I promised Malia a pumpkin.
So right after school
I rush toward Main Street to get one from Mrs. Li.
But on the way, I remember Buddy.
Mrs. Hershkowitz is there, hanging out her third-story window.
Etan! she yells. Etan, ETAN!
I look up, think about telling her I can’t do it today.
ETAN! Buddy needs you. My back is killing me, Etan.
She says my name in every sentence.
Buddy gets inside the basket, his tail wagging
as he’s lowered to me. He jumps up, and I grab the leash.
I get an idea.
Mrs. Hershkowitz? But it’s not loud enough.
I try again. CAN I TAKE BUDDY with me?
She nods, waves, ducks inside.
I can’t wait for Malia to meet Buddy!