
“This sucks,” you say. Sunny is walking across the bar with a sweater wrapped around her waist. “We already saw this. What is this, the best of?

“I guess they want to show all the good clips of Sunny and Michelle so we can make a decision and vote.”

“But I wanted to see the Truth or Dare game. Didn’t they say it was going to be on? Why did they cut the Truth or Dare game?”


Michelle is smiling, dancing with a group of guys.


Sunny is making fun of the guy she met in Europe.

You’re not in the mood to watch repeats. Your whole life is about repeats. You can’t believe your roommate didn’t stop you from calling Fuckhead last time…didn’t stop you from getting into a cab and going over to his apartment.

You’re never drinking again.

Okay, not true, you’ll drink again, but you’re pulling out your phone jack before you do. NO MORE DRUNK-DIALING. Ever.

And no more sleeping with Fuckhead.

You need something new in your life. New experiences, new fun, new men.

No repeats.

“Thanks for watching, everyone. Now it’s up to you, the audience,” Howard says, pointing to you, “to decide on the Ultimate Party Girl. You can call 1-800-555-GIRL or e-mail to cast your vote until midnight Tuesday. Votes will be tallied and then announced on next week’s episode, along with the location of the next ultimate party city!”

“Let’s call!” your roommate says.

“Okay,” you say. “Who are we voting for?”