Publication Details

Julie Chevalier’s ‘This Awful Brew’ was first published in Permission to Lie, Spineless Wonders, Darwin, 2011. Reprinted by permission.


Catherine Cole’s ‘Home’ was first published in Meanjin, volume 69, number 3, Spring 2010.


Deborah FitzGerald’s ‘The Anniversary’ was first published in The 25th UTS Writers’ Anthology: The Life You Chose and That Chose You, Figment Publishing, Sydney, 2011.


Rebecca Giggs’s ‘Blow In’ was first published in Overland 201, Summer 2010.


Rodney Hall’s ‘Silence 1945’ was first published in Good Weekend, Summer Fiction Issue, 8 January 2011. It has since been published under the title ‘Semaphore’ in Silence, Pier 9, Sydney, 2011.


Marion Halligan’s ‘Shooting the Fox’ was first published in Shooting the Fox, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2011. Reprinted by permission.


Sarah Holland-Batt’s ‘Istanbul’ was first published in the Adelaide Review, October 2010.


Nicholas Jose’s ‘What Love Tells Me’ was first published in HEAT 24 New Series: That’s it, for now…, edited by Ivor Indyk, Giramondo, Sydney, 2011.


Sharon Kent’s ‘Jumping for Chicken’ was first published in The 25th UTS Writers’ Anthology: The Life You Chose and That Chose You, Figment Publishing, Sydney, 2011.


Jennifer Mills’s ‘Look Down with Me’ was first published in Bruno’s Song and Other Stories from the Northern Territory, The Northern Territory Writers’ Centre, Darwin, 2011.


Louis Nowra’s ‘The Index Cards’ was first published in MONUMENT, issue 100, December 2010–January 2011.


Mark O’Flynn’s ‘Beneath the Figs’ was first published in Going Down Swinging, issue 30, 2011.


Tim Richards’s ‘(Favoured by) Babies’ was first published in Thought Crimes, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2011.


Kate Rotherham’s ‘Shelter’ was first published in Island, issue 122, Spring 2010.


Gretchen Shirm’s ‘Carrying On’ was first published in Having Cried Wolf, Affirm Press, Melbourne, 2010. Reprinted by permission.


Nick Smith’s ‘Everybody Wins on Kid Planet’ was first published in fourW twenty-one, November 2010.


Miriam Sved’s ‘Matter’ was first published in Meanjin, volume 70, issue 2, June 2011.


Leah Swann’s ‘Street Sweeper’ was first published in Bearings, Affirm Press, Melbourne, 2011. Reprinted by permission.


Chris Womersley’s ‘Where There’s Smoke’ was first published in The Big Issue, no. 388, 30 August 2011.