Etan! Malia leaps off the stone
and hugs me so hard
it actually hurts.
Lola couldn’t come to the show,
so I wanted to give her
a real concert.
Malia scratches the skin
on her neck
and her arms the whole time.
I can’t help but look.
What are you staring at? She smiles,
punches my shoulder.
Sorry, I say.
It’s okay, Etan, it comes and goes.
I’m really okay right now.
My cousins in the city
said that their whole building
was swaying just like this,
and that EVERYTHING came off their walls.
My parents are working overtime,
my dad is in Santa Cruz,
and my mom is in the city.
They say the hospitals are overflowing,
that lots of people
were hurt in the earthquake.
I look at her, nod,
but I can’t contain it.
My mom is back.
She stops swaying,
stops scratching,
and hugs me tight.
Lola looks over.