands tied behind its back in terms of statutory authority and adequate resources, all while juggling the regulation not only of drugs but also of devices, foods, cosmetics, tobacco, animal products, and more. Can FDA really do it all, and do it well, and how might it best manage the challenges it faces in today’s world? Those are the questions at the heart of this book.
In 2013, we brought together a range of leading academics, government officials, practitioners, and representatives from industry at Harvard Law School for a conference to discuss how FDA is faring in the twenty-first century and, in particular, to assess its greatest challenges, most enduring lessons, and best approaches to modern drug regulation. Ultimately, we asked these experts to evaluate the agency and begin to chart a course for its future. The result of that discussion is memorialized in the twenty-seven chapters that follow, most of which were generated in the context of that 2013 meeting, while a few others were brought into the fray later as we identified important gaps and additional topics. This volume makes no attempt to be comprehensive, however, and there are certainly some gaps remaining. For example, we do not cover pricing, quality system challenges, new approaches to clinical trials, regulatory science, the interface between FDA and other regulatory agencies at the federal and state level, a host of relevant jurisdictional issues, and a variety of other critical topics. Exclusion is no suggestion of unimportance, but simply reflective of reality: there is only so much we can do with one book. The topics we have chosen to cover are themselves critical, and offer important—if selective—insight into FDA’s regulation of drugs and new technologies. Even with this focus, however, several authors have used FDA’s regulation of food to illustrate key concepts.
As a final editorial note, we wish to emphasize that each of these chapters represents a unique perspective, and they sometimes conflict with one another. As editors, we thought it essential to retain that conflict in order to provide a full sense of the range of open issues and diversity of opinion as to how FDA ought to proceed—and diversity of opinion abounds, on everything from whether FDA remains a relevant agency to its approach to corporate bad actors and drug marketing to how best to handle biosimilars and innovative technologies.
Following this introduction, the book begins with a chapter by Peter Barton Hutt, a founding father of modern FDA law without whom no volume like ours could possibly be complete. Hutt’s chapter, “Historical Themes and Developments at FDA Over the Past Fifty Years,” provides an overview of FDA’s history as a regulatory institution that now touches products comprising twenty-five cents out of every dollar spent by U.S. consumers, outlining agency management, rulemaking, use of guidance documents, enforcement, the birth and impact of user fees, and more.
Against this history, the book moves into the present day and the multitude of new challenges facing the agency. The chapters in part 1, “FDA in a Changing World,” provide a high-level review of major developments in the background context against which FDA must now regulate, which have put the agency on the precipice of sweeping change.
The first chapter in this part, “A Global and Innovative Regulatory Environment for the U.S. FDA,” offers an insider’s view from within FDA. Authored by Howard Sklamberg, FDA deputy commissioner for global regulatory operations and policy, and Jennifer Devine, then-FDA associate commissioner for global regulatory operations and policy, the chapter focuses on the way in which the supply chain for therapeutics has become globalized, thrusting FDA into a new world of regulatory challenges. As the authors put it: “Decades ago, it is likely the drugs in your medicine cabinet would have come from a domestic source, but now, the reality is that they could just as easily have been made abroad or contain ingredients or components sourced from abroad.” After describing this phenomenon, the authors turn to how FDA has tried to manage these developments, including through congressional changes to agency authority, partnerships with other national regulators, and additional steps. They also critically assess what further changes are needed.
Lewis Grossman’s chapter, “FDA and the Rise of the Empowered Patient,” examines a different development that has required rethinking FDA’s role: the rise of consumer-directed health care and patient advocacy more generally. After contextualizing this movement in the historical episodes that gave rise to it (e.g., the clash with supporters of the experimental cancer treatment laetrile in the 1970s and AIDS activism of the late 1980s), Grossman explains how the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act of 2012 (FDASIA) represents a further advance in the rise of a patient-centered perspective in the FDA regulatory process. He then examines the challenges and opportunities this may pose going forward.
Next, in “After the FDA: A Twentieth-Century Agency in a Postmodern World,” Theodore Ruger argues that FDA’s historical success in narrow regulatory categories is no longer sufficient—the agency must readjust its regulatory priorities. As he puts it, “the deeper threat to FDA’s role in the regulatory firmament of the twenty-first century is not that it is inadequately performing its core functions in assessing the safety of food and therapeutic products, but rather that this focus on product ‘safety’—at least in the relatively acontextual manner FDA has tended to assess that variable—is increasingly unimportant in a new world of focus on product cost, consumer behavior, and consumption patterns.” Like the other authors in this part, Ruger looks both back—to the successes of what he calls the “FDA century” —and forward—to how FDA could use its existing authority to address the major public health issues of the twenty-first century.
Barbara Evans’s chapter, “The Future of Prospective Medicine Under the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007,” rounds out this part, taking a look at a different challenge and possible future for FDA: prospective medicine. Defining prospective medicine’s key features to be “personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory,” including technologies such as testing gene variants or other biomarkers to identify future health, Evans shows that FDA’s product-focused legal and institutional approach is not well suited for prospective interventions that act on healthy patients over years and decades to prevent disease. She then analyzes how the new powers given to FDA under the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA) might help the agency cope with these new product types and examines how willing FDA will be to make the necessary legal interpretations and implementing steps.
Part 2 of the book, “Preserving Public Trust and Demanding Accountability,” highlights in particular FDA’s role in encouraging transparency, as well as its enforcement approach when wrongdoing occurs. It begins with “Global Trends Toward Transparency in Participant-Level Clinical Trials Data” by Alla Digilova, Rebecca Li, Mark Barnes, and Barbara Bierer, all of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center at Harvard University. This group documents how “the complementary effects of regulatory trends in the United States and Europe, academic journals’ new data disclosure requirements, and voluntary efforts by the industry have led to an unprecedented growth of data-sharing mechanisms within the clinical research enterprise.” The authors then discuss the advantages and risks of this increased transparency and go on to sketch their own version of a well-designed data-sharing model, which, they argue, has more benefits and fewer risks than some of the others currently being proposed or used.
Genevieve Pham-Kanter addresses another area where there has been more emphasis on transparency in the last several years: conflicts of interest. Her chapter, “Conflicts of Interest in FDA Advisory Committees: The Paradox of Multiple Financial Ties,” documents the special rules that govern FDA advisory committee members and their ability to get waivers as to financial conflicts of interest that would otherwise be disqualifying. Pham-Kanter presents data from an empirical study examining the financial interests and voting behavior of all individuals who attended and voted in meetings of advisory committees convened by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research between 1997 and 2011. The study encompasses data on 1,379 unique people who cast at least one vote during the fifteen years. She uses this data set to compare those who had no financial ties to any study sponsor, a single exclusive financial tie to a study sponsor, and multiple nonexclusive ties to study sponsors to produce some intriguing findings.
The next two chapters, Katrice Bridges Copeland’s “The Crime of Being in Charge: Executive Culpability and Collateral Consequences” and Patrick O’Leary’s “Recalibrating Enforcement in the Biomedical Industry: Deterrence and the Primacy of Protecting the Public Health,” focus on the intersection of white-collar criminal liability and FDA regulation. Copeland begins by detailing the history of FDA’s strategy of cooperative enforcement with pharmaceutical companies to avoid the collateral consequences of criminal conviction. Traditionally, FDA has allowed pharmaceutical companies to avoid the “death sentence” of exclusion from federally funded health care programs by entering into “Corporate Integrity Agreements” requiring the companies to pay large fines and enact compliance measures designed to prevent illegal promotional activity from recurring. Copeland then details FDA’s shift in policy in March 2010 to make use of individual misdemeanor prosecutions “to hold responsible corporate officials accountable.” She argues that with this new policy FDA may have overreached, and, “absent a showing of moral blameworthiness on the part of health-care executives who were in charge at the time the misconduct occurred, a period of exclusion longer than the three-year base level for permissive exclusions is a grossly disproportionate remedy.” On this point, O’Leary argues that “prosecutors’ emphasis on ever-larger monetary settlements and Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs) has imposed significant costs on industry without achieving real deterrence, and threats of increased reliance on administrative and criminal sanctions against corporate officers at offending firms have raised practical and philosophical concerns.” But O’Leary does not think FDA needs more enforcement powers to get the job done; instead, he argues for better coordination and alignment of enforcement policies at FDA and other agencies and refocusing enforcement decisions on “the objective of promoting and protecting the public health.”
Part 3, “Protecting the Public Within Constitutional Limits,” offers a debate, of sorts, on the interplay between off-label promotion and the First Amendment. On one side of the debate, Aaron Kesselheim and Michelle Mello’s “Prospects for Regulation of Off-Label Drug Promotion in an Era of Expanding Commercial Speech Protection” begins by reviewing FDA’s traditional attempts to limit the promotion of unapproved (off-label) uses for approved drugs. They then examine the Supreme Court’s commercial speech jurisprudence. The two are tied together in the December 2012 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in United States v. Caronia, which held that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibited the prosecution of a pharmaceutical sales representative caught on tape promoting a drug for conditions not approved by FDA. The authors then recommend several potential pathways that remain open to FDA in prohibiting off-label promotion notwithstanding the court’s decision.
On the same side of the debate, Christopher Robertson’s chapter, “The FDCA as the Test for Truth of Promotional Claims,” argues that the First Amendment challenges identified in the previous chapter and upheld in Caronia have relevance even beyond FDA’s authority to regulate promotional off-label speech. If taken seriously, he argues, these constitutional claims may undermine the FDCA’s foundational requirement for premarket authorization of new drugs itself. This threat motivates Robertson to explore whether FDA regulation of promotion could be reconstructed in a constitutionally sufficient way. Among the ways he proposes doing so is to examine how courts and commentators seem to be presuming the truth about off-label promotional claims and presuming that FDA is motivated by a paternalistic desire to keep that truth out of the hands of consumers, both of which he thinks may be unwarranted presumptions.
The other side of the debate is set forth by Coleen Klasmeier and Martin H. Redish in “Why FDA’s Ban on Off-Label Promotion Violates the First Amendment.” Klasmeier and Redish argue that FDA’s current approach—leaving off-label uses essentially unregulated but making a manufacturer’s “promotion” of an off-label use categorically illegal—amounts to the agency “swimming half way across a river, thereby pleasing no one and avoiding none of [the] quite legitimate concerns.” The authors seek to “establish the unambiguous unconstitutionality of FDA’s current prohibition on off-label promotion as measured by controlling Supreme Court decisions concerning the First Amendment’s protection of commercial speech.” They then seek to buttress this conclusion by formulating “four basic postulates of American constitutional and political theory that, [they] assert, underlie the social contract between citizen and government implicit in a societal commitment to liberal democracy.” These postulates, they claim, make “the ban on manufacturer promotion of off-label use…even more bizarre.”
Part 4 of the book, “Timing Is Everything: Balancing Access and Uncertainty,” examines FDA’s various categories of premarket approval schemes and postmarket surveillance and also puts them in context of how other national and supranational regulators behave. In “Speed Versus Safety in Drug Development,” R. Alta Charo sketches what an ideal pharmaceutical development and regulatory system would look like: it “delivers new drugs or new indications for old drugs in a timely manner, with an assurance of both safety and effectiveness”; “incentivizes innovation, particularly for those medical products that address conditions for which we need options that are more effective, less risky, and more affordable than existing offerings”; and “is capable of self-correction when errors are made” since it can be “more important to build in the capacity to detect and correct inevitable errors than to build a system so chock full of protections that error minimization comes with overwhelming rigidity and stifling regulation.” Charo then examines how FDA historically has managed and currently manages these trade-offs between speed and safety, among other things contrasting FDA with the European Medicines Agency.
Shannon Gibson and Trudo Lemmens’s chapter, “Overcoming ‘Premarket Syndrome’: Promoting Better Postmarket Surveillance in an Evolving Drug-Development Context,” focuses on what they perceive as a regulatory fixation on premarket activities, which they dub “premarket syndrome.” Among the negative consequences of this fixation, they argue, is the conduct of premarket trials under controlled conditions that generally do not reflect how a drug will be used in the real world, the failure to asses whether a drug is actually more effective than existing therapies, the short duration of trials that hide rare or longer-term side effects until after the drug is already widely prescribed, and the frequent prescription of drugs to patients and disease groups never assessed in clinical trials. They examine this “syndrome” in the wake of two more recent developments: the increased interest in developing drugs for niche markets and the recent trend of “drug regulatory systems in various jurisdictions [that] have proposed reforms that move away from the ‘artificial dichotomy’ of the pre- versus postmarket stages,” what they instead refer to as a “life-cycle approach.”
The implications of this life-cycle approach are also front and center in Efthimios Parasidis’s chapter, “FDA’s Public Health Imperative: An Increased Role for Active Postmarket Analysis.” Parasidis argues that in those circumstances when it is within FDA’s authority to do so, the agency should require that sponsors conduct active postmarket analysis for the life of their products. By postmarket analysis he means thorough, timely, and continuous monitoring of risks and benefits in real-world patients. Parasidis argues that this can be accomplished through a combination of health information technology, observational studies, biomedical informatics, and, where appropriate, postmarket clinical trials. While he envisions a role for FDA in “framing postmarket obligations and reviewing the results,” he places primary responsibility on sponsors to conduct and complete these studies.
Part 5 of the book, “Old and New Issues in Drug Regulation,” starts with a historical perspective and then moves on to consider evolving issues in drug-safety communication and the oft-overlooked area of drug manufacture. Daniel Carpenter, Jeremy Greene, and Susan Moffitt’s chapter, “The Drug Efficacy Study and Its Manifold Legacies,” examines FDA’s Drug Efficacy Study Initiative (DESI) and what it can tell us about the future of regulation in this area. DESI occurred as a result of the Kefauver-Harris Amendments passed by Congress in 1962, which (in reaction to the thalidomide tragedy) converted the previous FDA preclearance requirement to an affirmative approval standard and added to the 1938 requirements of safety a criterion of effectiveness. What to do about the more than 4,000 already approved drugs? The National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council were tasked with conducting an efficacy review of products on the market and convened a Policy Advisory Committee of twenty-seven members and twenty-one separate panels of therapeutically specific expertise. The authors tell this remarkable story, discuss the data on its successes and failures, and examine its implications for current FDA policy.
Next, Geoffrey Levitt, in “Drug Safety Communication: The Evolving Environment,” argues that three overlapping trends have caused upheaval in the realm of communicating about the safety of approved drugs: (1) increasing doubts in some quarters about the ability and willingness of regulators and industry to communicate promptly and accurately about drug safety; (2) movements toward greater disclosure of certain kinds of health-related information, in particular the results of clinical research (discussed in greater depth earlier in this book by Digilova et al.), coupled with the ever-increasing ease of access to such information through electronic channels; and (3) the “open-source” or “open-science” movement, which is a broader trend toward increased transparency of scientific and technological information. Levitt sees these as converging to decenter regulators and drug companies from controllers of information and instead requiring them to “contend with a constant flow of safety analyses and communications from a wide variety of independent third parties, often putting them in a reactive or even defensive position.” In this morass he offers a call for new “rules of the road” that will “ensure the quality and integrity of both drug safety information and of the manner in which it is communicated to the various stakeholders who rely on it.”
Next, in “Innovation Policy Failures in the Manufacturing of Drugs,” W. Nicholson Price II examines an area of drug innovation that has been sorely neglected by both academics and policy makers: innovation in manufacturing. He shows that improvements in manufacturing efficiency would not only save the industry between $15 and $90 billion annually but would also improve quality and reduce the number of drug shortages and recalls. He traces the lack of innovation in this space to “the current combination of regulatory barriers to manufacturing innovation and poorly aligned intellectual property incentives,” and he considers several proposals to improve the situation.
Part 6, “Regulatory Exclusivities and the Regulation of Generic Drugs and Biosimilars,” considers some of the ways in which FDA encourages both advancement and competition, as well as some of the pitfalls and implications of the current approach. Kate Greenwood’s chapter, “From ‘Recycled Molecule’ to Orphan Drug: Lessons from Makena,” examines the disputes that have arisen over the Orphan Drug Act’s provision of market exclusivity to so-called recycled molecules—older drugs that may have already been available to patients in compounded or generic form before their designation as “orphan drugs” and approval for marketing as such. Greenwood gives in-depth examination of the controversy surrounding FDA’s action for one such drug, Makena, a recycled molecule that FDA approved for orphan status in 2011 to treat pregnant women at high risk of giving birth prematurely. She argues against amending the Orphan Drug Act to modify the exclusivity period or to allow FDA to take a case-by-case approach to awards of exclusivity and instead argues for providing a formal mechanism through which “patients or others could challenge as inadequate a company’s patient-assistance program or other efforts to ensure that individual patients who cannot afford a drug are nonetheless able to access it.”
In “FDA, Negotiated Rulemaking, and Generics: A Proposal,” Marie Boyd focuses on the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding that state failure-to-warn claims against generic drug manufacturers are preempted. This outcome had the dual effects of eliminating the protections that state tort law can provide consumers of generic drugs through the law’s compensation and information disclosure functions, as well as exposing “a gap in the federal regulation of generic drug labeling in which no manufacturer is responsible for updating the labeling of generic drugs if the corresponding brand-name drug is no longer marketed.” FDA has, in response, published a notice of proposed rulemaking that would permit generic drug manufacturers to update their product labeling in certain circumstances. Boyd argues for a different approach, focused on negotiated rulemaking.
Arti Rai’s chapter, “The ‘Follow-On’ Challenge: Statutory Exclusivities and Patent Dances,” looks at a different aspect of the generic industry, the way in which the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2010 enables or fails to enable what is essentially a generic biologics industry (often called “biosimilars”). Rai contrasts this Act’s provisions with the more familiar Hatch-Waxman Act provisions for small molecules, focusing not only on their differing exclusivity periods but also on “the regimes’ different mechanisms for addressing questions regarding patent validity and infringement.” In the case of biologics, the Act provides what she characterizes as a complex “patent dance” procedure “through which originator and follow-on firms exchange information regarding patents and commercial marketing.” Rai critically examines both of these policy decisions and charts some of the rough seas ahead.
Henry Grabowski and Erika Lietzan give their own take on biologics in their chapter, “FDA Regulation of Biosimilars.” They summarize the experience of industry over the first four years of this regime and its near future, concluding that getting approval for biosimilars requires “a significantly greater investment of time and resources than are required of generic firms,” which—when combined with the low likelihood that biosimilars will be rated as interchangeable with their reference products—will lead to “fewer entrants and a pattern of biosimilar competition that is more likely to resemble branded competition than generic competition for the foreseeable future.” They express some hope that scientific advances could reduce the regulatory costs of “developing biosimilars and allow demonstration of interchangeability through analytical characterization (e.g., ‘fingerprinting’ structural analysis).” The authors also identify a series of “thorny” legal and regulatory issues that still need to be resolved in this space, “including permissible extrapolation of safety and effectiveness from one indication (demonstrated in clinical trials) to other indications (not tested), naming requirements, and the use of bridging studies to justify use of global marketing dossiers.”
Finally, the last part of this book, “FDA’s Role in Regulating New Technologies,” highlights some cutting-edge issues and ideas that are testing the agency’s limits. In “Analog Agency in a Digital World,” Nathan Cortez takes the long and wide view on FDA’s difficulties with emerging technologies, focusing on its regulation of computer software that has culminated recently in its struggles with mobile health devices (the use of iPhones and the like for health purposes). What he finds is the tale “of an old agency applying an old regulatory framework to very new technologies” and unwillingness or inability by Congress or FDA to update the framework. While recognizing that other agencies, such as the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission, have a role to play, this chapter stands as a passionate call for the federal government to stop addressing these questions “under a very old statutory framework” and instead for “Congress to consider a twenty-first-century framework for software devices.”
Striking the same key in a different chord, Margaret Foster Riley’s “Twenty-First-Century Technology with Twentieth-Century Baggage: FDA Regulation of Regenerative Medicine” focuses on FDA’s regulation of therapeutics involving pluripotent stem cells. She first examines how FDA has regulated and proposed to regulate this area and then turns to legal challenges that have been raised to FDA’s authority in this area, including its authority over autologous stem cell treatments, its potential to regulate the “practice of medicine,” and problems involving the commerce clause authority for FDA’s actions when the relevant activities are primarily intrastate. Riley also discusses potential future issues and many of the ethical challenges relating to enhancement technologies.
Elizabeth R. Pike and Kayte Spector-Bagdady turn to a different frontier for FDA regulation, genetic testing, in their chapter, “Device-ive Maneuvers: FDA’s Risk Assessment of Bifurcated Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing.” Using FDA’s confrontation with the company 23andMe as the backdrop, their chapter examines FDA’s challenges in regulating genomic information as a medical device: classifying these products according to levels of risk; implementing standard risk-mitigation strategies; ensuring the safety and effectiveness of genomic information, which requires ensuring analytic and clinical validity; and minimizing risks of disclosure. This chapter proposes a path forward for satisfying these requirements. The authors argue that FDA should require that labs doing this work ensure that genomic information is based on analytically valid genomic data, focus on validating tests for the riskiest types of information, and minimize the risks of disclosure through labeling requirements; moreover, the fact that the most concerning therapeutic actions are taken in response to genomic information provides an additional safety mechanism.
The next chapter offers a new idea, rather than a critique of the agency’s approach to new technologies. In “A New Regulatory Function for E-Prescriptions: Linking FDA to Physicians and Patient Records,” Andrew English, David Rosenberg, and Huaou Yan propose deploying e-prescription functionality to address a different regulatory challenge for FDA: overseeing the postmarket safety and efficacy of medical products. After discussing the postmarket surveillance challenges faced by FDA, covered in greater depth earlier in this book, the authors move to examining how e-prescriptions might help: “by leveraging e-prescriptions, invaluable data about drug and device usage and effects not fully captured by existing systems could be comprehensively obtained and delivered directly to FDA or other regulators. Simultaneously, the same platform could deliver critical warnings regarding drug and device use to practitioners at the very moment they need that information the most.”
Finally, Jonathan Kahn’s chapter, “Race and the FDA,” examines the agency’s “evolving practices with respect to the use of racial and ethnic categories in pharmaceutical research and development” against a backdrop of a richer historical and institutional context of the place of race in medicine. He discusses the way these tendencies are fermented by “a wide array of federal mandates that dictate the characterization and application of genetically based biomedical interventions, such as pharmaceuticals and diagnostic tests, in relation to socially defined categories of race.” That is, in conditioning the awarding of grants and approvals on the collection of data according to the Office of Management and Budget’s race categories, the federal government provides powerful incentives to “introduce race into biomedical contexts, regardless of its relevance.” In this story he sees a troubling through line in which the drive to “regularize” racial categories produces a tendency to geneticize race, and he warns that “in the drive to harmonize international drug development, we must be careful to avoid adopting a harmonized conception of race as genetic.”
Each of the chapters in this book describes, analyzes, and evaluates the myriad new and enduring challenges faced by FDA and offers suggestions—some incremental and some massive—for change. This is not a mere academic exercise but rather one at the heart of our health and health care: How much risk are we willing to accept, how much delay? How will we demand accountability from corporate executives when things go wrong, how much will we allow sales representatives to say? How much will we jam square pegs into round holes, and when will we say, “it’s time to start from scratch”? This isn’t your grandmother’s FDA, but what should the agency’s next generation look like? Read on to find out what some of the leading experts have to say, and then decide for yourself. But one thing is for sure—FDA is constantly moving, constantly changing, constantly working to meet its challenges head-on. Tomorrow’s FDA will not look like today’s, and that is a good thing.
“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”