Earthquake Drill

The alarm

is a wave

that knocks us

out of our chairs.

Pencils fly,

papers float in the air,

chairs squeak

as we dive

under our desks.

But nobody is scared.

It’s only a drill.



We are getting used to them.

There were a few small quakes

over the summer,

so school makes us

do drills once a week.

But I don’t like how loud it gets,

the alarm’s bell sound winding up

and down and up again.

We wait until

we’re told

it’s time to go outside.



When we get to the field,

Jordan and the other boys

argue about the World Series.

Jordan used to be my best friend

until our parents got in an argument

that broke everything into pieces,

so it’s different now.

He spends his time with Martin.



Martin thinks the A’s and the Giants

are going to be in it.

A’s in ’89, he says. No one steals

bases like Rickey Henderson.

If I wanted to speak up,

I would tell him no way.

Candy Maldonado is too good in the outfield.

Dad and I always root for the Giants!