by Judith Thompson

This play was first performed in London at the Arcola Theatre on 26 October 2010.

A twenty-three year old heavily pregnant SOLDIER from West Virginia tries to defend herself after the world has seen photos of her torturing Iraqi men in Abu Ghraib prison. The character is based on the true story of Lynndie England. This monologue explains the photo of her leading a prisoner around on a dog leash.



We was not entertaining ourselves. We was breaking down the terrorists.

And it worked. We did attain information.

Takin the guy around on a leash?

Well he called me a dog.

Yes he did. Just like all you losers on the net. He knew a little English and he called me a dog so for once in my life I could fuckin give it to him you think I’m a dog? You think I’m a fucking dog you monkey fuckin let’s go for a fuckin walk you wanna go for a walk? And Charley and them is laughing and well, I never got laughs before I am not a funny person, and WOW man, getting laughs is the best high the guys was laughing dudes, they loved it, so they go: ‘Put him on a leash.’ And I do like a sketch, like Saturday Night Live, like ‘Oh my God it’s time to take the dog for a walk… hey Mom? Did you take the dog for a walk? Henry? Henry. Did you walk the dog nobody walked the damn dog I’m walkin’ it. Here dog, ya dirty dog. No treat for you today you been a bad dog.’ And I’m pullin him… I was surprised how different is a human neck from a dog neck. With dogs you can pull and pull and they keep on going not with humans. They necks is soft. And… well… It is a weird feeling – made my breathing go – a little funny. Shallow. My voice kinda got full of breath. And I felt like Alice in Wonderland. Where everything was not real and I could walk out again anytime and what was behind there would stay there.